
xiū cí
  • rhetoric;figure of speech
修辞 [xiū cí]
  • [figure of speech;rhetoric] 修饰文辞;作文;亦指文辞或修饰文辞

修辞[xiū cí]
  1. 叠字是中国古典诗词的修辞手段之一,其主要修辞功能是抒情、叙事、状物、摹声。

    In Chinese classical poetry , the reiterative diction is one of rhetoric methods .

  2. 从SARS看报刊杂志中英汉语码混合的修辞功能

    On the Rhetoric Function of Code-Mixing of English and Chinese in the Magazines and Periodicals from SARS

  3. 这些论据或许是用来作为一种修辞手段来论证联合国将发挥长久的作用。

    These arguments may have been used as a rhetorical device to argue for a perpetuation of a United Nations role .

  4. 她无法容忍聪明但无关紧要的修辞。

    She hadno patience for brilliant but irrelevant figures of speech .

  5. 这样,我们在换喻(者翻译为转喻,一种以部分代替整体的修辞方法)上就有了一个隐喻的替代。

    Here , then , we have a metaphorical substitution on a metonymic axis .

  6. 但英语中通常译作双关的修辞格pun与汉语中的双关却不是完全等值的。

    But English pun and Chinese " shuangguan " are not equivalent .

  7. 在英语中,明喻(Simile)和暗喻(Metaphor)作为修辞格一直为作家广泛运用。

    Simile and metaphor are widely used in English as a kind of rhetorics by authors .

  8. 对比修辞由Kaplan于1966年创立,该理论旨在研究不同文化及思维对于EFL(EnglishasForeignLanguage)写作修辞模式的影响。

    Contrastive Rhetoric is created by Kaplan in 1966 , aiming to study rhetorical patterns for the EFL ( English as Foreign Language ) writing under different cultures .

  9. ESL作文中的修辞模式表现类型研究

    A Study of Rhetoric Patterns in ESL Writings

  10. 修辞结构理论与RST工具

    Rhetorical Structure Theory and the RST Tool

  11. Syllepsis和Zeugma两种修辞格用词简练,生动形象,幽默风趣。

    Syllepsis and Zeugma , two figures of speech , are succinct in wording , producing vivid and humorous effect .

  12. 移就(TransferredEpithet)作为一种十分重要的修辞方法,在日常生活及文学作品中的使用大大丰富了语言色彩,扩大了语言功能。

    Transferred epithet is a very important rhetorical device and is widely used in our daily life and literary works . Transferred epithet makes the use of language colourful and also enlarges the functions of language .

  13. McIntosh对异常搭配进行了研究并指出了其独特的修辞效果。

    McIntosh chooses to deal with unusual collocations in his study and points out the special rhetoric effects of the unusual collocations .

  14. 英语诗歌;修辞语言;格律;互动法;

    English poetry ; figurative language ; rhythm ; interactive approach ;

  15. 关于法律条款式修辞的几点思考

    Some thinking on the rhetoric of the form of legal provisions

  16. 结构主义与汉语修辞中的显性和潜性理论

    Structuralism and Connotation and Denotation Theory of Modern Chinese Rhetoric Devices

  17. 移就属于一种超常规搭配的修辞方法。

    Transferred epithet belongs to a rhetorical device of supernormal collocation .

  18. 爱伦·坡短篇小说叙事的修辞特征

    On the Rhetoric Aspects of Narrative in Poe 's Short Novels

  19. 概述亚里士多德在修辞术方面的研究;

    2 , Summarize the researches of Aristotle in rhetoric art ;

  20. 只要有语言,就有修辞的必要。

    Where there is language and communication , there is rhetoric .

  21. 叫卖语言的句法特点及语用修辞分析

    Hawking Language 's Syntax Features and Its Pragmatic Rhetoric Strategy

  22. 潜性与显性修辞原则:诚信与得体

    Honesty and Appropriateness : Exterior and Interior Principles of Rhetoric

  23. 小议英语外来词中法语词汇的修辞功能

    The Rhetoric Function of French Loan Words in English Vocabulary

  24. 关于中国修辞思想萌芽期的论定

    On Cognizance of the Sprouting Period of Chinese Rhetoric Ideology

  25. 用修辞关系理论来分析广告语篇,它们具有什么特点?

    What are the features of advertisements in terms of rhetorical relations ?

  26. 广告英语翻译中的修辞运用及美感功效

    The Use of Rhetoric and Aesthetical Effect in Translating English Advertising Slogans

  27. 双关修辞手法是广告语写作中的重要手法。

    The quibble is an important technique in advertising writing .

  28. 双关是英、汉语都存在的修辞格之一。

    Pun is one of the rhetorics both in Chinese and English .

  29. 修辞活动是表达与接受的统一。

    Rhetoric activity is the unity between expression and reception .

  30. 英语听力测试中的修辞问题解读

    To Understand Correctly the Figures of Speech Used in English Listening Tests