
xiū lǐ chǎnɡ
  • repair shop
  1. 去修理厂花了我62美元,这套设备现在运转良好,但我感觉更多的麻烦可能还未出现。

    My trip to the repair shop cost me $ 62 , and the set is working well now , but I keep expecting more trouble .

  2. 汽车修理厂清洗发动机零件时,排出的碱性含油废液和废水的COD浓度和含油量很高,排放前必须进行处理。

    The wasteliquid and wastewater with extremely high concentrations of COD and oil excreted during cleaning the engine details from the auto repair shop has to be treated before drainage into the sewer system .

  3. 我听到的最新消息是他还在汽车修理厂工作。

    The last I heard he was still working at the garage .

  4. 我的几个兄弟要开办一个汽车修理厂,想让我与他们合伙干。

    My brothers are opening a garage and they want me to go in with them .

  5. 我的车在修理厂呢——这破玩意儿又坏了。

    My car 's at the shop ─ the son of a gun broke down again .

  6. 南希把车开到当地的汽车修理厂检修。

    Nancy took her car to a local garage for a check-up

  7. 纳尔逊汽车修理厂有你要找的那种二手车。

    Nelson Garage has the used car you 're after .

  8. 一位女士把车开到修理厂修理。

    A woman drove her car to the garage to have it repaired .

  9. 汽车修理厂的人说要给我的汽车电瓶充电。

    The man in the garage said he would charge up my car battery .

  10. 汽车修理厂的工人要把那些旧车拆掉取零件。

    The men in the garage will break up the old cars for their parts .

  11. 5.lathen.车床汽车修理厂那边传来德里克开动车床的声音。

    From the garage there came the sound of Derek working a lathe .

  12. 诺沃辛得知这一情况后马上联系了那家修理厂,不过厂方说他们不想要了,还建议他到eBay网站上把这些东西拍卖掉。

    Novocin informed the depot , who said they did not want the parts and suggested he sell them on eBay .

  13. 结合某飞机修理厂的实际情况,分析了该厂飞机维修流程管理存在的问题,讨论了规范化飞机维修流程管理的必要性,提出了基于web的飞机维修管理信息系统的架构思想。

    According as the actual conditions of one plane repair factory , the paper analyses the existing problem and style of the Aircraft maintenance management in this factory , discusses the necessity of standardized Aircraft maintenance management , and has put forward the framework thought of AMMIS based on web .

  14. 第二点不同在于,如果汽车没有通过MOT测试,那就去修理厂登记,花一大笔钱进行维修,不久就可以重新上路。

    The second difference is that when your motor fails its MOT it gets booked into the workshop for costly repairs and is soon back on the road again .

  15. 郑州宇通客车(ZhengzhouYutongBusCompany)在中国经济增长的推动下成为全球最大的客车制造商,销量占到全球的10%。这家创办于上世纪60年代的公司最初是一家客车修理厂,总部在河南省中部的郑州。

    Founded as a bus repair factory in central Henan province in the 1960s , the Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Company has been driven by China 's growth to become the largest bus manufacturer in the world , accounting for 10 per cent of total global sales .

  16. 区机关汽车修理厂微机信息管理系统的设计

    Design of Microcomputer Information Management System of Large-scale Car Repair Plant

  17. 他叫我发送一些相片到修理厂去。

    He told me to send some photos to a garage .

  18. 亨利是一名机械师,他在一家汽车修理厂工作。

    Henry is a mechanic and he works in a garage .

  19. 你们能过来把车拖到修理厂吗?

    Can you come over and tow it to your shop ?

  20. 国有运输企业修理厂如何进入市场

    How to Enter Market on Repair Factory of State Transportation Enterprises

  21. 他指责汽车修理厂车身修理工艺拙劣。

    He accused the garage of shoddy workmanship on the bodywork .

  22. 汽车修理厂展览一辆新车。

    There 's a new car on show at the garage .

  23. 汽车修理厂在十字路口前面约二百码处。

    The garage is some two hundred yards before the cross-roads .

  24. 你认为乔的修理厂还会有人吗?

    Do you think anybody will be at Joe 's garage ?

  25. 他觉得汽车修理厂诈骗了他100英镑左右。

    He feels the garage rooked him of about $ 100 .

  26. 他在汽车修理厂做机修工。

    He had a job as a mechanic in a garage .

  27. 广东省汽车运输集团公司修理厂服务营销策略

    Service Marketing in Repairing Plant of Guangdong Automobile Transportation Group

  28. 我叔叔在高速公路旁有一个修理厂。

    My uncle has a body shop on the highway .

  29. 这条路往前走有一个汽车修理厂。

    You 'll find a garage just up the road .

  30. 本公司是南宁市大型汽车修理厂。

    The company is a large car repair plant Nanning .