
sī luò wén ní yà
  • Slovenia;Slovenian;Slovene;Ljubljana
  1. 我们的记者用了一夜时间,穿过奥地利边境进入斯洛文尼亚。

    Our reporter spent the night crossing the border from Austria into Slovenia

  2. 斯洛文尼亚将为独立付出巨大的代价。

    Slovenia will have to pay a high price for independence

  3. 很多克罗地亚人和斯洛文尼亚人把独立看作通往民主的捷径。

    Many Croats and Slovenes saw independence as the fast track to democracy

  4. 斯洛文尼亚银行已经印刷了纸币票样。

    The Slovene bank has printed a specimen bank note

  5. 预计他将与克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚领导层举行会谈。

    He is expected to hold talks with both the Croatian and Slovenian leaderships .

  6. 德国和法国这两个欧元区最大的经济体借债额最高,不过,斯洛文尼亚和西班牙这种经济实力不太强的国家可能会在希腊债务危机中受损更多。

    The Eurozone 's largest economies , Germany and France , are owed the most but countries with smaller or less robust economies , such as Slovenia and Spain , would likely suffer more .

  7. 在本届世界杯中,美国与英国、斯洛文尼亚和阿尔及利亚同被分在C组。

    The United States is in Group C with England , Slovenia and Algeria .

  8. 斯洛文尼亚位于C组榜首。

    Slovenia was at the top of Group C.

  9. B组除了实力不错的西班牙队外,还有斯洛文尼亚队、巴拉圭队和南非队。

    Strong contender Spain along with Slovenia , Paraguay and South Africa make up group B.

  10. 英格兰队和美国、斯洛文尼亚、阿尔及利亚同分在了C组,与英格兰队同组的球队都不算是足球大国。

    England were drawn in Group C alongside the United States , Slovenia and Algeria , none of whom are considered major footballing nations .

  11. 北京时间今日晚22点,世界杯C组在约翰内斯堡的埃利斯公园球场进行了一场比赛,对阵双方是斯洛文尼亚和美国。

    Beijing late today , 22 points , group C World Cup in Johannesburg 's Ellis Park stadium for a game against both Slovenia and the United States .

  12. 哪怕没有在NBA打过一场比赛,他都会是斯洛文尼亚最出名的运动员之一。

    Without even having played a game in the NBA , he is one of the most famous athletes in Slovenia .

  13. 斯洛文尼亚位于C组榜首。但是当美国队在与阿尔及利亚比赛的伤停补时阶段进了关键的一球,战胜了阿尔及利亚,而斯洛文尼亚又0:1输给英格兰之后,这支勇敢的球队滑落到第三位,提前回国。

    Slovenia was at the top of Group C. But the team fell to third place and an early flight home after the United States scored the winning goal against Algeria during injury time and Slovenia lost to England 1-0 .

  14. 澳大利亚人安斯蒂是第一个被招进NBA的外国人,而斯洛文尼亚人马可·米利奇是打入世界最强联赛的首个欧洲代表。

    Australian Anstey was the first foreigner called into the NBA , while Slovenian Marko Milic opened the European representation in the world 's strongest league .

  15. 他解释说,Facebook不再只是年轻人打发时间的网站,而是一个对所有人(从苏格兰的祖父母到斯洛文尼亚的小企业主)都有价值的通信工具。

    Facebook , he explains , is no longer just a time waster for the young but a valuable communications tool for everyone from grandparents in Scotland to small business owners in Slovenia .

  16. 在其他人的合作帮助下,例如来自斯洛文尼亚的PeterKese和来自巴塞罗那的MatiasLizana,

    and the result , with further collaborations with Peter Kese from Slovenia and Matias Lizana from Barcelona ,

  17. 在NBA打球之前,他已经是一位被证明过的胜利者。他带领斯洛文尼亚赢得了欧洲篮球锦标赛冠军,并带领皇家马德里赢得了西班牙联赛和欧洲联赛的冠军。

    Doncic was a proven winner before he played a minute in the NBA , having led Slovenia to a EuroBasket championship and Real Madrid to Spanish league and Euroleague titles .

