
sài shé ěr
  • Seychelles
塞舌尔[sài shé ěr]
  1. ChristopherKaiser-Bunbury在塞舌尔群岛基地工作。

    Christopher Kaiser-Bunbury works for the Seychelles Islands Foundation .

  2. 多名律师表示,汇丰银行并未解释为何BVI面临的压力比塞舌尔群岛或萨摩亚群岛等地区大。

    Lawyers said HSBC had not explained why BVI was coming under more pressure than places such as the Seychelles and Samoa .

  3. 塞舌尔驻中国大使菲利普•勒加尔(PhilippeLeGall)则提到,他是8月8日晚上8时出生的。

    Philippe Le Gall , the Seychelles'ambassador in Beijing , offered that he was born on the eighth hour of the eighth day of the eighth month .

  4. 今年早些时候,载有30名船员的法国游艇leponant在从塞舌尔群岛冰冬水域航行至地中海时被海盗抓走。

    Earlier this year a French yacht , Le ponant , was seized by pirates with a crew of 30 while sailing from its winter waters in the Seychelles to the Mediterranean .

  5. 康德明律师事务所(ConyersDillPearman)合伙人克里斯托弗•比克利(ChristopherBickley)表示,开设BVI账户正因银行业的举措而变得痛苦不堪,这促使企业转而在萨摩亚群岛和塞舌尔群岛开办公司。

    Christopher Bickley , a partner at the law firm Conyers Dill Pearman , said banks were now making it torturous to open BVI accounts , spurring companies to incorporate in Samoa and the Seychelles .

  6. 此地的魅力不止是柔软而细腻的沙滩。塞舌尔群岛的亚达伯拉(Aldabra)环礁上生活着约十万只巨大的象龟,这片珊瑚环礁是联合国教科文组织所认定的世界遗产。

    The appeal goes beyond pampering and powdery beaches : The Seychelles is also home to some 100000 giant Aldabra tortoises that live on a coral atoll that is a Unesco World Heritage site .

  7. 当然要从塞舌尔共和国主岛马伊(Mahi)到达弗雷格特岛并不是一件容易的事,旅游旺季的飞机票费用往往高达2000美元。

    Just don 't forget to factor in the flight from Mahi , the Seychelles'main island , which starts at almost $ 2,000 during the high season & not to mention the flight to Mahi itself .

  8. 经济型的酒店、家庭旅馆以及带有自助厨房的公寓,都使得塞舌尔之行不再价格高昂。

    The wallet-friendly hotels , guesthouses and self-catering apartments make tours affordable .

  9. 在塞舌尔,中国游客还比较稀少。

    In the Seychelles , Chinese tourists remain a novelty .

  10. 从表面来看,塞舌尔很富有,吏治清明。

    To the casual eye , Seychelles seems both fortunate and well-governed .

  11. 产于加拉帕哥斯和塞舌尔群岛的非常大龟。

    Very large tortoises of the Galapagos and Seychelles islands .

  12. 一个来自塞舌尔群岛的艺术家第一次在北京的个展。

    Beijing 's first solo exhibition by an artist from the Seychelles .

  13. 针灸在塞舌尔的应用概况

    Survey of application of acupuncture and moxibustion in Seychelles

  14. 1976年的今天,塞舌尔脱离英国独立。

    1976-The Seychelles becomes independent from the United Kingdom .

  15. 塞昔尔-模里西斯海底高原苏联西伯利亚地区的本塞舌尔居民。

    Seychelles-Mauritius Plateau a native or inhabitant of Siberia .

  16. 塞舌尔的克里奥音乐歌舞

    On Creole Music and Dance in Seychelles

  17. 属于塞舌尔或塞舌尔人的。

    Of the Seychelles or their people .

  18. 塞舌尔群岛上的一个共和国。

    A republic on the Seychelles islands .

  19. 一种“混血文化”的历史见证&塞舌尔群岛的克里奥尔音乐

    Creole Music of the Seychelles Islands

  20. 名列第二的是塞舌尔,随后依次排列的是佛得角、博茨瓦纳和南非。

    Next came Seychelles , Cape Verde , Botswana and South Africa , in that order .

  21. 塞舌尔人民进步阵线

    Seychelles People 's Progressive Front

  22. 他还将访问刚果民主共和国、博茨瓦纳、坦桑尼亚和塞舌尔。

    He will also travel to the Democratic Republic of Congo , Botswana , Tanzania and Seychelles .

  23. 这些树只生长在非洲塞舌尔群岛中的两个小岛上,虽然其扎根生长的土质是岩石类营养贫乏土质,但他们还是疯狂的生长着。

    These plants grow wild on nutrient-starved , rocky soil on just two islands in the Seychelles .

  24. 塞舌尔群岛曾沦为世界上珊瑚发病率最高的珊瑚白化现象的牺牲品。

    The Seychelles have fallen victim to one of the most brutal incidences of coral bleaching worldwide .

  25. 乔治卡米勒的作品是传达并祝福塞舌尔群岛的异国热带的神秘。

    George camille 's work conveys and celebrates the musticism of the exotic trpoical islands of the seychelles .

  26. 塞舌尔可以称得上是最早被记录的稀有生物瑰宝库,而且这些生物都是被严格保护的。

    The Seychelles hold some of the earliest scientific records about the magnificent creatures , which are strictly protected .

  27. 这些发现适用于所有国家,特别是那些在经济上和人口统计上类似于塞舌尔的国家。

    These findings are relevant for all countries , but especially for those economically and demographically similar to Seychelles .

  28. 曲折中的发展:塞舌尔政治现代化论析

    On Development in Sinuosity & The Evolution of Political Modernization in Seychelles THE ARDUOUS AND TORTUOUS MIDDLE EAST PEACE TALK

  29. 我希望这不是太亵,但似乎几乎肯定创世记作者来自塞舌尔。

    I hope this is not too blasphemous , but it seems almost certain the writers of Genesis came from the seychelles .

  30. 刚刚从塞舌尔岛度完蜜月回来的凯特·米德尔顿立马就做起了自己的义务&和来英国访问的奥巴马夫妇会面,还穿着普通人都能买得起的非定制衣服。

    Fresh off her romantic Seychelles honeymoon , she sprung into first official duties greeting the Obamas in an affordable off-the-rack dress !