
  • Steven;Stevin
  1. 近10年来,欧洲国债市场从未出现这种明显的定价调整,汇丰(HSBC)固定收益研究部门全球主管斯蒂文•梅杰(StevenMajor)表示。

    Europe 's government bond markets have not seen such a dramatic repricing for nearly a decade , said Steven Major , global head of fixed income research at HSBC .

  2. 缅甸仰光——在妙敏觉(MyoMyintKyaw)的创意数字社,墙壁上的装饰品是斯蒂文·P·乔布斯(StevenP.Jobs)和马克·扎克伯格(MarkZuckerberg)的图片。

    YANGON , Myanmar - Images of Steven P. Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg adorn the walls of Myo Myint Kyaw 's creative digital agency .

  3. 很抱歉,斯蒂文,真的办不到。设备坏了,星期五才能修好。

    A : Sorry to say , but no can do.The equipment broke down and can 't be fixed4 till Friday .

  4. 他用了7年的时间来了解业务,在2004年底,斯蒂文成了新推出的民RogéPartnérsfund的基金经理。

    After seven years of learning the business , Steven become portfolio manager of the Rog é Partners fund , which launched in late 2004 .

  5. 斯蒂文拿走我的书包放在了一棵树上。

    Steve took my schoolbag and put it in a tree .

  6. 当斯蒂文12岁的时候,他开始痴迷于此了。

    By the time Steven was 12 , he was hooked .

  7. 凯莉、克里斯、鲁迪、斯蒂文、大卫。

    And Kellyanne and Chris and Rudy and Steve and David .

  8. 来自美国的电影放映师斯蒂文•古腾伯格也十分赞同这一观点。

    Steve Guttenberg , a US-based movie projectionist , agrees .

  9. 小心点斯蒂文,这只黑猫就在屋里。

    Be careful Steve , The Black Cat is in the room .

  10. 斯蒂文只出现了两分钟就溜走了

    Steven showed up for all of two minutes , slipped out .

  11. W:你每天的工作时间是多少小时制的,斯蒂文?

    W : What sort of hours do you work , Steve ?

  12. 让我想起斯蒂文在意大利的房子。

    It reminds me of stevers place in italy .

  13. 我还很喜欢年轻的斯蒂文。爱尔兰。

    I like young Stephen Ireland there , too .

  14. 看起来斯蒂文还没来

    Doesn 't look like Steven 's here yet .

  15. 第一个离开的是预备队中后卫,斯蒂文-沃特。

    The first to depart is reserve team central defender , Steven Watt .

  16. 斯蒂文和朋友们在拉风的香蕉车里举起双臂,十分开心。

    Steve Braithwaite with friends hold their hands up in the banana car .

  17. 斯蒂文。杰拉德是队长位置的有力竞争者,他将是我的副队长。

    I 'm also pleased to have been appointed vice-captain by Steve McClaren today .

  18. 斯蒂文有一身健壮的肌肉像一匹种马。

    Steve has a hard , muscular body and is built like a horse .

  19. 她的腹肌比的上斯蒂文,当她呼吸时腹肌就会绷起。

    The muscles in her stomach rival Steve 's and flex as she breathes .

  20. 斯蒂文已经被任命为英国大使。

    Stevers been made ambassador to great britain .

  21. 现在太迟了斯蒂文。这只黑猫就在你的背上。

    It 's too late Steve , the Black Cat is on your back .

  22. 你好斯蒂文最近还好吧

    Hey , Steven . How are you ?

  23. 陆军中校斯蒂文.李.乔丹负责伊拉克监狱的审讯中心。

    Lieutenant Colonel Steven Lee Jordan ran the interrogation center at the Iraqi prison .

  24. 斯蒂文后来又对共同基金产生了兴趣。

    Later Steven was curious about mutual funds .

  25. 这不是斯蒂文的铅笔。

    It 's not Steven 's pencil .

  26. 身处中场中央位置的斯蒂文在比赛中可以发挥最大的作用。

    I think Stevie can have the biggest influence on a match from central midfield .

  27. 斯蒂文?雷德格雷夫成为第一位连续五届奥运会都获得金牌的赛艇选手。

    Steven Redgrave became the first rower to win gold medals at five consecutive Olympics .

  28. 我是皮特。斯蒂文,要结算一些账户。

    My name is Peter stevens . I 've come to close out some accounts .

  29. 两个女人钦佩看了斯蒂文一会然后互相面对面。

    Both women admire it for a moment and then turn to face each other .

  30. 丹尼在斯蒂文的前面。

    Danny is in front of Steven .