
  • Croatia;Croatian;Zagreb;Dubrovnik
  1. 此外,欧盟业已起动与克罗地亚的入盟谈判,以及意义重大的与土耳其的谈判

    It has started membership negotiations with Croatia and , most momentously , with Turkey .

  2. 6月1日起,保加利亚、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、德国、希腊和波兰已经开始接收外来游客的欧盟新冠数字通行证。

    As of Tuesday , Bulgaria , Croatia , the Czech Republic , Denmark , Germany , Greece and Poland have begun accepting the EU Digital COVID Certificate from outside visitors .

  3. 很多克罗地亚人和斯洛文尼亚人把独立看作通往民主的捷径。

    Many Croats and Slovenes saw independence as the fast track to democracy

  4. 塞尔维亚人和克罗地亚人之间的争斗由来已久,而且非常激烈。

    The quarrel between the Serbs and the Croats is old and bitter .

  5. 伊洛卡的克罗地亚小镇就是人口不停流动的典型例子。

    The Croatian town of Ilok is a classic case of shifting populations .

  6. 克罗地亚军队从波斯尼亚北部撤军后,该地区落入塞尔维亚人手里。

    Croatian army troops retreated from northern Bosnia and the area fell to the Serbs

  7. 预计他将与克罗地亚和斯洛文尼亚领导层举行会谈。

    He is expected to hold talks with both the Croatian and Slovenian leaderships .

  8. 克罗地亚不甘人后,提出了他们自己的维和方案。

    Not to be outdone , the Croats came up with a peacekeeping proposal of their own

  9. 6月16日克罗地亚VS尼日利亚

    Croatia ( v Nigeria ) , 16 June

  10. 周四,克罗地亚面临今年的最高温-据预测将达44C(111F)。

    Greece is facing its hottest day of the year on Thursday , with temperature expected to hit 44 C ( 111 F ) .

  11. 上一场巴西队以低于自己水平的1比0赢了克罗地亚,下周四对日本打平即可保证F组第一的位置。

    Brazil was coming off a below-average outing in the1-0 win over Croatia , and can secure first place in Group F with a draw against Japan on Thursday .

  12. 此结果与另一项由克罗地亚科学家对以往实验进行的广泛深入的再次分析不谋而合,该项研究发表于《北欧医学与运动科学杂志》(TheScandinavianJournalofMedicineandScienceinSports)。

    Those findings join those of another new study from Croatia , a bogglingly comprehensive re-analysis of data from earlier experiments that was published in The Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports .

  13. 1526年的Mohács之战令克罗地亚的国会邀请哈普斯堡皇室来接手对克罗地亚的统治。

    The Battle of Moh á cs in1526 led the Croatian Parliament to invite the Habsburgs to assume control over Croatia .

  14. 2010年,德国莱比锡马克斯·普朗克演化人类学研究所(MaxPlanckInstituteforEvolutionaryAnthropology)提取了尼安德特人的一个大约60%的基因组,所用样本来自克罗地亚一处洞穴中发掘出的化石。

    In 2010 , scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig , Germany , recovered about 60 percent of a Neanderthal genome from fossils found in a Croatian cave .

  15. 她还安排了与联合国秘书长潘基文(BanKi-moon)共进午餐,并将会晤克罗地亚、厄瓜多尔、加纳和巴拉圭的国家元首。

    She was scheduled to have lunch with Ban Ki-moon , UN secretary-general , and would meet heads of state from Croatia , Ecuador , Ghana and Paraguay .

  16. 如果李娜周二有时间,她将观看同胞吴迪在第一轮比赛中对阵克罗地亚的多迪格(IvanDodig)。

    If Li has time on Tuesday , she 'll watch compatriot Wu Di play his first round match against Croatia 's Ivan Dodig .

  17. 花旗集团(citigroup)经济学家沈明高表示,世界上少数几个准备金率更高的国家包括赞比亚、克罗地亚和塔吉克斯坦,中国的准备金率不能再提高了。

    Minggao Shen at Citigroup says that the only countries in the world with higher reserve ratios are Zambia , Croatia and Tajikistan and that Chinese levels cannot go much higher .

  18. 1943年,德国侵占包括波黑(Bosnia-Herzegovina)在内的克罗地亚(Croatia)之后,组建了这支由波斯尼亚穆斯林组成的军队。

    The unit , which mostly consisted of Bosnian Muslims , was formed in March 1943 after Germany conquered Croatia , which included Bosnia-Herzegovina .

