
gōng lù
  • highway;road;driveway;trafficway
公路 [gōng lù]
  • (1) [highway;road]

  • (2) 公众自由通行的道路(如小路、街道或水路)

  • (3) 由国家或地方政府修建管理的道路,供汽车长途行驶

  • 高速公路

公路[gōng lù]
  1. 他们驾车穿过了17号公路边上的棉田。

    They drove through the cotton fields that flanked Highway 17 .

  2. 她顺着公路一直望去,能看到远处的那座城镇。

    She could see clear down the highway into the town .

  3. 我们下了公路,穿过旷野往前走。

    We left the road and struck off across the fields .

  4. 汽车打滑冲出公路跌进沟里。

    The car went skidding off the road into a ditch .

  5. 一辆汽车驶出后沿着公路疾驰而去。

    A car pulled out and streaked off down the road .

  6. 由于天气恶劣,滨海公路暂时封闭。

    The coast road is closed due to bad weather .

  7. 从水上、铁路和公路运来原料和工人。

    Raw materials and labour come by ship , rail or road .

  8. 她挽着她的手臂领她横穿过繁忙的公路。

    She took her arm and guided her across the busy road .

  9. 美国公路上小汽车的比例在逐渐增加。

    The proportion of small cars on America 's roads is increasing .

  10. 这条公路连接着海岸线上分散的聚居地。

    The road serves the scattered habitations along the coast .

  11. 他们骑自行车沿公路疾驰。

    They went spinning along the roads on their bikes .

  12. 公路沿海岸线逶迤而行几英里。

    The road follows the shoreline for a few miles .

  13. 公路上有冰,减缓了我们的速度。

    The ice on the roads was slowing us down .

  14. 这座城市乘坐公共汽车很方便,与干线公路的联接也很发达。

    The town is well served with buses and major road links .

  15. 房子位于一条交通非常繁忙的公路旁边。

    The house is on a very busy road .

  16. 那村庄坐落在一条繁忙的直达公路上。

    The village lies on a busy through road .

  17. 那段公路依旧封闭。

    That section of the road is still closed .

  18. 公路向前延伸,经过一片平坦的地。

    The road stretched ahead across the flat landscape .

  19. 在货物运输方面,驳船让位给了公路车辆。

    Barges yielded to road vehicles for transporting goods .

  20. 我们不久便在乡村的公路上疾驰了。

    Soon we were bowling along the country roads .

  21. 警察在城市出口的公路上设下路障。

    The police set up blockades on highways leading out of the city .

  22. 公路笔直延伸。

    The road continues as straight as an arrow .

  23. 我们跌跌撞撞地顺着坡跑到了公路上。

    We slithered down the slope to the road .

  24. 他们顺着湖边公路走。

    They followed the road that skirted the lake .

  25. 沿海公路与这条高速公路在圣莫尼卡以北处岔开。

    The coastal road diverges from the freeway just north of Santa Monica .

  26. 这条公路限定时速30英里。

    The road has a 30 mph speed limit .

  27. 这条小路在树林旁与公路汇合。

    The path joins the road near the trees .

  28. 这个城镇的主要特色被这条新公路毁了。

    The essential character of the town has been destroyed by the new road .

  29. 汽车沿着公路疾驰而去。

    The car was burning down the road .

  30. 公路蜿蜒伸向远方。

    The road snaked away into the distance .