
xiū jiàn
  • construct;build;develop;erect;animate
修建 [xiū jiàn]
  • [build;construct] 用砖、瓦、木料、水泥、砂等建造;建筑

  • 修建办公楼

修建[xiū jiàn]
  1. 修建这座医院估计要耗费200万英镑。

    The hospital will cost an estimated £ 2 million to build .

  2. 已经订了计划,明年修建这条支路的延伸线。

    There are plans to build a continuation of the by-pass next year .

  3. 新机场的修建已经开工。

    Work has begun on the construction of the new airport .

  4. 为方便残疾人的出入修建了坡道。

    Ramps have been built to ease access for the disabled .

  5. 在这里修建一条新道路将使房价下跌。

    Building a new road here will force house prices down .

  6. 博物馆正在修建新的来宾接待室。

    The museum is building a new reception centre for visitors .

  7. 门廊是19世纪时模仿诺曼式建筑修建的。

    The doorway is a 19th century reconstruction of Norman work .

  8. 修建这座桥的工作用了六个月的时间。

    The work of building the bridge took six months .

  9. 修建这条运河是为了将设菲尔德和亨伯河河口连接起来。

    The canal was built to connect Sheffield with the Humber estuary .

  10. 这笔资金将用于修建新校舍。

    The money will go towards a new school building .

  11. 在这里修建水坝可能会对环境造成无法预料的后果。

    Building a dam here could have unforeseeable consequences for the environment .

  12. 那条峡谷上的桥最初是古罗马人修建的。

    The valley was originally bridged by the Romans .

  13. 修建大坝的计划已被环境保护局否决。

    Plans for the dam have been vetoed by the Environmental Protection Agency .

  14. 新路的修建工作在缓慢进行。

    Work on the new road is progressing slowly .

  15. 正在修建新的道路以应付增加了的交通量。

    New roads are being built to cope with the increased volume of traffic .

  16. 人们普遍对在保护区修建新的房屋感到忧虑。

    There is widespread concern that new houses will be built on protected land .

  17. 修建新室内购物中心的计划由于当地居民反对而搁浅。

    Plans to build a new mall were deep-sixed after protests from local residents .

  18. 要是新机场开始修建,外国公司都会来插一手捞好处。

    Foreign firms will all want a piece of the action if the new airport goes ahead .

  19. 苏珊娜是从1956年开始修建这个花园的。

    It was 1956 when Susanna started the work on the garden

  20. 正在制定在希思罗机场修建第5航站楼的计划。

    Plans are underway for a fifth terminal at Heathrow airport .

  21. 他们认为他是通过一条专门修建的地道逃跑的。

    They thought he had escaped through a specially constructed tunnel .

  22. 自来水公司应该集中精力减少水浪费,而不是修建新水库。

    Water companies should concentrate on reducing waste instead of building new reservoirs

  23. 他下令修建连接各地城堡的道路。

    He commanded that roads be built to link castles across the land

  24. 希腊政府今天批准了5项重大的道路修建方案。

    The Greek government today gave the go-ahead for five major road schemes

  25. 将要修建两条三车道的公路穿过乡间。

    Two three-lane roads will be carved through countryside .

  26. 为修建高速公路,现正拆除这栋建筑。

    The building is now being demolished to make way for a motorway .

  27. 在大学广场上,工人们正在修建钢栅栏。

    In University Square workmen are building a steel fence

  28. 那是我们村民自己修建的,没有依靠任何人的帮助。

    We villagers built that ourselves , we had no help from anyone .

  29. 修建这些道路时考虑到了温度的逐渐变化。

    The roads are built to accommodate gradual temperature changes

  30. 最初雇门卫是为了看护正在修建的房子。

    The guards were originally hired to watch over the houses as they were being built .