
guān dǎo
  • Guam
关岛 [guān dǎo]
  • [Guam] 太平洋马里亚纳群岛中最大和最南的岛。美国领地。首府阿加尼亚

关岛[guān dǎo]
  1. 关岛和美属萨摩亚是美国的准州。

    Guam and American Samoa are US territories .

  2. 使用驻在关岛的b-52轰炸机,又未免太小题大作了。

    Using b-52s based in Guam seemed to be an overreaction .

  3. 整个美国的地图(带有维尔京群岛、关岛和哥伦比亚特区的插页地图)以单色显示,颜色代表这个国家的食品券参与率(foodstampparticipationrate)。

    A map of the entire country ( with inset maps of the Virgin Islands , Guam , and District of Columbia ) is shown in a solid color that represents the food stamp participation rate of that state .

  4. 在东京,我将签署《关岛国际协议》(GuamInternationalAgreement)。根据该协议,将有8000名美军从冲绳转移至关岛,以使我们的安全联盟能够应对目前的挑战。

    In Tokyo , I will sign the Guam International Agreement , which will position our security alliance to meet the challenges of this time by moving 8000 American troops from Okinawa to Guam .

  5. 这条新环形光缆EACPacific将连接菲律宾、关岛、夏威夷和加州,然后往回穿越北太平洋至日本。

    The new loop cable , EAC Pacific , will link the Philippines , Guam , Hawaii and California before doubling back across the northern Pacific to Japan .

  6. 同时他们旨在让数千海军及其家属撤向美国关岛(Guam),这一行动绝大多数费用由日本支付。

    They also aimed to move thousands of marines and their families to the American territory of Guam , mostly paid for by Japan .

  7. 鸟儿飞过,虫儿也像坐在车里的那些人一样忙碌。在Guam(关岛)潮湿的气候下,花草树木茁壮成长。

    There were birds flying by , insects just as busy as the people in cars , plants and weeds thriving in the humid Guam climate .

  8. 第二岛链以Bonins为起点,经过马里亚纳,关岛和帕劳,在日本和菲律宾以东形成了一条南北向的线。

    The second chain of islands runs from the Bonins along the Marianas , Guam and Palau , forming a north-south line east of Japan and the Philippines .

  9. 参议员认为,与其修建开销巨大的新基地,不如让海军搬到在冲绳嘉手纳(Kadena)已经修建好的巨大军事基地,而在这个基地的部分美国空军可以撤离到关岛。

    The senators argue that instead of building a costly new facility , the marines should be moved to a huge existing base in Okinawa called Kadena , and that part of the American air force currently at Kadena should be relocated to Guam .

  10. 在关岛住一夜行吗?

    Is it all right to stay a night at Guam ?

  11. 关岛地磁转换函数的变化

    Time changes in geomagnetic transfer functions of Guam Magnetic Observatory Revisited

  12. 在这些天,日本还占领美国的关岛海岛。

    Within days , Japan captured the American island of Guam .

  13. 福尔昨天抵达美国关岛。

    Fowle arrived in the U.S. territory of Guam yesterday .

  14. 这是苏格兰、芬兰、希腊还是关岛的国旗?

    Is it the flag of Scotland , Finland , Greece or Guam ?

  15. 毕业后我进入关岛的广告业干了五年。

    After graduating I went into advertising for about five years in Guam .

  16. 艾莉斯,你的关岛之旅怎么样?

    How was your vacation to Guam , Alice ?

  17. 西太平洋上的关岛在星期六举行了民主党党团大会。

    The western Pacific island of Guam held Democratic Party caucuses on Saturday .

  18. 魔法机飞往札幌和关岛。

    Magic Jet flies to Sapporo and Guam .

  19. 昨夜日本军队进攻关岛。

    Last night , Japanese forces attacked Guam .

  20. 意识到人口移入关岛已造成土著查莫罗人成为自己家园的少数民族。

    Guam has resulted in the indigenous Chamorros becoming a minority in their homeland .

  21. 也就是说,这些导弹能够在朝鲜攻击美国在日本冲绳和关岛的军事基地。

    That would allow it to hit American military bases in Guam and Okinawa .

  22. 他一定会把我弄到关岛去的

    he 'd ship me off to Guam .

  23. 约4000名水兵从航母上转移到关岛美国海军基地。

    About 4000 sailors were removed from the ship to U.S. Navy facilities in Guam .

  24. 关岛和其他许多地方一样,长期以来一直将火作为工具。

    Guam , like many other places , has long used fire as a tool .

  25. 关岛住房和城市重建局

    Guam Housing and Urban Renewal Authority

  26. 并且也必须把波多黎各和关岛交给美国。

    It must also give to the United States the islands of Puerto Rico and Guam .

  27. 夏威夷岛的物种已经遭受过外来物种的狠狠打击,因此正紧张地关注着关岛的局势。

    Hawaii , its own species already hard-hit by alien ones , is watching Guam nervously .

  28. 1993年冬季所罗门群岛&关岛断面地转流的初步分析

    Preliminary analyses on geostrophic current pattern along Solomon Islands - guam sections in winter , 1993

  29. 五种蜥蜴,九种鸟类彻底灭绝,当中许多都是关岛独有的物种。

    Five species of lizard , nine of birds , many unique to Guam , have vanished .

  30. 双方很快对关于古巴、波多黎各和关岛的条款达成共识。

    The two sides agreed quickly on the terms concerning Cuba , Puerto Rico , and Guam .