  19. 在悉尼郊区长大的玛利亚·布雷西奇(MariaBresic)说,自从1983年,欧洲歌唱大赛首次在澳大利亚播出的那一刻起,她和她来自克罗地亚的父母都被迷住了。

    From the moment Eurovision was first broadcast in Australia , in 1983 , Maria Bresic , who grew up in the suburbs of Sydney , said she and her parents , who were from Croatia , were hooked .

  20. 是的,只是颜色不适合我。jet:喷气机exploit:开发consent:同意,适合我想我们应该搭喷气机去Croatia(克罗地亚)。小Eric可以在那里寻找到更多的属于你这个年龄的东西。

    Jenny : Ah , well , that 's more my color - Chuck : I 'd say we take the jet to Croatia where young Eric here can exploit the lesser age of consent . -

  21. 另外一个条件是逮捕前克罗地亚塞尔维亚政治领导人GoranHadzic,此人目前仍在潜逃。

    Another condition has been the capture of former Croatian Serb political leader Goran Hadzic , who has be arrested .

  22. 此行的目的地是克罗地亚,在那里来自ATT贝彻尔及其它十家公司的首脑将要求政府官员在战后前南斯拉夫的重建中发挥更大作用。

    The destination was Croatia , where executives from ATT , Bechtel and10 other firms would press government officials for a larger role in the postwar reconstruction of the former Yugoslavia .

  23. 克罗地亚的Slava回忆到:以前我曾经在阳台的屋顶下种植过小番茄。

    And Slava in Croatia recalled : Once I grew small tomatoes on a balcony under a roof .

  24. 第一次判罚是在比分1-1时,他判给巴西队一个点球,认为克罗地亚后卫洛夫伦(DejanLovren)对巴西球员弗雷德(Fred)犯规。

    The first came when the score was 1-1 and he awarded Brazil a penalty , adjudging that Fred was fouled by Croatian defender Dejan Lovren .

  25. 另一个条件是抓捕尚在潜逃的克罗地亚塞族前政治领导人戈兰·哈季奇(GoranHadzic)。

    Another condition has been the capture of former Croatian Serb political leader Goran Hadzic , who has yet to be arrested .

  26. 随着1918年奥匈帝国的瓦解,斯洛文尼亚联合塞尔维亚人(Serbs)、克罗地亚人(Croats)和斯洛文尼亚人(Slovenes)成立南斯拉夫王国。

    With the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian monarchy in1918 , Slovenians joined the Kingdom of Serbs , Croats and Slovenes , later renamed ( 1929 ) the Kingdom of Yugoslavia .

  27. 他已经看到他的很多队员在负于克罗地亚之后已经开始行动起来,而他自己则推迟了美国的研究之旅,他本计划到那里研究西雅图海鹰队教练MikeHolmgren的训练技巧。

    He already seen many of his squad in action since the Croatia defeat and postponed a research trip to the US , where he planned to study Seattle Seahawks coach Mike Holmgren 's training techniques .

  28. 晚上可以在弗迪茨饭馆(BistroFotic)饭馆用餐,这里曾是一家克罗地亚摄影俱乐部,墙壁和架子上摆满黑白照片和老式相机,极具怀旧气息,还提供可口的家常菜。

    Dinner at Bistro Fotic , in a former Croatian photo club , combines nostalgia - walls and shelves are filled with black-and-white images and vintage cameras - and delectable down-home fare .

  29. 乌龙球在英文中还可以简写为og,目前,“乌龙球”已经帮助伊朗队、法国队、克罗地亚队和塞内加尔队取得胜利,同时也为东道主俄罗斯队锦上添花。

    own goal . Otherwise known as " og " - own goal has so far scored for Iran , France , Croatia and Senegal . They 've also popped up with one for the hosts , Russia .

  30. 5月份,34岁的医药研究员ParkHee-jung休了11天假,带女朋友去克罗地亚和波斯尼亚旅游。这是相对较长的休假,对于至今领衔世界工作狂排行榜的许多韩国人是难以想象的。

    Park Hee-jung , a 34-year-old pharmaceutical researcher , took an 11-day holiday in May to travel to Croatia and Bosnia with his girlfriend - a relatively long vacation inconceivable for many South Koreans who remain world champion workaholics .