
fān qié jiànɡ
  • ketchup;tomato paste;tomato ketchup
  1. 主厨说过可以用番茄酱代替醋。

    The chef said you could substitute ketchup for the vinegar .

  2. 她今天去购物的时候买了很多包番茄酱。

    She bought packets of ketchup when she went shopping today .

  3. 你吃炸薯条要番茄酱吗?

    Would you like ketchup with your fries ?

  4. 诺尔曼切开自己的派,往里面挤了点番茄酱。

    Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it

  5. 酌量添加番茄酱、盐和胡椒粉。

    Add tomato paste , salt and pepper to taste .

  6. 这道菜用鲜肉沫加洋葱和浓郁的番茄酱做成。

    It is made with fresh minced meat , cooked with onion and a rich tomato sauce .

  7. 梅金吃着热狗,里面加了是芥末和酱菜,不过没有番茄酱。

    Megan asked , eating her hot dog with had both mustard and relish on but no ketchup .

  8. 烤一个红薯,加入辣番茄酱、酸奶或坚果。

    Bake a sweet potato and add salsa , yogurt or nuts .

  9. 为解决这一难题,以酱油和番茄酱为样本进行了原料DNA提取方法的试验。

    For this problem , the DNA isolation experiments were established with the raw materials of soy sauces and tomato pulps .

  10. scoopn.铲子;勺steakn.牛排ketchupn.番茄酱纺织品米粉两个巧克力球,放杯子里。

    dry goods rice stick Two scoops in a cup , chocolate .

  11. 我借了Jane的白衬衣,却告诉她,然后我打翻了番茄酱在衬衣上。

    Jill : I borrowed Jane 's white blouse without asking her , and then I spilled tomato sauce on it .

  12. 它起初的名字是“kê-tsiap”(有研究认为英文中ketchup(番茄酱)一词源自于中文的ke-tsiap,来自闽南话,原指腌制鱼类产生的卤汁,烹饪时用于调味--译者注),起源于17世纪的中国。

    Its original name is ' k ê - tsiap ' and it started in 17th Century China .

  13. 我的拿手菜是番茄酱意大利面,Alex常做蛋炒饭,直到别人告诉我们那会让你变肥!

    My speciality is pasta and tomato sauce and Alex used to make egg fried rice until everyone told us off because it makes you fat !

  14. 番茄酱生产废水处理DAT-IAT工艺的应用与研究

    Application and Research On Waste Water Treatment DAT-IAT Processing of Tomato Paste Production

  15. 台湾原创厨房的秘方里包括Skippy花生酱和番茄酱。

    Secret ingredients in the Taiwan Bear House kitchen include Skippy peanut butter and ketchup .

  16. 但达成2015年迄今最大交易的美国番茄酱制造商亨氏(Heinz)才是第一季度的亮点。

    But it was US ketchup-maker Heinz that provided the highlight of the first quarter , with the biggest deal of 2015 so far .

  17. 四季披萨(QuattroStagioni):将面团刷上少许番茄酱。

    Quattro Stagioni : Brush dough lightly with tomato sauce .

  18. 奥运会是一个备受敬重的世界性现象&在这种场合,或许不适合播放一则放响屁的亨氏(Heinz)番茄酱瓶广告。

    The Olympics are a worldwide phenomenon treated with somber respect & perhaps not the place for , say , a Heinz ketchup bottle making a fart noise .

  19. 奥运会是一个备受敬重的世界性现象——在这种场合,或许不适合播放一则放响屁的亨氏(Heinz)番茄酱瓶广告。

    The Olympics are a worldwide phenomenon treated with somber respect -- perhaps not the place for , say , a Heinz ketchup bottle making a fart noise .

  20. 玛利那拉披萨(Marinara):将面团刷上少许番茄酱,然后撒上漂洗干的干酸豆、对半切去核的黑橄榄,还有剁碎的?鱼。

    Marinara : Brush dough lightly with tomato sauce , then sprinkle with rinsed and dried capers , halved and pitted black olives , and chopped anchovies .

  21. 这笔交易将创造一个含债务在内价值1000亿美元的公司,汇集美国最大的几个家喻户晓的品牌,其中包括亨氏番茄酱、Jell-O甜点以及Kool-Aid饮料。

    The deal will create a company valued at $ 100bn including debt which brings together some of the biggest household brands in the US , ranging from Heinz ketchup to Jell-O desserts and Kool-Aid drinks .

  22. Peggy请帮我把下午的时间空出来下午三点你要见番茄酱公司的人送盒雪茄给JimKing附上我的歉意我会搞清楚他抽什么烟的好姑娘你有时间吗头?

    Peggy , clear the rest of my afternoon , would you , please ? You have the Snider 's Catsup people at 3:00 Have a box of cigars sent over to Jim King with my apologies . I 'll find out what he smokes . Good girl . You got a minute , Chief ? Just .

  23. MIALEHRER:“看草莓植株长什么样有什么意义呢?难道不是长在商店的容器吗?再说西红柿,孩子们问,‘番茄酱从哪里来?’他们并不知道这些。”

    MIA LEHRER : " What does it mean to see what strawberry plants look like , that they do not come from a container in the store ? And a tomato -- children have been asked , ' Where does come from ? ' They do not know . "

  24. 首都蒙得维的亚的Jacinto饭店主人LuciaSoria,说盐不许摆在餐桌上,市政府颁布命令,餐馆中放置盐罐是非法的,沙拉酱、番茄酱也不行。

    People are not allowed to put salt anymore on the table , says Lucia Soria , the owner of Jacinto restaurant in Montevideo . The city government made it illegal to have salt shakers out in restaurants , she says . No mayonnaise either .

  25. 采购:绿豆罐头,番茄酱,鹰嘴豆。

    Buy : Canned green bean , Tomato paste , Chickpea .

  26. 但这些工作不仅仅是为了做出更好的番茄酱。

    But the work is not just about making better ketchup .

  27. 不,我吃薯条不能没有番茄酱。

    No , I can 't eat chips without tomato ketchup .

  28. 今天的比尔连番茄酱瓶盖都打不开来;

    Today Bill can 't even open a bottle of ketchup .

  29. 当然,一定不要忘了准备番茄酱。

    And also , one must never forget the tomato sauce .

  30. 番茄酱,马苏里拉,牛肉,意大利香肠。

    Tomato sauce , mozzarella , beef tenderloin , Italian sausage .