首页 / 词典 / good

  • Every;handsome;pretty;beautiful-looking
  • 美好:~人(美人)。~美。~好。~冶(艳丽)。~艳。

  • 淫乱:“弃位而~,不可谓贞”。


[书] (相貌美) pretty; handsome; beautiful-looking:

  • 姣好

    pretty; handsome


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 姣秀

    Jiao Xiu

  1. 愿那些夸姣的昨天帮忙你加重今天的哀思。

    May those beautiful yesterdays help to ease today 's sorrow .

  2. 闲静时,如姣花照水;

    In repose she was like a lovely flower mirrored in the water ;

  3. 它有着姣容嬗变的色彩,有着沁人心脾的清香,有着生动活泼的姿态。

    It has charming color , refreshing faint scent and vivid and vigorous gesture .

  4. 比起玫瑰的芳馥四溢的姣颜,

    As the perfumed tincture of the roses ,

  5. 但她完全是个姣姣公主。

    But she 's this total princess .

  6. 耕耘数十年,全球健康品研发之姣者。

    Tenet has been working in researching and developing healthcare products for decades of years .

  7. 我忘了是我一个人当主角,也忘了假如爱情没那么夸姣。

    I forget me when the main character , also forget if love is not so good .

  8. 在此之前,另一组男士已经对这些女性的颜值做出了评判,他们认为这些女性中有一半面容姣好,另一半长相平庸。

    A different group of men had judged half of the women as attractive and the half unattractive .

  9. 想象一下假如我们轻微多关心一下我们的同胞,世界将变得多夸姣。

    Just imagine how great the word would be if we would only exhibit greater concern for our fellowman .

  10. 描画在我的心版上,我的肉体就是那嵌着你的姣颜的镜框,

    Thy beauty 's form in table of my heart ; My body is the frame wherein ' tis held ,

  11. 社会需要它,而我们将业的事业,将来的糊口夸姣更是我们的需要。

    The social need it , and we will cause the industry , the future subsistence Kwame Jiao is our needs .

  12. 假如幸福无法持续,我愿在最夸姣的时刻最夸姣地遇见你。

    If happiness can not continue , I would like to in the most beautiful moments of the best to meet you .

  13. “闲静时如姣花照水,行动处似弱柳扶风.”

    " In repose she was like a lovely flower mirrored in the water ; in motion , a pliant willow swaying in the wind . "

  14. 不知何时,陪伴我的,不再是姣洁的月色,只是昏黄惨淡的灯光。

    I do not know when , accompanied by me , is no longer the moonlight Jie Jiao , only yellow lights going from bad to worse .

  15. “一语未了,只见房中又走出几个仙子来,皆是荷袂蹁跹,羽衣飘舞,姣若春花,媚如秋月。”

    " At once out came several fairies , lotus sleeves swaying , feathery garments fluttering , lovely as spring blossom , entrancing as the autumn moon . "

  16. 接下来他知道的就是那位面容姣好的姑娘和他一起在屋里,用胳膊扶着他的头。

    The next thing he knew was that the girl with the lovely face was 10 with him in the hut , holding his head in her arms .

  17. 研究剖明,回想夸姣年光能奋发情感,属意和糊口生涯生存它们是使糊口秩序化的最令人对劲的要领之一。

    Studies show that thinking back on happy times elevates mood , and observing and preserving memories is one of the most satisfying ways of bringing order to life .

  18. 并未参与此项目的英国斯特灵大学的心理学教授安东尼·利特评论说,对于人们为什么会对面容姣好的对象特别优待,人们还没有彻底弄清楚原因。

    University of Stirling psychologist Anthony Little , who was not involved in the study told people , it was not entirely clear why we behave differently toward attractive people .

  19. 一名面容姣好,身材苗条高挑的年轻女子,把一只幼小无助的小兔子压在一块玻璃板下,然后整个人坐了上去,直到把兔子压扁。

    The video showed that a young lady with fine face and slim build crushed a small and tender rabbit under a piece of glass by sitting on the glass herself !

  20. 熟悉你是一种快慰,愿你永远拥有最夸姣的东西,不仅今天拥有,而且每天拥有,由于熟悉你真是一种慰藉。

    It 's joy to know you , wishing the nicest things always for you , not only today , but all the year through because you are really a joy to know .

  21. 我非常喜欢玛丽,是因为她的人格,而不是她的姣容。你曾否穿越树丛,为跟在你后面走来的姣好的头分开枝叶呢?

    I value Mary for her personality , not for her good look . Have you rambled through the brushwood , holding aside the branches , on account of the charming head which is coming on behind you ?

  22. 在那一堆东西的顶上坐着一位面容姣好的年轻女人。当盖伯瑞尔正盯着看时,马车在山顶停了下来。车夫爬下马车,回去拣掉了的东西。

    Right on top of the pile GetWord (" pile "); sat a handsome young woman As Gabriel was watching , the cart stopped at the top of the hill , and the driver climbed down to go back and fetch some - thing that had fallen off .