
ɡǒu ròu
  • dog meat
  1. 动物权利保护团体对韩国司法部的这项修正案表示欢迎,同时呼吁对虐待动物行为实施更严厉的处罚,并推行狗肉禁令。

    Animal rights groups welcomed the justice ministry 's plan while also calling for stricter penalties for animal abuse and a ban on dog meat .

  2. 楚国,有一个人煮好了猴子肉,邀请邻居一起来吃,并且告诉他说:“这是狗肉。”

    In the State of Chu a man cooked some monkey meat and invited his neighbour to eat it with him . He told his neighbour : " This is dog meat . "

  3. 挂羊头卖狗肉是他们的惯技。

    To sell horse meat as beefsteak is their usual practice .

  4. 饭后,邻居听说吃的并不是狗肉而是猴肉,便觉得恶心难受,蹲在地下哇哇直吐,直到把吃进去的东西全部吐出来为止。

    After the meal , when the neighbour heard that what he had eaten was monkey meat instead of dog meat , he felt nauseated1 . He squatted2 on his heels and burst out vomitting till he threw up everything he had eaten .

  5. 中国实时报(ChinaRealTime)未能找到一位狗肉市场的专家来证实狗肉价格是否已创纪录新高。

    China Real Time was unable to find a dog market expert to confirm whether a new record had been set .

  6. 总部驻香港的亚洲动物基金(AnimalsAsia)开展了一项为期四年的研究,对狗肉交易商组成的网络做了记载。这些狗肉交易商将走失或失窃的宠物运往中国的东北、华中和华南——特别是在狗肉受欢迎的冬季。

    A four-year study by Hong Kong-based group Animals Asia documented networks of dog traders that bring strays or stolen pets to northeast , central and southern China , especially during the winter months when dog meat is popular .

  7. =BBQ烤肉,也拼做barbeque或Bar-B-Q。而此处的barbecuing是动名词用法韩国人会烤狗肉吃是真的吗?

    barbecue ( v. ) Is it true that Koreans barbecue dogs ?

  8. LenardWilkins,参与狗肉美食节的一位市议会的前辈级人物。

    Lenard Wilkins , an elder member of the city council was also in attendance .

  9. 餐馆的菜单罗列了各种滑稽的、带有种族歧视意味的菜名,包括“非狗肉大杂烩”和“普林斯顿评论豆酱面”。在《纽约时报》的食评文章里,作者山姆·西弗敦(SamSifton)惋惜地写道:

    The restaurant 's menu included facetiously racist items , including an " Everything but the Dog Meat Plate " and " Princeton Review Bean Paste Noodles . " In the write-up , Sam Sifton lamented that

  10. Grace一直躲在车里,而Lucy从未让我忘记她踏进小红狗肉馆看到的第一幕,一口满是炖狗蹄的大锅。

    Grace hid in the car the whole time and Lucy has never let me forget that the first thing she saw , upon entering Xiao Hong 's dog diner , was a wok full of simmering puppy paws .

  11. 狐狸肉从不出现在餐桌上,狗肉也是如此。

    Fox never appears on our dinner tables , nor dog .

  12. 龟汁狗肉软罐头加工技术

    Process of Canned Soft Package of Tortoise Soup Flavoured Dog Meat

  13. 啊!你不知道如何吃狗肉。

    Wow ! You do know how eat dog meat .

  14. 堪萨斯镇举办第21届欧弗布鲁克狗肉美食节

    Kansas Town Hosting 21st Annual Overbrook Gourmet Dog Meat Festival

  15. 在中国有些地方,狗肉是美食。

    There are parts of China where dog meat is a delicacy .

  16. 并且根据记录,很多中国人根本就不吃狗肉!

    And for the record , many Chinese NEVER eat dog meat !

  17. 地理课本上写说他们吃狗肉。

    I know they eat dogs from my geography book .

  18. 善待动物组织计划在下一年的狗肉节上派出督察员。

    PETA has stated plans to picket next years dog meat event .

  19. 她从不吃狗肉并待狗如子。

    She never eats dog meat and treats Dou-dou like her child .

  20. 狗肉和荔枝都被认为是温的。

    Both dog meat and lychees are seen as warming .

  21. 宠物食品公司停止使用狗肉与猫肉

    Pet Food Firm Stops Using Dog and Cat Meat

  22. 希兹达尔的厨子烹制了狗肉四吃。

    Hizdahr 's cooks prepared dog four different ways .

  23. 在中国,狗肉被视为冬季大补。

    In China , dog meat is prized as a nutritious wintertime dish .

  24. 东北地区狗肉旋毛虫无害处理的试验报告

    Harmless Processing Test of Dog Meat with Trichinella Spiralis in the Northeast Regions

  25. 他们“挂羊头卖狗肉”,直到接近到可以发动攻击。

    They sailed under false colors until they were close enough to attack .

  26. 狗肉肌肉蛋白质胶凝化特性的研究

    Study on Gelling Characters of Muscle Proteins of Dog-meat

  27. 狗肉软包装制品加工技术研究

    Studies on Processing Technique of Retort Pouch Dog Meat

  28. 我不喜欢吃蛇或狗肉做的菜。

    I 'm afraid I don 't like snake dishes or dog meat .

  29. 如果你不吃狗肉,为什么要吃猪肉?

    If you wouldn 't eat a dog , why eat a pig ?

  30. 他又给你吃狗肉?

    He 's serving you dog stew again ?