
  • a private television station
  1. 据一家私人电视台报道,有数百人参加了加齐的葬礼。

    Hundreds of people Thursday attended the Ghazi 's funeral , private TV channels reported .

  2. 而他推广的,则是开明现代化。他解放媒体,开放新的私人电视台,允许女性新闻主播出现,还同意电视台可以播出跳舞的节目。

    He opened up our media , allowing new private TV channels and female newsreaders , as well as showing dancing on television .

  3. 学校里几位女同学受开伯尔电视频道采访——这是唯一一家普什图人拥有的私人电视台——谈论关于女孩们因为武装分子的威胁而辍学的事情。

    A group of us girls gave an interview on ATV Khyber , the only privately owned Pashto television channel , about girls dropping out of school due to militancy .

  4. 主办者称这种比赛在欧洲还是第一次,私人的LNK电视台将对此进行直播。

    The competition , which organizers said was the first of its kind in Europe , will be shown live on the private LNK TV .