
  • 网络Public High School;Public School;state school
  1. 泰国公立中学快乐学汉语教学模式构想及实验

    The Concept and Experiment of " Happy to Learn Chinese " Teaching Mode in Thai Public School

  2. 今天,“大声喊出来”的附加题来自密歇根州霍兰德市黑河公立中学卡尔顿女士的学生们。

    Today , " Shoutout " extra credit goes out to Ms. Carlton 's ( ph ) students at the Black River public school in Holland ( ph ) , Michigan .

  3. 在FT排名中的前50名公立中学当中,这个比例是2%。

    At the FT 's top50 state schools , the rate is2 per cent .

  4. 接下来是CNN学生新闻周3的点名节目环节。我们要前往世界各国,首先是意大利首都罗马公立中学里克卡特布兰德的学生们。

    It 's World Wide Wednesday on the CNN STUDENT NEWS " Roll Call . " It 's when we head to countries like Italy to recognize the students at Lycee Chateaubriand de Rome in the Italian capital .

  5. 通常包括九年级到十二年级的公立中学。

    A public secondary school usually including grades 9 through 12 .

  6. 在前100名公立中学当中,这个比例是2.9%。

    At the top100 , it is2.9 per cent .

  7. 上公立中学免学费。

    Public schools are free for the taking .

  8. 在我们公立中学里,我们要坚持反对暴力的立场。

    We 've got to hold the line against violence in our public schools .

  9. 比较西方校本管理与我国公立中学自主办学

    Comparison of Western School-based Management and the Independent Management in China 's Public Middle School

  10. 更为重要的是,从1900年到1920年,公立中学显著增加。

    Even more important was the remarkable expansion of public high schools from 1900 to 1920 .

  11. 笔者通过在泰国一所公立中学两年的教学经历,对其汉语教学进行为期两年的调查与实验,旨在找出针对泰国公立中学汉语教学的最佳方法和模式。

    The author has been teaching Chinese in a public middle school of Thailand for two years .

  12. 汉尼每天早晨5点醒来,坐公共汽车去公立中学上学。

    Hani woke each morning at five and caught the city bus to her public high school .

  13. 历来受教育都不是容易的事情。上公立中学免学费。

    It never has been easier to get an education . Public schools are free for the taking .

  14. 本文对中韩两国公立中学教师人事行政制度进行比较研究。

    The purpose of this study was to compare the personnel administration system for public high school teachers between China and .

  15. 上公立中学免学费。除了学费和食宿费,我还需要多少生活费?

    Public schools are free for the taking . How much shall I still have as living expenses besides accommodation and tuition ?

  16. 然后以调查所得到的数据为基础分析了苏北地区公立中学绩效评价的现状。

    And then , on the base of inquired dates , author analyzed the current situation of performance appraisal in high school .

  17. 目前,南希就读于威斯敏斯特的一所公立中学,可以私密地接受教育,不会遇到什么混乱局面。

    Currently at a state secondary in Westminster , Nancy can now be educated privately , without it creating a big fuss .

  18. 两位女性都在首尔的一所公立中学担任教师,这是该国最受欢迎的职业之一。

    Both women work as teachers at a public middle school in Seoul , which is one of the most sought-after careers in the country .

  19. 从本财政年度开始,每家每个孩子可领到每月150美元的津贴,公立中学还实行免费。

    Families began receiving monthly allowances of $ 150 a child this fiscal year and can now send their children to public high school for free .

  20. 所以私立学校的毕业证书都是有效的,私立小学的毕业生进入公立中学学习不存在任何问题。

    So diplomas from the schools are accepted . it 's no problem for these primary school students to enter a public middle school upon graduation .

  21. 然后分析了该地区公立中学绩效评价的主体、客体及绩效评价的内容。

    And then , author pointed out the body , object and content of performance appraisal in the middle school of that area established by the government .

  22. 我当时正学习法语,每星期在一所公立中学给学生上三次英语课。那所学校位于主要以监狱闻名的南郊。

    I was studying French and giving English lessons three times a week in a lyc é e in a southern suburb famous principally for its prison .

  23. 所以我在这里创办了一所地区公立中学,创立之初只有45个孩子。

    So here I was , the founding principal of a middle school that was a district public school , and I only had 45 kids to start .

  24. 六年级结束的时候,我和科普卢斯夫人都流下了离别的眼泪,因为我被犹太公立中学录取了,而玛戈特也在那里读中学。

    At the end of the year we were both in tears as we said a heartbreaking farewell , because I 'd been accepted at the Jewish Lyceum , where Margot also went to school .

  25. 我原来是在马本翰公立中学念书,后来妈妈认为最好还是趁我没步其他朋友后尘之前转学的好。

    I was in a public school , Malburnham High School , and my mother decided it was best to get me outta there before I ended up like where a lot of my friends are now .

  26. 为此,我们选择江苏省苏州、南京、连云港三个城市共15所公立中学作为研究对象,在中学教师的激励实践层面进行了积极探索。

    To this end , we chose Suzhou , Jiangsu Province , Nanjing , Lianyungang three cities , 15 public high schools as an object of study motivation of teachers in secondary schools have actively explored practical level .

  27. 其办学成效主要是弥补了公立中学的不足,使更多青少年获得受教育的权利;培养大批人才,推动重庆城市近代化的进程等等。

    Its effect mainly manifests that it can be make up for the insignificance of Public secondary school to let more teenagers enter into school and foster the talent to push forward the modernizing procedure of Chongqing and so on .

  28. 史岱文森被普遍认为是纽约最著名的公立中学,却刚刚发生了一起作弊丑闻很大程度上,正是学生觉得必须要进入一所名大学,才造成了这起丑闻。

    Stuyvesant , widely considered the most prestigious public high school in New York , has just been through a cheating scandal one driven in no small part by the imperative of its students to get into a prestigious college .

  29. 为了能深入挖掘美国中学心理健康教育的模式,本研究通过对美国霍华德县公立中学的研究,从管理、教学和心理援助方面入手,从微观上展现美国公立中学的心理教育模式。

    In order to made a deep study of middle school psychological health education model , this study takes state middle schools of Howard County in the American for example , by means of the management , teaching and psychological assistance to show the model of American psychological health education .

  30. 长春市朝阳区公立初级中学师资差异的调查及思考

    Investigation and Thinking of Teacher Resources in Public Junior Schools in Chaoyang District of Changchun City