
  • 网络Thomas Friedman;Thomas L Friedman
  1. CNN专访托马斯·弗里德曼

    Talk Asia interview with Thomas Friedman

  2. 记者兼作家托马斯·弗里德曼:我很高兴能上这个节目。

    THOMAS FRIEDMAN , JOURNA LIST & AUTHOR : Good to be here .

  3. 记者兼作家托马斯·弗里德曼:世界越来越热,全球变暖。

    THOMAS FRIEDMAN , JOURNA LIST & AUTHOR : It 's getting hotter , global warming ;

  4. 记者兼作家托马斯·弗里德曼:其实两者都有。

    THOMAS FRIEDMAN , JOURNA LIST & AUTHOR : Well , the answer 's really both .

  5. 正是现时的全球经济,这就是托马斯·弗里德曼所说的“世界是平的”。

    is the whole emerging economies of the world , which Thomas Friedman so correctly called the " flat world . "

  6. 记者兼作家托马斯·弗里德曼:你也知道,我写了一本书叫做《世界是平的》,现在我要道歉:我搞错了。

    THOMAS FRIEDMAN , JOURNA LIST & AUTHOR : Well , you know , I wrote a book called The World Is Flat , and I wanna now apologize-I got it wrong .

  7. 记者兼作家托马斯·弗里德曼:我深信这句话,“不到现场,就不可能知道。”这句话可以真是我的座右铭。

    THOMAS FRIEDMAN , JOURNA LIST & AUTHOR : Well , I 'm a big believer of " If you don 't go , you don 't know , " you know , so , I. .. that 's really my motto .