
  • 网络tomato bacterial wilt;ralstonia solanacearum;pseudomonas solanacearum
  1. 无致病力产细菌素拮抗菌MA-7防治番茄青枯病研究初报

    Preliminary studies on control of bacterial wilt of tomato ( pseudomonas solanacearum ) by avirulent bacteriocin-producing stain ma-7

  2. 内生细菌B(47)菌株的鉴定及其对番茄青枯病的防效测定

    Identification of Endophytic Bacterium Strain B_ ( 47 ) and Its Control Effects on Tomato Bacterial Wilt

  3. FAME法分析施肥对番茄青枯病抑制和土壤健康恢复的效果

    Effect of Fertilization on the Control of Tomato Bacterial Wilt and Soil Health Restoration Using FAME Analysis

  4. B2菌株显示了显著的抑菌作用,在灭菌土和自然土中分别降低了80.0%和87.4%的番茄青枯病发生率。

    Strain B2 showed significantly reduction of the disease infection by 80.0 % and 87.4 % in sterile and nonsterile soil , respectively .

  5. 我国番茄青枯病及抗病育种研究进展

    Research Progress on Tomato Bacterial Wilt and Resistance Breeding in China

  6. 番茄青枯病抑病土壤作用机制研究

    Study on the mechanism of bacterial wilt disease-suppressive soils of the tomato

  7. 番茄青枯病的抗性遗传研究

    Studies on Resistance Heredity of bacterial wilt of Tomato

  8. 番茄青枯病的研究进展

    The Progress of Research on Bacterial Wilt of Tomato

  9. 番茄青枯病的土壤微生态防治研究

    Soil Microbial Regulation for Controlling Bacterial Wilt of Toma

  10. 复合微生物菌剂对番茄青枯病和土壤微生物多样性的影响

    Effects of Complex Microbial Fertilizer on Tomato Bacterial Wilt and Soil Microbial Diversities

  11. 番茄青枯病拮抗放线菌的筛选研究

    Study on Screening Antagonistic Actinomycetes Against Tomato Bacterial Wilt

  12. 番茄青枯病生物防治研究进展

    Progress on Biological Control of Tomato Bacterial Wilt

  13. 生化腐植酸对土壤微生物多样性及番茄青枯病的影响

    The effect of BHA on soil microbial diversity and controlling bacterial wilt of tomato

  14. 蛭石和沸石对番茄青枯病及土壤微生物的影响

    Effect of applying vermiculite and zeolite on soil microorganism and bacterial wilt of tomato

  15. 利用芽孢杆菌在温室环境中控制番茄青枯病

    Biological Control of Bacterial Wilt of Tomato by Bacillus spp . under Greenhouse Environment

  16. 不同堆肥对番茄青枯病的防病效果及土壤微生物群落功能多样性的影响

    Effects of Different Composts on Control of Tomato Bacterial Wilt and Soil Microbial Functional Diversity

  17. 防治番茄青枯病复配剂筛选

    Screening for Mixtures against Tomato Bacterial Wilt

  18. 妊娠期细菌性阴道病的研究利用青枯菌胞外蛋白输出缺失突变体防治番茄青枯病的研究

    Biological control of bacterial wilt of Tomato by using extracellular protein defective mutant of Pseudomonas solanacearum

  19. 同种堆肥不同添加比例的处理对番茄青枯病抑制效果无显著的差异。

    However , different ratio of the same compost showed no significant inhibitory effect on tomato bacterial wilt .

  20. 番茄青枯病是一类危害严重的世界性土传细菌病害,它的有效防治已经成为番茄生产中亟待解决的难题。

    Tomata bacterial wilt caused by Ralstonia solanacearum is a serious soil spreading disease which distributes widely in the world .

  21. 盆栽试验表明,这些菌株可推迟番茄青枯病发生10~35天,防治效果高达80%。

    The bacterial wilt of tomato occurred 10 ~ 35days later and the effect of control was up to 80 % .

  22. 番茄青枯病病菌无致病力菌株的分离和控病研究

    Isolation of avirulent strains of baterial wilt of tomato ( ralstonia solanacearum ) and its application in biocontrol of the disease

  23. 通过盆栽和大田试验,证实多年栽培苎麻和先年种植凉薯的土壤,对番茄青枯病的发生有一定的抑制作用,这种抑制是由于土壤微生物作用的结果。

    Pot experiment and field tests show that soils grown ramie for years or yam beans in the previous year restrain the occurrence of tomato wilt disease which results the function of soil microorganism .

  24. 番茄抗青枯病种苗选育初步研究

    A preliminary study on anti decease seedling selection of tomato

  25. 番茄抗青枯病育种研究进展

    Research Progress of Breeding of Tomato Resistant to Bacterial Wilt

  26. 番茄抗青枯病生理生化机制的研究

    Studies on Mechanism of Physiological and Biochemical Resistance of Tomato to Bacterial Wilt

  27. 番茄抗青枯病生理机制及分子标记的研究

    Studies on Physiological Mechanism nd Molecular Markers in Tomato Resistant to Bacterial Wilt

  28. 不同砧木嫁接番茄抗青枯病效果比较

    Study on Effect of Different Rootstocks on Resistance to Bacterial Wilt in Tomato

  29. 番茄抗青枯病材料筛选

    Screening of Tomato with Resistance to Bacterial Wilt

  30. 番茄抗青枯病筛选方法及其在抗青枯病育种中的应用

    Screening methods of resistance to bacterial wilt caused by Pseudomonas solanacearum in tomato and its application in tomato breeding