
  • 网络french polynesia;Tahiti
  1. 我会去法属波利尼西亚,甚至海地。

    I would go to French Polynesia , or even Haiti .

  2. 多风貌并存,特色鲜明,是法属波利尼西亚最富多样性的岛屿。

    This unique juxtaposition makes Tahiti one of the most diverse islands in French Polynesia .

  3. 该岛是法属波利尼西亚群岛中社会群岛链之一部分,火山活动可分三期:早期(1.71.3Ma),中期(1.30.6Ma)和晚期(0.60.3Ma)。

    This island is one of Society Islands , French Polynesian Archipelago .

  4. 这是构成位于南太平洋法属波利尼西亚神奇的岛屿之一。

    This is one of the magical islands that make up French Polynesia in the South Pacific .

  5. 大溪地塔希提岛有着“爱情岛”的美称,是法属波利尼西亚群岛的政治和经济中心。

    Celebrated as the " island of love , " Tahiti is the French territory 's administrative and commercial backbone .

  6. 瓦努阿图派特使出席论坛,新喀里多尼亚和法属波利尼西亚的代表以准成员的资格出席了论坛。

    Vanuatu was represented by its special envoy , and New Caledonia and French Polynesia attended the forum as associate members .

  7. 到这一结婚圣地举行婚礼的有从英国、加拿大、匈牙利远道而来的情侣,也有来自法属波利尼西亚和新加坡的情侣。

    Couples at this local marriage Mecca are arriving from as far away as Great Britain , Canada , Hungary , French Polynesia and Singapore .

  8. 图片美术馆。在无数的云彩和水晶般的蓝色,一对黄貂鱼滑动恰好深入在法属波利尼西亚的土木土群岛水域。

    In a world of clouds and crystalline blue , a pair of stingrays glides just below the surface in the waters of French Polynesia 's Tuamotu archipelago .

  9. 作为一个法国人,我不能够把法国列入榜单,以免被人批评偏私……但是我对法属波利尼西亚却没有抵抗力!

    Being French I felt I couldn 't really put French men on the list as it could be judged unfair ... but I couldn 't resist to French Polynesia !

  10. 一只刚孵化的海龟像开始第一次飞翔的小鸟一样睁大眼睛张开脚蹼,在法属波利尼西亚海域水面以下游泳。

    Like a baby bird embarking on its first flight , a just-hatched turtle , flippers outspread and eyes wide , swims just below the ocean 's surface in the waters of French Polynesia .

  11. 此后,从12世纪开始,大批人从塔希提岛来此定居。塔希提岛南太平洋一个岛屿,位于法属波利尼西亚的社会群岛中迎风群岛上。

    Later waves of settlers arrived by the 12th century , this time from Tahiti . An island of the southern Pacific Ocean in the Windward group of the Society Islands in French Polynesia .

  12. 就要当妈妈的凯蒂·赫尔姆斯与未婚夫汤姆·克鲁斯在法属波利尼西亚的一处度假胜地(左)。

    Mom-to-be Katie Holmes and fianc é Tom Cruise stay close at hand while walking on a bridge over the lagoon at the Le Taha'a Private Island & Spa resort in February ( left ) .

  13. 该项目包括的太平洋地区包括密克罗尼西亚联邦、斐济、法属波利尼西亚、基里巴斯、新喀里多尼亚、巴布亚新几内亚、萨摩亚、所罗门群岛和瓦努阿图。

    The Pacific territories involved in the project are the Federated States of Micronesia , Fiji , French Polynesia , Kiribati , New Caledonia , Papua New Guinea , Samoa , the Solomon Islands and Vanuatu .

  14. 波拉岛法属波利尼西亚的一个火山岛,位于南太平洋的社会群岛的里沃列岛你去发动邮差,到岛上的各个角落去,通知渔民、农夫,甚至山里的牧羊人。

    A volcanic island of French Polynesia in the Leeward group of the Society Islands in the southern Pacific Ocean . You start messengers around the island to the fishers and farmers everywhere , even to the mountain goat hunters .