
  • 网络Spanish Navy
  1. 救援船只没能如期抵达罗诺克岛的原因之一是1588年西班牙海军对英国的袭击。

    One reason for the delay in getting supplies to Roanoke was the attack of the Spanish Navy against England in 1588 .

  2. 西班牙海军在试图从意大利回收西西里岛和撒丁岛时被法国和英国破坏(1719)。

    The Spanish Navy was destroyed by France and England while attempting to recover Sicily and Sardinia from Italy ( 1719 ) .

  3. 在他在等待回复的同时,西班牙海军正试图冲出圣地亚哥海港。

    While he waited for an answer , the Spanish naval force tried to break out of Santiago Harbor .