
  • public figure;Public Person
  1. 他过了些时候才意识到自己已是个公众人物了。

    It took him some time to grasp that he was now a public figure .

  2. 当我们让青少年选一个英雄时,他们通常会选择家中的个长辈而非某个遥远的公众人物

    When we ask teens to choose a hero , they usually select an older family member rather than a remote public figure .

  3. 索菲嫁入王室后,即成为公众人物。

    Sophie became public property when she married into the royal family .

  4. 公众人物中的同性恋者如今正逐步亮相。

    Homosexuals in public life are now coming out of the closet .

  5. 你要学会怎样应付公众人物生活的紧张和辛劳。

    You will learn to cope with the stresses and strains of public life .

  6. 公众人物想打赢诽谤官司可能会很难。

    It can be difficult for public figures to win a libel case

  7. 昨天坎特伯雷大主教严厉抨击了几位与人通奸的公众人物。

    The Archbishop of Canterbury yesterday hit out at public figures who commit adultery

  8. 人们可以容忍公众人物婚外的不检点行为。

    People are prepared to be tolerant of extra-marital peccadilloes by public figures .

  9. 当一个公众人物,他无法应付。

    He couldn 't handle being public property

  10. 人们期望公众人物的私生活能检点些。

    One expects people in the public eye to conduct their personal lives with a certain decorum

  11. 安全部门完全有可能窃听重要公众人物的谈话。

    It 's not beyond the realms of possibility that the security services do bug important public figures .

  12. 如果公众人物想通过吸引公众的关注来推进事业,他们可能会不加选择。

    If public figures seek publicity to further their careers , they can 't be selective about it .

  13. 奥巴马是宣布不平等为美国头号敌人和减贫最大威胁的最著名的公众人物。

    Obama   is   only   the   most   prominent   public   figure   to   declare   inequality   Public   Enemy NO.1 and   the   greatest threat to reducing poverty in America .

  14. 服装租赁曾被认为是替代快时尚的可持续又省钱的选择,在租衣平台RenttheRunway和凯莉·西蒙兹等公众人物的推广下走近了百姓的生活。凯莉·西蒙兹曾穿着租来的衣服举行婚礼和出席七国集团峰会。

    Renting clothes has been thought of the sustainable and frugal4 alternative to fast fashion , popularised by companies such as Rent the Runway and public figures like Carrie Symonds , who rented her wedding dress and her outfits5 for the G7 conference .

  15. 公众人物在做出任何举动或说出任何话之前都应该深思熟虑

    they need to think deeply before they do or say anything .

  16. 对公众人物所说的话,我们总是照单全收

    We grasp most things that influential people say

  17. 埃尔维斯的《我的爱的力量》(PowerofMyLove)的歌词给了他成为受人尊敬的公众人物的权威,从而让他对社会的各种暗讽愈加令人愉悦。

    The lyrics of Elvis 's ' Power of My Love ' gave him authority as a respected social figure , which made his asocial insinuations all the more gratifying .

  18. 但是海明威认为成为一个公众人物会削弱作家的锋芒,对于这点m.表示承认。

    But h.observed that becoming a public figure clouds a writer 's sharpness , and m.agreed .

  19. 在周四的公开信上签名的包括几位拥有较高知名度的公众人物,其中有北京大学(PekingUniversity)社会学系教授李建新和互联网行业的企业家梁建章等。

    The list of signatories to Thursday 's letter included several high-profile figures , including Beijing University sociologist Li Jianxin and Internet entrepreneur James Liang .

  20. 有哪些是效果不甚理想的?当某位公众人物的微博引起轰动时,Twitter就会确保其他明星知道。

    When a public figure 's tweet results in big buzz , Twitter makes sure other celebrities know it .

  21. 如果我们看到万众瞩目的CEO或者公众人物,他们像变魔术一样将超凡魅力与可信度组合在一起,这时大多数人都会知道什么是高管风度。

    Most of us know it when we see it , in any CEO or public figure who commands attention with a seemingly magical combination of charisma and credibility .

  22. 当然,日益发展的投资行业也是CEO成为较出名的公众人物的原因之一。尖端结构是形成著名的极光的原因,而极光的出现让高纬度的地区更加明亮。

    The rising popularity of investing , of course , has made CEOs more prominent as public figures . The cusp is responsible for the famous auroras that grace high latitudes .

  23. 有些企业领导,比如联合利华首席执行官保罗波尔曼(PaulPolman),已成为某些议题上的公众人物(波尔曼关注的是环境问题),其影响超出自己的公司。

    Some , such as Paul Polman , chief executive of Unilever , are public figures on issues ( the environment in his case ) beyond his corporation .

  24. 而且近来,我所关注的公众人物中,一名又一名的男性相继去世(包括意外事故在内)——美食作家约书亚·奥泽斯基(JoshuaOzersky)、科技企业家戴夫·古德伯格(DaveGoldberg),这让我陷入了死亡焦虑的精神状态。

    And the recent deaths ( even if accidental ) of men in my exact demographic - the food writer Joshua Ozersky , the tech entrepreneur Dave Goldberg - had put me in a mortality-anxious frame of mind .

  25. 他们不是公众人物,所以这里我不公开细节了,但是我想献出我所有的爱、尊重和敬意,我想我可能有些厚颜无耻来请求你们将任何剩余的积极性献给j和s。

    They are not public people so I won 't share details here , but I did want to send out my love , respect and honor and thought I might be cheeky and ask you to send any left over positivity you have to j and s.

  26. 经过简短调查后,伦敦警方表示,鉴于没有新的情况曝光,对于《卫报》(TheGuardian)指称的可能有两、三千名公众人物的手机被侵入一事,无需进一步调查。

    After a brief inquiry , London police said there was no need for further investigation into claims by The Guardian newspaper that two to three thousand public figures ' phones may have been accessed , as no additional information had come to light .

  27. 爱德华.伯恩-琼斯(edwardburne-jones)是维多利亚时代一位声名远扬的公众人物,是怪才云集的拉斐尔前派中最后的画家,也许算的上个中翘楚。

    Sir Edward Burne-Jones was an eminent Victorian , a public figure who was considered the last and perhaps the best of the painters who belonged to the group of talented eccentrics , the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood .

  28. Tripwire公司安全分析师肯•威斯汀认为:明星或者公众人物一定要记得不要把照片和数据保留在照相设备中。

    It is important for celebrities and the general public to remember that images and data no longer just reside on the device that captured it , said Ken Westin , security analyst at Tripwire .

  29. 公众人物在出丑之后更加受人喜欢。

    Sometimes public figures are liked even more after their pratfall .

  30. 公众人物必须随时准备接受批评。

    People in public life must always be open to criticism .