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  1. 因为中国要在2020年之前实现国民生产总值番两番的目标,所以估计其能源消耗量会大幅增加。

    Energy consumption in China is expected to continue rising significantly as it aims to quadruple its gross domestic product by2020 .

  2. 其实何必一番手脚两番做呢?

    Actually why do they have to go through the trouble twice ?

  3. 他把书卷交给沙番;沙番就阅读那书卷。

    And Hilkiah gave the book to shaphan , and he read it .

  4. 除了稻田养殖,基地还种有成片的番石榴,番石榴树下也有成群结队欢叫着觅食的鸭、鹅。

    As well as paddy farming , the farm also grows guava , and under the guava trees live flocks of ducks and geese .

  5. 他里里外外看了半个钟头,地段和几间主要的房间都很中他的意,加上房东又把那幢房子大大赞美了一番,那番话对他也是正中下怀,于是他就当场租了下来。

    He did look at it and into it for half an hour , was pleased with the situation and the principal rooms , satisfied with what the owner said in its praise , and took it immediately .

  6. 霍迪克称:“尽管我们的毕业生人数翻了一番甚至两番,但他们在就业市场依然非常抢手。这极有可能是得益于页岩天然气开采业的发展。”

    " Even though we 've doubled or tripled the number of graduates we have , there 's still jobs for everyone ," Holditch says ," and it 's more than likely because of the shale gas development . "

  7. 番石榴原汁制番石榴果汁饮料的研究

    The development of guava fruit juice beverage

  8. 但科学家找到了一个自发变异,这种变异可以使毛叶番荔枝的亲戚番荔枝去籽。

    But the scientists found a spontaneous mutation that causes seedlessness in a cherimoya relative , the sugar apple .