
Sài pǔ lù sī
  • Cyprus
  1. 他在塞浦路斯的那段日子里,生活由喜转悲。

    The joy turned to tragedy during his years in Cyprus .

  2. 美丽的塞浦路斯岛是缔结良缘的美妙之地。

    The beautiful island of Cyprus is a magical place to get married .

  3. 他出现在塞浦路斯北部,声称自己很高兴又回家了。

    He turned up in northern Cyprus , declaring himself happy to be home .

  4. 一名男子涉嫌在尼科西亚肆意破坏三名总教主的坟墓在塞浦路斯被捕。

    A man has been arrested in Cyprus on suspicion of vandalizing the tombs of three archbishops in nicosia .

  5. 他为中国买家与包括塞浦路斯在内的外国房产销售商之间牵线搭桥。塞浦路斯房地产开发商PaschaliDevelopers近几个月已经向中国买家销售了90多套公寓。

    Paschali Developers in Cyprus has sold more than 90 condos to Chinese buyers in recent months .

  6. 现在塞浦路斯在酝酿B计划。总统要求议会给中央银行权力将两家银行的资产一分为二。

    Now it 's down to plan B. The president has asked parliament to give the central bank power to split the banks in two .

  7. 土耳其籍塞浦路斯人口占五分之一,占南方GDP的三分之一。

    The Turkish Cypriot economy has about one-fifth the population and one-third the per capita GDP of the south .

  8. 塞浦路斯房地产开发商PafiliaPropertyDevelopers业务发展经理(EvisHadjipetrou)说,该公司过去四个月向中国内地买家销售了30套可以看到地中海美景的公寓。

    Evis Hadjipetrou , business-development manager for Pafilia Property Developers in Cyprus , says the company has sold 30 condos with Mediterranean views in the past four months to buyers from mainland China .

  9. 一个包括德国和塞浦路斯这样差异明显的国家的欧元区是不可持续的,即使欧盟(EU)和塞浦路斯能够达成最后一刻的妥协。

    A eurozone that compromises countries as diverse as Germany and Cyprus is not sustainable , even if the EU and Cyprus manage to find a last-minute compromise .

  10. 根据这份仓促达成的救助方案,塞浦路斯仍然需拿出58亿欧元才具备资格获得100亿欧元的紧急贷款&承蒙欧盟(EuropeanUnion)与国际货币基金组织(InternationalMonetaryFund)开恩。

    The hastily put together bailout still forces the nation to come up with 5.8 billion euros to qualify for a badly needed 10 billion euro loan , which will come courtesy of the European Union and the International Monetary Fund .

  11. 但是据NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,一些分析家认为,塞浦路斯的问题可能有利于美国。

    But NPR 's Craig Windham reports some analysts believe the problems in Cyprus could be a plus for U.S. Markets .

  12. 目前在华盛顿大学(WashingtonUniversity)任经济学教授的迪威格表示,以当地存款人为代价来救助塞浦路斯的计划弊大于利,可能会给早已陷入困境的欧洲银行业带来更大的压力。

    Dybvig , who is now an economics professor at Washington University , says the plan to bailout Cyprus at the expense of local depositors would have done more harm than good and could have put more strain on the already troubled European banking sector .

  13. lemonia是一家位于伦敦西北部primrosehill区的希腊及塞浦路斯菜餐馆,过去30年来一直颇受欢迎,并还在不断吸引着顾客。

    Lemonia , a Greek Cypriot restaurant in Primrose Hill , north-west London , has been popular for the past 30 years and continues to attract customers .

  14. 塞浦路斯银行的储户现在担心他们手里的现金将缩水,而根据穆迪(Moody’s)的数据,美国企业手头现金充裕,为1.45万亿美元,而且还在增加。

    Depositors of banks in Cyprus now fear they have less money than they thought while US corporations have plenty of cash to hand - $ 1.45tn and rising , according to Moody 's.

  15. 塞浦路斯镑(货币代码cyp),也被非官方称为塞浦路斯里拉(来自希腊)是在塞浦路斯流通的货币。

    Currency C Cyprus pound the Cyprus pound ( currency code CYP ) , also known unofficially as the Cyprus lira ( from Greek ) is the currency used in Cyprus .

  16. 据报道,两架狂风(Tornado)GR4战斗轰炸机在一架航行者(Voyager)空中加油机的支援下,周六早晨从位于塞浦路斯的皇家空军阿克罗蒂里基地(RAFAkrotiri)起飞,下午返回基地。

    Two Tornado GR4 bombers supported by a Voyager air-to-air refuelling aircraft were reported to have taken off from RAF Akrotiri on Cyprus on Saturday morning and returned to base in the afternoon .

  17. 塞浦路斯//度假小镇帕福斯(Paphos)前方的碧海是远离该岛上千篇一律酒店的另一个世界。

    CYPRUS / / The azure seas fronting the resort-town of Paphos are a world away from the island 's cookie-cutter package hotels .

  18. 但与承认“两个地区、两个社会体的联邦”的Talat不同,Eroglu谈的是一个独立国家的联邦,而这希控塞浦路斯不会接受。

    But unlike Mr Talat , who accepted the goal of a " bizonal , bicommunal federation ", Mr Eroglu talks of a confederation of independent states , which the Greek-Cypriots will not accept .

  19. 只有希腊籍塞浦路斯人控制的共和国才得到国际上的认可。

    Only the Greek Cypriot-controlled Republic of Cyprus is recognized internationally .

  20. 塞浦路斯议会拒绝这份疯狂的协议是正确的(编者注:欧盟与塞浦路斯于本周一达成救助协议)。

    The Cypriot parliament was right to reject this mad deal .

  21. 在开罗的塞浦路斯大使馆正常打开,从上午八时至下午三时。

    The Cyprus Embassy in Cairo was open normally from8am to3pm .

  22. 塞浦路斯人啊,向她下跪吧。

    Ye men of Cyprus , let her have your knees .

  23. 这个善良的工匠在塞浦路斯岛上为她修建了一座辉煌的宫殿。

    This good-natured craftsman built her a splendid palace on Cyprus .

  24. 塞浦路斯已经成为一个颇受中国有钱人欢迎的投资目的地。

    Cyprus has become a popular investment destination for wealthy Chinese .

  25. 第11名嫌疑间谍在塞浦路斯保释期间失踪。

    An 11th suspected spy ­ disappeared while on bail in Cyprus .

  26. 第十一名嫌疑人在塞浦路斯被假释后失踪。

    An eleventh suspect disappeared after being freed on bail in Cyprus .

  27. 土耳其把塞浦路斯割让给英国管辖。

    Cyprus was ceded by Turkey to Britain for administration .

  28. 他们在塞浦路斯待命,”潘说道。

    They are waiting in Cyprus , " said Ban .

  29. 1974年,土耳其进攻塞浦路斯,分裂了这个岛屿。

    In 1974 , the Turks attacked Cyprus and divided the island .

  30. 希腊、塞浦路斯及捷克共和国的问题加剧了。

    Trouble flared in greece , cyprus , and the Czech republic .