
gōng jì
  • public memorial ceremony;public sacrifice;pay respect to a deceased person by holding a memorial service;public memorial service
公祭 [gōng jì]
  • [public memorial service] 公共团体或社会人士举行祭奠,向死者表示哀悼

公祭[gōng jì]
  1. 大众传媒语境下的公祭特指由政府主导的、借助大众媒介进行传播的大型祭祀活动。

    Public memorial ceremony in the Context of Mass Media refers to the specific government-led large-scale activity of offering sacrifices to gods or ancestors , which spreads through the use of mass media .

  2. 中国信仰的现代性问题&以国家公祭圣祖先贤为例

    Modernity of the Beliefs in China & Exemplified by the National Mourning for the Sages

  3. 这些公祭活动在传承文化,提高地方知名度方面起到了一定的作用。

    These activities have played a certain role in transmitting the cultural heritage , and enhancing fame of place .

  4. 实践于历史与想象之间&客家群族性认同与宁化石壁公祭仪式

    Practices between History and Imagination & Ethnic Identity of the Hakkas and the Ceremonies of the Communal Ancestral Temple in Shibi Village of Ninghua County

  5. 拿破仑从厄尔巴岛回来时,他拒绝到路旁去欢迎他,在百日帝政期间,也不曾替皇上布置公祭。

    He refused to see him , as he passed through on his return from the island of Elba , and he abstained from ordering public prayers for the Emperor in his diocese during the Hundred Days .

  6. 祭祀规格升高,官方主导意识在祭拜仪式中被凸出、加重;公祭人数增多,成分多样化;媒体尤其是以互联网为媒介的新兴媒体活动频繁。

    Higher level of worship and awareness of government-led cult is protruding in the heavier ; ceremony for the growing number of diverse components ; media , especially by the Internet as a medium of new media activities frequently .