
fān qié
  • tomato;Lycopersicum esculentum
番茄 [fān qié]
  • [tomato] 又叫西红柿。一种番茄属植物;为取其果实而广泛栽培,叶偶数羽状,花黄色

番茄[fān qié]
  1. 诺尔曼切开自己的派,往里面挤了点番茄酱。

    Norman cut open his pie and squirted tomato sauce into it

  2. 酌量添加番茄酱、盐和胡椒粉。

    Add tomato paste , salt and pepper to taste .

  3. 番茄使调味汁别有风味。

    The tomatoes give extra flavour to the sauce .

  4. 我要一个熏肉、生菜加番茄三明治,外加蛋黄酱。

    I 'll have a BLT with extra mayonnaise .

  5. 你吃炸薯条要番茄酱吗?

    Would you like ketchup with your fries ?

  6. 然后,加两罐番茄。

    Next , add two tins of tomatoes .

  7. 买一个生菜和一些番茄。

    Buy a lettuce and some tomatoes .

  8. 你得把番茄烤到皮变黑为止。

    You need to grill the tomatoes until the skins blacken .

  9. 意大利李形番茄味道很重,最适合烹饪。

    Italian plum tomatoes have a full flavour , and are best for cooking .

  10. 科学家利用遗传工程保护番茄免受严寒天气的影响。

    Scientists have used genetic engineering to protect tomatoes against the effects of freezing .

  11. 在番茄沙司中无论加入什么都不如加一点儿新鲜的紫苏更能提味。

    There 's nothing like fresh basil to put a zing into a tomato sauce .

  12. 如果你喜欢,可以上一碗热番茄调味汁来蘸着吃。

    Serve a bowl of warm tomato sauce on the side for dipping , if desired .

  13. 这道菜用鲜肉沫加洋葱和浓郁的番茄酱做成。

    It is made with fresh minced meat , cooked with onion and a rich tomato sauce .

  14. 主厨说过可以用番茄酱代替醋。

    The chef said you could substitute ketchup for the vinegar .

  15. 她今天去购物的时候买了很多包番茄酱。

    She bought packets of ketchup when she went shopping today .

  16. 气温下降冻坏了番茄苗。

    The drop in temperature frosted the tomato plants .

  17. 你可以在苗圃买到番茄苗。

    You can buy tomato plants at the nursery .

  18. 梅金吃着热狗,里面加了是芥末和酱菜,不过没有番茄酱。

    Megan asked , eating her hot dog with had both mustard and relish on but no ketchup .

  19. 该昆虫也叫番茄叶虫,以果实为食物,并钻入植株的茎内移动来破坏农作物。

    The insect , also known as the tomato leaf miner , devastates crops by feeding on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks .

  20. 卡杜纳州是尼日利亚最大的西红柿生产地,这种名为番茄斑潜蝇的昆虫破坏了那里80%的农场,致使当地政府宣布进入紧急状态。

    The insect , Tutaabsoluta , has destroyed 80 % of farms in Kaduna , Nigeria 's largest tomato producing state , leading the government there to declare a state of emergency .

  21. 一篮篮完美的红草莓、JavaDawg咖啡车被漆成红色的车身,还有最重要的,番茄:又大又软又圆,令人惊讶的红番茄。

    Baskets of perfect red strawberries ; the red-painted sides of the Java Dawg coffee truck ; and most of all , the tomatoes : amazing , large , soft and round red tomatoes .

  22. 为期一周的庆祝活动中包含一场激动人心的番茄大战,那将是本周活动的亮点。

    A week-long celebration leads up to an exciting tomato battle as the highlight of the week 's events .

  23. 我对商家作出“番茄在蔓上成熟”承诺未能兑现而感到失望,多年来一直拒绝购买冬季番茄。

    Disappointed by many a broken , vine-ripened promise , I 've refused to buy winter tomatoes for years .

  24. 每年8月的最后一个星期三,西班牙布诺镇都会举办世界上规模最大的食物大战——番茄大战。

    On the last Wednesday of every August , the Spanish town of Bu ñ ol hosts La Tomatina — the world 's largest food fight .

  25. 这场战斗只持续了半个多小时,在这段时间里,大约有5万公斤的番茄被投掷到了任何人或任何能移动、奔跑或反击的物体上。

    The battle lasts little more than half an hour , in which time around 50,000 kilograms of tomatoes have been thrown at anyone or anything that moves , runs , or fights back .

  26. 来参加西班牙的"番茄大战"!

    Come to the " tomato fight " in Spain !

  27. 比如,番茄就会被提前采摘并存储,以备之后的长途旅行。

    Tomatoes , for example , are picked early and stored for their long journeys .

  28. 由咸熏肉、香肠、番茄和蘑菇做成的烤杂排

    a mixed grill of bacon , sausages , tomatoes and mushrooms

  29. 烤一个红薯,加入辣番茄酱、酸奶或坚果。

    Bake a sweet potato and add salsa , yogurt or nuts .

  30. 核桃香蒜,马苏里拉,巴马火腿,干番茄,鸡蛋,咸鱼。

    Pesto , mozzarella , parma ham , sun dried tomatoes , egg , anchovies .