  18. 来自斯洛文尼亚29岁的网络程序员“MetaPenca”用相机拍下了这让人捧腹大笑的一幕。

    The hilarious display was captured on camera by visitor Meta Penca , a29-year-old web programmer from Slovenia .

  19. 2008年以来,斯洛文尼亚的国内生产总值下降了10.6%,按高盛公司(GoldmanSachs)报告的说法,这可谓“所有欧元区经济体中下滑最严重的一次”。

    Its GDP has fallen by 10.6 % from 2008 , which is " one of the most severe falls in any euro area economy , " according to a report by Goldman Sachs .

  20. 看看JureRobic,一个斯洛文尼亚的远程自行车车手,他赢的诀窍就是在自行车越野马拉松比赛中坚持不睡觉。

    Take a look at Jure Robic , a Slovene long-distance cyclist whose technique for winning included simply not sleeping during cross-country marathons .

  21. 到了1992年,梅拉尼娅夺得了《Jana》杂志举办的“斯洛文尼亚年度面孔奖”评选的第二名,让她提升了自己的抱负。

    A second-place finish in Jana magazine 's Slovenian Face of the Year contest in 1992 expanded Melania 's ambitions .

  22. 他补充称,新加入北约的斯洛文尼亚及前苏联波罗的海地区加盟共和国同意加入CFE,但目前仍未加入。

    He added that new Nato countries such as Slovenia and the former Soviet Baltic states had not joined the CFE , despite agreements that they would .

  23. 斯洛文尼亚一家软件开发商hermessoftlab已在波斯尼亚、塞尔维亚和黑山创造了200个工作机会相当于其员工总数的四分之一。

    Hermes softlab , a Slovenian software developer , has created 200 jobs in Bosnia , Serbia and Montenegro one-quarter of its total payroll .

  24. TEDi如今在德国有1300多家门店,并开始向奥地利和斯洛文尼亚扩张。

    TEDi now has more than 1300 outlets in Germany and began expanding into Austria and Slovenia .

  25. 随着1918年奥匈帝国的瓦解,斯洛文尼亚联合塞尔维亚人(Serbs)、克罗地亚人(Croats)和斯洛文尼亚人(Slovenes)成立南斯拉夫王国。

    With the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy in1918 , Slovenians joined the Kingdom of Serbs , Croats and Slovenes , later renamed ( 1929 ) the Kingdom of Yugoslavia .

  26. 7世纪建立的Carantania的斯拉夫公国,是第一个前斯洛文尼亚族国家和第一个稳定的拉斯夫国家。

    The Slavic Duchy of Carantania , the first proto-Slovenian state and the first stable Slavic state , was formed in the7th century .

  27. 在四分之一决赛中,二人以6比4、6比3的比分战胜了捷克的克韦塔·佩斯切克(KvetaPeschke)和斯洛文尼亚的卡塔琳娜·斯莱伯尼克(KatarinaSrebotnik)。

    Together , they reached the semifinals with a victory over Kveta Peschke of the Czech Republic and Katarina Srebotnik of Slovenia , 6-4 , 6-3 .

  28. 该引擎已经被调整与斯洛文尼亚就业服务局VT2-600增压器设置,其荧光棒权力,赛道上经过验证的性能选择,和可靠性。

    The engine has been tuned with an ESS VT2-600 supercharger setup , chosen for its copious power , race-proven performance , and reliability .

  29. 小将维尔将代表荷兰U19参加与塞尔维亚以及罗马尼亚之间的友谊赛,而西蒙则有望身着匈牙利U19的战袍迎战斯洛文尼亚。

    Vincent Weijl is in the Holland under-19 squad for their friendly fixtures with Serbia and Romania and Andreas Simon will hope to be involved as Hungary under-19 's do battle with Slovenia .

  30. 在法甲,另一个吸引人眼球的世界杯未来之星是斯洛文尼亚的ValterBirsa,这是个速度快且技术精湛的左翼边锋,帮助欧塞尔目前排名第二。

    Another potential World Cup star catching the eye in France is Slovenia 's Valter Birsa , a fast skilful left winger who has helped Auxerre into second place in the table .