
bō li píng
  • Glass bottles;ampulla
玻璃瓶[bō li píng]
  1. 他用软木塞塞住玻璃瓶。

    He stopped the glass bottle with a cork .

  2. 我拿葫芦去换了一支玻璃瓶。

    I changed the gourd for a glass bottle .

  3. 加重的玻璃瓶几乎沉到了海底,然后缓慢地移动了108年138天。

    The weighted glass bottle sank almost to the sea floor , and then it moved slowly for 108 years and 138 days .

  4. 作者用Visualc++较成功地实现玻璃瓶裂纹的检测。

    This system realizes detecting the crack of bottles with Visual C + + .

  5. 小口玻璃瓶吹-吹法模具CAD

    The mould CAD of narrow mouth container shaped with blow & blow method

  6. 玻璃瓶模具CAD系统主模具的开发

    Developing the main mould of glass bottle by a computer aided design system

  7. 基于BP神经网络的玻璃瓶裂纹检测模型

    Crack Detection Model of Glass Bottles Based on BP Artificial Neural Network

  8. PLC在玻璃瓶托盘包装控制系统中的应用

    Application of PLC to Control Systems in Stack Packing for Glass Bottles

  9. 玻璃瓶型CAD系统的研究

    Study on the CAD System of Glass Bottle

  10. 玻璃瓶模具CAD的智能瓶形设计

    An intelligent bottle - shaped designing method of computer aided design for glass bottle mould

  11. 玻璃瓶样CAD系统研制

    A CAD System for Glass Bottle

  12. 介绍了行列式制瓶机玻璃瓶模具CAD系统(GBMCAD)的开发。

    This paper introduced the development of the CAD system of glass bottle mould for I. S. Machine .

  13. 目的研究非PVC多层共挤膜输液袋及玻璃瓶与大容量注射剂的相容性。

    Objective To study Non-PVC officinal compounding velamen and glass bottle with transfuse of compatibility .

  14. 方法:采用HPLC法对硝酸异山梨酯在玻璃瓶、塑料输液袋及输液管中的含量变化进行了研究,并且比较了不同的温度对其吸附程度的影响。

    Methods : Concentrations of isosorbide dinitrate were determined in different vessels and at different temperatures by HPLC method .

  15. 这一领域的主要趋势是从二个部件式转向为一个部件式,动力来自于玻璃瓶被PET瓶取代。

    The major trend in this sector is the move from two-piece to one-piece closures driven by the replacement of glass bottles by PET .

  16. 根据BBC的报导,俱乐部里满地都是啤酒和碎玻璃瓶。

    Beer and smashed glass bottles littered the floor , according to the BBC 。

  17. 本文论述了PEN/PET共混物(或共聚物)取代啤酒玻璃瓶的思路。

    This paper relates that the thoughts of the compound of PEN and PEN / PET replaces beer glass bottle by polyester one .

  18. 放置~3H、~(14)C溶液和闪烁体的瓶子是半球形的石英瓶或低钾玻璃瓶,底部直接耦合到光电倍增管的阴极上。

    The vessel filled with 3H , 14C solution and scintillator is a hemispherical quartz or low-potassium glass vial , the bottom of which is coupled to the cathod of phototube directly .

  19. 方法按生产工艺配制碳酸氢钠注射液,分装于非PVC多层共挤输液袋中,检测各项指标,并与玻璃瓶进行比较。

    METHODS Preparing sodium bicarbonate injection by the production process , filling into multi-layer co-extrusion films used for infusion , then checking the index and comparing with glass container .

  20. 目的考察注射用头孢噻肟钠在聚氯乙烯(PVC)输液袋、聚丙烯(PP)塑料输液瓶、非聚氯乙烯(NPVC)多层共挤膜输液袋及玻璃瓶包装输液中的稳定性差异。

    OBJECTIVE : To observe the stability of cefotaxime sodium for injection in PVC infusion bags , PP plastic infusion bottle , non-PVC multilayer polymer infusion bags and glass bottles .

  21. 贮存AEW最好用玻璃瓶或塑料瓶,密封避光保存。

    AEW had better be stored in glass or plastic bottles with airtight and light-free .

  22. 建立了玻璃瓶样设计的造型模型,利用参数化圆弧光滑连接曲线和Bezier曲线构造瓶体外轮廓。

    The modeling model for glass bottle was proposed . The parametric smooth curve of circle arc and Bezier curve were utilited to form the bottle contour .

  23. 美国护肤品牌SukiPure使用再生玻璃瓶,并且标签全部在当地用蔬菜染料印刷,以避免墨水进入江河和饮用水源。

    American skincare brand Suki Pure uses recycled glass jars with labels printed locally in vegetable dyes - to prevent ink from entering rivers and drinking water .

  24. 使用特制的玻璃瓶采集水样,真空脱气率大于98%,经净化析出He和Ne送质谱计测量。

    The special glass bottles were used to sample the water , and the rate of vacuum degassing is higher than 98 % , the He and Ne purified out were measured in mass spectrometer .

  25. 方法将重组人干扰素α2b原液进行稀释,调整pH和渗透压,加入适宜稳定剂,除菌过滤后分装于带有定量喷雾装置的棕色玻璃瓶。

    Methods Dilute the bulk of recombinant human interferon α 2b , adjust pH and osmotic pressure , add a suitable preservative , sterilize by filtration and distribute into brown glass bottle with a device for quantitatively spraying .

  26. 在检测算法开发中,针对在线的玻璃瓶定位与获取,采用了基于界定搜索范围的OTSU算法,大大地提高了实时处理速度;

    During the development of techniques , OTSU algorithm based on given searching region is applied for orientation of medical bottle so that the processing can be advanced rapidly .

  27. 德国Oberland玻璃瓶生产

    Production of Oberland Glass Bottles in Germany

  28. DeirdreImus:婴儿用的瓶子也非常重要。玻璃瓶是婴儿用瓶的最佳选择。

    D.I. : Well , the baby bottles are big thing too , glass bottles are the gold standard for baby bottles .

  29. 目前,FCB合金在国外已成功的应用于一些热作模具如轧辊、玻璃瓶模具、铸铝和铸镁模具以及耐磨备件如泥浆泵叶轮等。

    The alloys have been successfully applied to produce dies , such as mill roller , glass mould , casting mould for aluminum and magnesium components , and other wear-resistant components , such as slurry impeller .

  30. 41岁的NicolaMacFarlan和4岁的女儿Lucy来自爱丁堡附近波多贝罗,当时她们正在清洁波多贝罗海滩,突然发现这个藏在沙子里的玻璃瓶,瓶子里装有一封中文写的信。

    Nicola MacFarlane , 41 , and daughter Lucy , four , from Portobello , near Edinburgh , were scouring Portobello Beach when they came across an old glass bottle sticking out of the sand containing a note inside written in Mandarin .