
bā bā duō sī
  • Barbados
巴巴多斯[bā bā duō sī]
  1. 她出生于巴巴多斯,但是其性格形成的关键期是在伦敦东区度过的。

    She was born in Barbados but spent her formative years in east London .

  2. 据E!News报道,为纪念在六月辞世的祖母,蕾哈娜给巴巴多斯医院捐了175万美元。

    According to E ! News , Rihanna donated $ 1.75 million to a Barbados hospital in memory of her grandmother , who died back in June .

  3. 他现在娶了个巴巴多斯人。

    He is now married to a Barbadian .

  4. “喔,我要去巴巴多斯!”一首20世纪70年代流行歌曲这样欢快地唱道。

    ' Whoa , I 'm goin ' to Barbay-dos ! ' ran the jaunty lyrics of a 1970s hit song .

  5. 出生在巴巴多斯的弗兰克·科利摩尔是20世纪四五十年代西印度群岛文学复兴运动的核心人物。

    Barbadian-born Frank Collymore was at the heart of the West Indian literary renaissance in the ' 40s and ' 50s .

  6. 这名妹子名叫Monica,来自阿拉巴马州,已经去过意大利、巴巴多斯和菲律宾

    Monica Lynn , from Alabama , has travelled to Italy , Barbados and the Phillipines .

  7. 这艘载有309人的军舰2月份从里约热内卢(RiodeJaneiro)出发,并于3月抵达巴巴多斯岛(Barbados,位于大西洋)。

    With 309 people onboard , the ship left Rio de Janeiro in February and reached Barbados in March .

  8. 上述地区能与蔚蓝海岸(C?ted'Azur)、米兰及巴巴多斯等更具异国情调的区域比肩,这一事实验证了过去10年英国房地产牛市的强劲程度。

    The fact that these rub shoulders with more exotic locations such as the C ? te d'Azur , Milan and Barbados attests to the strength of the bull run in house prices in the UK during the past decade .

  9. 目的研究巴巴多斯芦荟多糖(AP)对内毒素化大鼠和正常高龄大鼠血清及肝组织高过氧化脂质(LPO)水平的影响。

    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of polysaccharide extract ( AP ) from Aloe Vera on LPO ( high level lipid peroxide ) of serum and hepatic tissue .

  10. 这位23岁的新妈咪在和儿子Kai在巴巴多斯岛度假时,身着黑色比基尼,大秀自己健康的肤色和平坦的小腹。

    The23-year-old WAG showed off her toned figure and enviably flat stomach in a black bikini while on holiday with son Kai in Barbados .

  11. 到达巴巴多斯岛后,科琳穿上粉色的沙滩裙陪儿子Kai在沙滩玩耍。

    After arriving in Barbados on Saturday , the star opted to cover up in a pink patterned beach dress as she played with son Kai .

  12. 巴巴多斯出生的RB歌手蕾哈娜空手而归,而加拿大流行歌手贾斯汀•比伯获得了与斯威夫特对应的男性大奖&最佳世界舞台奖、以及又一次斩获的最佳流行音乐奖和最佳男歌手。

    Barbados-born RB singer Rihanna went empty handed , while Canadian pop star Justin Bieber matched Swift for the boys and earned Best World Stage , along with repeat wins for Best Pop and Best Male .

  13. 孟加拉国、巴巴多斯、玻利维亚和苏里南都写信给世界卫生组织(它负责组织和管理UNITAID),要求它考虑这个奖金基金/专利池的模式。

    Bangladesh , Barbados , Bolivia , and Suriname have written to the WHO ( who host and administer UNITAID ) asking it to consider the prize fund / patent pool model .

  14. 我们要去巴巴多斯参加会议,是不是?

    We 're going to a conference in barbados , right ?

  15. 圣地亚哥射手座巴巴多斯岛、孟加拉、老挝、黎巴嫩、肯尼亚、圣地亚哥

    Barbados , Bangladesh , Laos , Lebanon , Kenya , San Diego

  16. 这周末我要跟我的马子去巴巴多斯。

    I 'm going to Barbados with my mistress for the weekend .

  17. 在巴巴多斯风景如画的海滩上,按照加勒比海时间,适应一下生活吧。

    Adjust to life on Caribbean time on Barbados ' picturesque shores .

  18. 我们送他和他的妻子去巴巴多斯岛旅行。

    We sent him and his wife on a trip to barbados .

  19. 巴巴多斯此前是英国殖民地,于1966年获得独立。

    Barbados is a former British colony that gained independence in 1966 .

  20. 由于在巴巴多斯岛被发现而得名。

    Named for a country house in Barbados where it was discovered .

  21. 夫妇二人一起在巴巴多斯这儿拍的照片。

    The couple are pictured here together in barbados .

  22. 巴巴多斯曾是英国的殖民地,现已独立。

    Barbados was once a British colony , but now it 's independent .

  23. 与我们一同到巴巴多斯的热带岛屿上消遣。

    Escape with us to thetropical island of barbados .

  24. 巴巴多斯、买加、立尼达和圭亚那等国的母语。

    Barbados , Jamaica , Trinidad and Guyana .

  25. 关于小岛屿发展中国家可持续发展的巴巴多斯宣言和行动纲领

    Barbados Declaration and Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States

  26. 在巴巴多斯地区的海盗。

    A pirate along the Barbary coast .

  27. 结有类似樱桃果实的各种植物,如巴巴多斯樱桃树或欧亚山茱萸等。

    Any of various plants , such as the Barbados cherry or the cornelian cherry .

  28. 你妈妈从巴巴多斯岛来电话。

    And your mother called from barbados .

  29. 如果布朗追随他的前任也去托斯卡纳或巴巴多斯,他一定要小心衣着。

    If Brown follows his predecessor to Tuscany or Barbados , he must dress with caution .

  30. 巴巴多斯岛的船只

    Ships in the Port of Barbados