
ɡǒu zǎi duì
  • paparazzo;dog packs
  1. 这种小聚会的势头一直延续到2013年,为四处寻觅猛料的狗仔队和明星八卦专栏提供了更多素材。

    The after-party continues to thrive in 2013 , providing yet more fodder4 for hungry paparazzi and celebrity gossip columns .

  2. 近来,受狗仔队强力追捧的皮帕·米德尔顿俨然已经成为全球名人。

    Paparazzi favorite Pippa Middleton is already a global celebrity .

  3. 吃瓜群众狗仔队指的是把有价值的或者让人吃惊的明星照片拍摄下来的人们,尤其是他们还要把这些照片发到网上。

    Peoplerazzi refers to people who take pictures of celebrities in situations that are newsworthy or shocking , particularly to post those pictures online .

  4. 明显能看到乔治娅的肚子隆起,狗仔队都能清楚地拍到,他们说其他的都已经是往事了。

    Georgia 's BB bump was on full display , the paps were able to snap a clear pic of it , and the rest , as they say , is history .

  5. 为了保护用户免受恶劣天气(和狗仔队)的侵袭,VIP伞(69欧元)的特色是一张深深的钟形伞盖。

    For protection from the elements ( and paparazzi ), the VIP ( 690 euros ) features a deep bell-shaped canopy .

  6. 《Chi》还宣布将在周一刊登26幅照片,这些照片都是狗仔队在数百米外通过长焦镜头拍摄的。

    Chi says it will publish 26 pages of the images taken with a long lens from hundreds of meters away on Monday .

  7. 然而,洛杉矶高等法院法官ThomasRobinson称该州的反狗仔队法中存在不确定的和过度兼容性的内容,从而驳回了对Reaf的指控。

    Dismissing the charges , Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Thomas Robinson called the state 's anti-paparazzi law problematic and overly inclusive .

  8. 就在狗仔队的闪光灯闪烁的几秒内,Chuck和Blair的爱情故事反转成了一个悲剧。

    In just a few seconds with the flash of a camera , Chuck and Blairs love story took a turn for the absolute worst .

  9. 然而,洛杉矶高等法院法官ThomasRobinson称该州的反狗仔队法中存在“不确定的”和“过度兼容性”的内容,从而驳回了对Reaf的指控。

    Dismissing the charges , Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Thomas Robinson called the state 's anti-paparazzi law " problematic " and " overly inclusive . "

  10. 在本周的早些时候,这位73岁退休灯光师,在被配合狗仔队拍照的负面新闻缠身以及错过女儿婚礼之后,接受PiersMorgan的独家采访,想要“澄清一切”。

    The retired lighting director , 73 , decided to speak exclusively to Piers Morgan earlier this week to ' set the recod straight ' after negative press surrounding staged paparazzi photos and missing the royal wedding .

  11. Dan承认了自己还爱着Blair,想要打电话告诉她,但是Blair正好在找一个能够躲避狗仔队的地方,于是寂寞男孩布鲁克林的阁楼似乎就成了最佳地点。

    Dan admitted that he still loves Blair and called her to tell her , but Blair was looking for a place to escape the paparazzi and Lonely Boys Brooklyn loft seemed like the best place to do so .

  12. 12月1日,维多利亚·贝克汉姆(VictoriaBeckha)携爱女“小七”哈珀(Harper)乘飞机回到洛杉矶,在机场遭遇狗仔队疯狂追拍,两人可谓从机场出口一路“挤”到了车辆接送处。

    Attempting to make it out to their car , Victoria Beckham and her daughter , Harper , squeezed through the mob of paparazzi after arriving at LAX airport in Los Angeles on Saturday ( December 1 ) .

  13. 狗仔队曾频频拍到两人约会的照片,其中一张上,抖森还身穿印着“我爱TS”的T恤。而这些照片也引来各方严密审视,有人甚至质疑他们到底是真在恋爱还是在“作秀”。

    The flurry of paparazzi snaps of the pair together - including one of Hiddleston wearing an " I heart TS " t-shirt - drew intense scrutiny , with some even questioning whether it was a real romance or a " showmance . "

  14. Jezebel网站的莎蒂•施泰因认为“孕相观察”一词首次出现在不久后的2004年,当时狗仔队仔细观察名人们的腹部,并以此作为怀孕的证据。

    Jezebel 's Sadie Stein places the origins of " bump watch " not long after , in 2004 , as the * paparazzi scanned the stomachs of celebrities for evidence of a developing child .

  15. 事情进展得很顺利,一旦Kira撤走他的狗仔队,ōishi就无人监视了,一切只待时机成熟……

    Things were going pretty smoothly and , once Kira sent his army away and ō ishi was no longer being spied on , it was all a matter of waiting for the opportune time ...

  16. 狗仔队抓住妈妈琳枪玩布兰妮的儿子西恩和杰,杰米林恩的女儿在一个游泳池Maddi在达拉斯,德克萨斯周二下午。

    Paparazzi caught mama Lynne Spears playing with Britney 's sons Sean and Jayden , and Jamie Lynn 's daughter Maddi at a pool in Dallas , Texas Tuesday afternoon .

  17. 早前,贾斯汀·比伯驾车在最高时速为65英里的公路上开到了时速80英里,随后被警察拦下。他告诉警察,自己是因为被狗仔队骚扰被迫超速的。警方称当时也注意到Raef的车确实跟在比伯之后。

    Bieber , who was pulled over by police for driving 80 miles per hour in a 65 mph zone , told officers at the time that he was being hounded by paparazzi , and police said they noticed Raef 's car following the " Boyfriend " singer .

  18. 不,我不是狗仔队。

    No , I 'm not at the damn dog track .

  19. 让我们惊异的是,居然他只不过是一个狗仔队。

    Makes you wonder what he was doing being a stalkerazzi .

  20. 当地的狗仔队四处跟踪这个电影明星。对么?

    The local paparazzi are following this movie star everywhere .

  21. 狗仔队聚集在奥斯卡颁奖典礼场外。

    Paparazzi were out in force at the Oscar Awards .

  22. 狗仔队拍下了他们在世界各地度假的照片。

    paparazzi Paparazzi took photos of them on vacations around the world .

  23. 是吗,大多数狗仔队都换着明星追

    Oh , really ? Most paparazzi jump from celebrity to celebrity ,

  24. 安迪:波波,听上去你真是一个狗仔队。

    Andy : Sound like you are a real paparazzo .

  25. 一点隐私也没有,狗仔队记录着她生活的方方面面

    Complete access . The paparazzi chronicle every aspect of her life .

  26. 真不知道这个被狗仔队发现会怎么样。

    Can 't wait until that hits the tabloids .

  27. 如果公众对明星们的八卦消息没有丝毫的兴趣,那么狗仔队便不会产生。

    There wouldn 't be any paparazzi without a demand for celebrity gossip .

  28. 记者和狗仔队已经闻风而动涌去她家了

    Reporters and paparazzi are all over her house .

  29. 面对无所不在的香港狗仔队,全智贤除了澄清,还有什么办法?

    Facing the immanence HK reporters , what can she do without clarify ?

  30. 狗仔队总是试图拍下影视明星的日常生活。

    Paparazzi always try to catch movie stars on camera during their everyday life .