
mǎ ròu
  • horse meat;horsemeat;horseflesh
  1. 中国餐桌上每年要吃下50万吨马肉。

    The Chinese chomp half a million tonnes of horseflesh a year .

  2. 士兵们只好吃马肉。

    The soldiers were fain to eat horseflesh .

  3. 牛肉DNA检测时发现诸如汉堡包的一些产品含有多达30%马肉。

    DNA checks on beef have found that some products , including hamburgers , contained as much as 30 percent horse meat .

  4. 这家公司也是停止德国供应商交付的一些产品,因为肉中的DNA发现了马肉的成分。

    It 's also stopping deliveries of some product from German suppliers , because traces of horse DNA were found in the meat .

  5. 这一食品丑闻肇始于今年1月15号,当时在爱尔兰和英国超市销售的冷冻牛肉汉堡中发现了马肉DNA。

    The food scandal began on January 15 when horse DNA was discovered in frozen beef burgers sold in Irish and British supermarkets .

  6. 委员会在一份声明中称:初步检测结果得出一份牛肉产品中确实含有马肉的DNA之后,兰开夏郡议会就已将问题产品撤出这47所学校的食堂。

    In a statement the council said : Lancashire County Council has withdrawn a beef product from 47 school kitchens after it provisionally tested positive for traces of horse DNA .

  7. 本周早些时候,在从爱尔兰的乐购超市、冰岛超市、阿尔迪超市、里德尔超市及邓恩斯超市销售的汉堡中检测出马肉的DNA后,爱尔兰食品监督机构首次发出警报。

    The alert was first raised by Irish food watchdogs earlier this week after horse DNA was found in burgers sold through Tesco , Iceland , Aldi , Lidl and Dunnes in Ireland .

  8. 爱尔兰食品安全局的检测结果显示,供给英国最大连锁超市——乐购超市的汉堡中含有29.1%的马肉DNA,此事随即在消费者与食品标准专家中引发轰动。

    Customers and food standards experts were left reeling after tests by the Foods Safety Authority of Ireland revealed burgers supplied to Tesco - Britain 's biggest supermarket chain - contained 29.1 percent horse DNA .

  9. 兰开夏郡议会自设的实验室已经对样品进行DNA检验,检验的样品由负责管理行业标准的官员采集。初步结果显示,校餐中含有马肉。这些问题食品现已被撤回。

    The council 's own laboratory has been carrying out DNA tests on samples collected by its trading standards officers , and preliminary results show the presence of horse DNA in the school meals , which have been withdrawn .

  10. 爱尔兰政府称,经检测,提供给一家爱尔兰加工厂的“原材料”中含有多达20%的马肉DNA。这家加工厂为乐购超市、阿尔迪超市、里德尔超市和冰岛超市供应汉堡。

    Tests have revealed that ' raw material " supplied to an Irish processing plant , which made burgers for Tesco , Aldi , Lidl and Iceland , contained as much as 20 percent horse DNA , the Irish Government said .

  11. 对汉堡中的马肉味道仍心有余悸的欧洲人,应该关心一下沃尔玛(Walmart)在中国的消费者,他们正面对一场听上去像是一则伊索寓言的食品安全丑闻。

    Europeans still harbouring concerns about a horsey taste in their hamburgers should spare a thought for Walmart customers in China , who are dealing with a food safety scandal that reads like an Aesop fable .

  12. 尽管欧盟对食品药品行业监管严格,但却未能阻止大量食物中使用马肉冒充牛肉,比如烤宽面条、牛肉汉堡,以及宜家(Ikea)的肉丸。

    European horse meat scandal The European Union 's heavily regulated food and drug industries couldn 't keep horse meat , secretly substituted for beef , out of a number of foodstuffs , from lasagna to beef burgers to Ikea 's meatballs .

  13. 俘虏们第一次得到的食品是马肉。

    They were for the first time given horse-flesh to eat .

  14. 这里不长庄稼,所以村民们以驯鹿肉和马肉为食。

    Nothing grows there so people eat reindeer meat and horsemeat .

  15. 有的宗教饮食法律限制进食马肉。

    Some religions have dietary laws that restrict eating horse meat .

  16. 含有马肉的冷冻肉可能将被发放给穷人。

    FROZEN meals containing horsemeat may be given to the needy .

  17. 即使在“马肉风波”之前,也不乏有一些变革出现。

    Even before the horsemeat hoo-ha , there were rumbles of change .

  18. 三号餐其实是马肉老兄你懂的

    The number three is horse meat , okay buddy ?

  19. 这些不是羊,是新鲜的马肉。

    These ain 't sheep . These is fresh nags .

  20. 我可对马肉没兴趣,尤其没兴趣吃自己的马。

    I am not fond of eating horse . Particularly my horse .

  21. 他们被指控把廉价马肉当作冷冻牛肉使用。

    They are accused of disguising cheap horse meat as frozen beef .

  22. 但他们从哪儿搞到那些马肉?

    But where would they get all those horses ?

  23. 经追查这些马肉来自欧洲的几家屠宰场。

    The meat has been traced to European abattoirs .

  24. 马肉的加工工艺及其营养价值

    Processing and the nutritional value of the horse meat

  25. 进食马肉会使你生病?

    Will eating horse meat make you sick ?

  26. 到目前为止,现阶段欧洲马肉丑闻中掺假的肉制品还没有流入美国。

    So far , no contaminated meat in the ongoing European scandal has reached the U.S.

  27. 想知道他们长寿的秘诀?吃马肉!

    Their secret : eating horse meat .

  28. 吃马肉很容易.

    Eating the horses was easy .

  29. 而像是法国、中国和俄罗斯等的国家中进食马肉是常见的。

    In some countries like France , China and Russia , eating horse meat is common .

  30. 毒害婴儿是可怕的,但是让人吃马肉也属于食品造假案例。

    Poisoning babies is horrific , but feeding people horsemeat is still an example of food fraud .