
měi ɡuānɡ dēnɡ
  • magnesium lamp;bulb flash light
  1. 特别是经常中性打扮的ELLA,背部别有风光,不但成为镁光灯的焦点,更荣膺公主第一名。

    Specially frequently neutral appearance 's ELLA , the back the scenery , not only becomes magnesium lamp 's focal point , receives princess first .

  2. 对戏剧的喜爱,使张克士找到了自己的人生目标,每当他站在镁光灯下,总有许多的情感要表达。

    Every time when he stands under the magnesium lamp , he becomes eager to express lots of feelings .

  3. 电视镁光灯的强光让他直眨眼睛,他努力不让自己的恼怒表现出来。

    He tried not to let his irritation show as he blinked in the glare of the television lights .

  4. 你镁光灯下的脸庞是我想亲吻的世界。

    What I wanna kiss is your face under the flash bulb .

  5. 他们让你的名字、你的脸时刻聚在镁光灯下。

    They keep your name - and your face - in the spotlight .

  6. 时间一下变的缓慢,我感觉到身边无数的镁光灯急速闪烁。

    Time to change slowly , I feel that the spotlight around countless blinking rapidly .

  7. 来自于媒体的压力令人窒息,而且他(她)们必须生活在镁光灯下,没有隐私。

    The pressure from the media is intense and there is little privacy out of the spotlight .

  8. 镁光灯一闪的瞬息,柯林斯本能地躲到了门后。

    Acting on instinct , Collins ducked behind the door , just as the strobe flash went off .

  9. 他们矗立在镁光灯下,即使他们浑身上下都告诉他们说不要这样。

    And they all took the spotlight , even though every bone in their bodies was telling them not to .

  10. 而且,并不是自身天分引导他们脱离学校,站在镁光灯下,一步步从无名小卒熬成银幕大腕的。

    Most were not plucked from obscurity , forced to abandon instruction and thrust into the limelight by their astounding talent .

  11. 所以程菲&那个脸嘟嘟的、喜欢读军事类书籍的小姑娘,似乎并不想成为媒体记者的焦点,选择生活在镁光灯下的职业。

    And Cheng , puffy-cheeked with a penchant for reading military books , seems unlikely to pursue a career in the limelight .

  12. 每当传媒谈及这议题,中国和印度这两个人口大国,都会被置于镁光灯之下。

    Whenever the media talks about population , China and India are usually the first two countries mentioned because of their large populations .

  13. 那时,戴安娜似乎被这些镁光灯吓到了,显得沉默寡言。相比之下,米德尔顿在镜头面前则看起来很自在。

    At that time , Diana seemed frightened of the limelight and withdrawn ; by contrast , Middleton seemed at ease in front of the cameras .

  14. 我是有童年的,而我也可以在镁光灯照不到的、属于我的世界里犯错和做我自己。

    But I had a childhood , and I was allowed to make mistakes and find my own way in the world without the glare of the spotlight .

  15. 我们正在谈论的人很强大,康纳说,一些人只有微小的力量,一些人生活在镁光灯下,引人注目。

    ' We are talking about people who are powerful , ' Conner said . ' People who have very delicate power , people who are in the limelight .

  16. 凭借出演哈利波特系列电影走红的小童星,自小就生活在镁光灯下的艾玛沃特森还要经常向别人证明她已经完全长大了。

    Having growing up in the spotlight as a child star of Harry Potter , Emma Watson often had to fight to convince people she 's all grown up .

  17. 有意成为影坛新秀的用户可以通过这款应用购买虚拟的发型、妆容或小宠物,并接受卡戴珊的指导——在镁光灯下怎么表现。

    Would-be starlets can buy virtual haircuts , makeovers or kittens as they make their way up the celebrity rankings , with Ms Kardashian acting as their guide to life in the limelight .

  18. 虽然他信声称希望退休,但作为一个无可救药的、最喜欢抛头露面的政客,他根本无意退到镁光灯背后。

    Though he claims to want to retire , Mr Thaksin , an incorrigible politician never happier than in front of a crowd , has no intention of stepping back from the limelight .

  19. 而且有时候,老爷子在保持自己远离镁光灯对自己的家族产业也有不好的地方,因为他的名字对局外人来说什么都不是。

    And sometimes the Don 's success in keeping himself out of the limelight worked to the disadvantage of the family business , in that his name did not mean anything to outside circles .

  20. 她是几年前《星际迷航》里史波克的妈妈,在《黑天鹅》中她表演出色,饰演一位被娜塔莉•波特曼抢去了镁光灯的过气芭蕾舞演员。

    She was Spock 's mom in Star Trekthree years ago , and she gave a great performance in Black Swan , as the washed-up ballerina nudged out of the spotlight by Natalie Portman .

  21. 数十年内,围绕伦敦编就的蹩脚小说层出不穷,风流传奇泛滥成灾,但伦敦本身真正重回到镁光灯下,还是在20世纪80年代这座城市重振旗鼓之后。

    Across the decades the capital has inspired potboilers and sizzling romances , but it was not until the 1980s , when London was booming again , that the city itself returned to centre stage .

  22. 包括记者、编辑及制作团队在内,全体工作人员走出位在东伦敦的办公处,他们排好队伍,让来自世界各地的镁光灯捕捉这历史性的画面。

    Reporters , editors and production staff walked out of the building in east London en masse ( 2 ), and lined up before the world 's cameras waiting to capture a piece of media history .

  23. 不过有时间双方都会有些过头了。大众总是会忍不住想看明星惨不忍睹需要躲避镁光灯的照片,这才有看点。

    While at times both parties may go a little overboard , one can 't help but love the breaking point for a celebrity when they just can 't take it another second and need to shield their faces from the flash bulbs .

  24. 此举或许也能让马莉娅的大一生涯少一些遭到放大检视;在白宫生活期间,她的双亲已份外留意使她不要置身镁光灯下,也希望她在成为大学生之后能免于这类关注。

    It may also yield a less scrutinized freshman-year experience for Malia , whose parents have worked vigilantly to keep her out of the public eye during her years in the White House and hope to shield her from such attention as a college student .