
  • 网络Spanish Ham;Jamon
  1. 一想到伦敦一家商店即将出售的西班牙火腿,英国有花不完的钱的美食家们就垂涎三尺。

    British gourmets with money to burn are licking their lips at the thought of a Spanish ham that has gone on sale this week at shop in London .

  2. Euromania餐的菜单包括几款上面撒着西班牙火腿和调味汁等作料的迷你面包卷,这个菜单不会改动,但在周三实际上每款产品的售价都在一欧元。

    The menu items a mix of mini bread rolls topped with Spanish ham , sauces or other ingredients don 't change , but on those days virtually every item costs 1 euro .

  3. 意大利和西班牙火腿生产技术与金华火腿之对比及其启发

    The Comparison of technology between Jinhua ham , Parma ham , Iberian ham and Serrano ham

  4. 尝尝这里的西班牙火腿或者加有熏培根、面包屑和葡萄的慢煮鸡蛋,再来一杯雪利酒。

    Try the mixed board of Spanish hams or the slow-cooked egg tossed with smoked bacon , breadcrumbs and grapes , chased down with a glass of sherry .

  5. 事实上,对于世界卫生组织竟然将他们的极品火腿与加工香肠、汉堡肉这类廉价商品混为一谈,西班牙火腿生产商的火气可不小。

    Spain 's producers , in fact , took no small measure of umbrage at the World Health Organization 's attempt to lump their luxury ham together with cheaper products like processed sausages and hamburger meat .

  6. 因着对猪肉类产品的热爱与收入的增加,中国人津津有味地进入了伊比利亚火腿的市场,即使他们得为了这些西班牙火腿付出比美国市场还要再稍高的价钱。

    With a passion for pork products , and rising incomes , the Chinese have entered the market for Ib é rico hams with gusto , even while paying slightly more for Spanish ham than prices set for the American market .

  7. 世人对西班牙伊比利亚火腿的追求在今日益发热烈,特别是那些对自家出产的食物有安全顾虑的中国顾客。

    Today , Spain 's Ib é rico hams are increasingly sought after worldwide , particularly among Chinese consumers concerned about the safety of their own homegrown food .

  8. 本文介绍了西班牙伊比利亚火腿的猪种、猪的饲养方式、加工过程、近年来的新发展以及其风味的形成。

    This article introduced the Iberian ham , the breed and rearing method of the pig , manufacturing process , recent developments and the formation of its flavor .

  9. 这个不接受预订的餐馆也是杰森·阿瑟顿开设的。从2012年10月起,它以便宜的小分量菜肴吸引了很多赶时髦的人,比如鹅肝酱伊比利亚猪肉汉堡以及搭配曼彻格奶酪和黑松露的西班牙烤火腿。

    This no-reservations space also from Jason Atherton has been luring the hipster crowd since October 2012 with its spread of pocket-friendly small plates like Iberico pork burger with foie gras as well as a jam ó n " toastie " layered with Manchego cheese and black truffle .

  10. 去年,中国最大的金融和工业集团公司之一复兴国际入股了5J的母公司,5J是西班牙顶级伊比利亚火腿品牌之一,其总部位于哈武戈。

    Last year , Fosun , one of China 's largest financial and industrial conglomerates , bought a stake in the parent company of Cinco Jotas , one of Spain 's top brands of Ib é rico ham , which is based in Jabugo .

  11. 对其他人而言,精品则是一块西班牙依比利火腿。重点就在这里。

    To others , it 's a slice of Iberico ham , and that 's the point .

  12. 葡悦是一个具有创新意识的西班牙精品葡萄酒和西班牙优质伊比利亚火腿服务商。

    PALACIO is an innovative company with an undeniable personality whom presents the extremely elegant wines and the best Iberian Ham from Spain .

  13. 然而,有些矛盾的是,这些火腿吸引中国人的地方,即这些猪在西班牙当地被饲养、屠宰然后进行腌制的方式,恰恰是西班牙火腿制造商和美国之间关系紧张的主要原因。

    Paradoxically , however , the same things that have lured the Chinese about the natural way the pigs here are raised , slaughtered and cured are some of the chief sources of tension between Spain 's producers and the United States .

  14. 西班牙//在安达鲁奇亚(Andalucía),粉刷成白色的村落就像雪利酒和西班牙火腿一样常见,而胡斯卡尔(Juzcar)是其中最出彩的一座村落——按照字面意思是这样。

    SPAIN / / In Andaluc í a , where whitewashed villages are as common as sherry and jamon , J ú zcar stands out -- literally .