
  1. 接着从经院哲学的诞生到托马斯主义的确立。

    Then , it is from the birth of scholasticism to the establishment of Thomism .

  2. 基督教人道主义是现当代西方社会较为流行的社会思潮之一,也是新托马斯主义的重要组成部分。

    The Christian Humanism , as a part of New-Thomism , is a kind of current ideological trend in the western society .

  3. 从唯物史观看,这一思潮的兴起是新托马斯主义为解决现代西方社会病和文化危机开出的一个宗教处方。

    Using the historical materialism to probe the rise of this trend , the authors affirm that though it is a futile effort of New .

  4. 如已所知,“托马斯主义”取得了一种特殊的、即便不太正统的地位,虽然在现今的天主教思想中它的统治地位受到削弱和争夺。

    " Thomism ," as it is known , acquired a special if not quite official status , though today in Catholic thought its reign is weakened and contested .

  5. 现代新托马斯主义者马利坦、吉尔松复活了亚里士多德的形式观念,并且从存在论(最高的存在即上帝、纯形式)上论证了包括美和艺术在内的整个世界。

    Modern Neo Thomists Maritain and Gilson revived Aristotle 's idea of form and proved systematically the whole world including art and beauty from the point of ontology ( God ) .