
fǎ dìnɡ jì chénɡ
  • statutory succession;intestate succession;inheritance by operation of law
  1. 在这两种继承方式中,法定继承仍然是占绝对优势的继承方式,而遗嘱继承更便于被继承人按照自己的意志处分遗产。

    Among the two methods of inheritance , inheritance by operation of law is still the dominant one , while succession by testament is favorable for the testate to dispose of his estate in accordance with his own will .

  2. 在这种情况下,遗嘱继承作为比法定继承优先适用的继承制度其重要性就显得更加突出。

    In this case , as have priority than intestate succession applicable to inherit system his importance seem more outstanding testate succession .

  3. 胎儿出生时是死体的,保留的份额按照法定继承办理。

    The share reserved shall , if the baby is stillborn , be dealt with in accordance with statutory succession .

  4. 第二十七条有下列情形之一的,遗产中的有关部分按照法定继承办理:

    Article 27 Under any of the following circumstances , the part of the estate affected shall be dealt with in accordance with statutory succession :

  5. 金正日的父亲金日成(Kimil-sung)于1994年逝世,而在金日成逝世的10多年前,金正日就已经被列为法定继承人。金正日据信在去年患了中风。

    Kim Jong-il , who it is thought suffered a stroke last year , was styled as heir apparent for more than a decade before his father , Kim Il-sung , died in 1994 .

  6. 美国官员表示,巴基耶夫的儿子、法定继承人马克西姆(Maksim)曾计划与会,但后来没有参加。

    Mr. Bakiyev 's son and heir apparent , Maksim , had been scheduled to take part in those meetings but didn 't , U.S. officials said .

  7. 但他却在与鲁伯特之子、福克斯的法定继承人詹姆斯·默多克(JamesMurdoch)谈判,还有迪斯尼的首席执行官罗伯特·A·伊格(RobertA.Iger)、时代华纳的首席执行官杰弗里·L·比克斯(JeffreyL.Bewkes)等人。

    And yet here he is , in negotiations involving the likes of James Murdoch , Rupert 's son and Fox 's heir apparent ; Robert A. Iger , chief executive of Disney ; and Jeffrey L. Bewkes , chief executive of Time Warner .

  8. 浅析中国与韩国法定继承制度的异同

    A Comparison between China and ROK in Their Legal Heritage Systems

  9. 他是这位富翁的唯一法定继承人。

    He is the only legal heir of the rich man .

  10. 第二部分法定继承人的范围。

    The second part : The range of legal heirs .

  11. 国王的长子是王位的法定继承人。

    The king 's oldest son is heir apparent to the throne .

  12. 法定继承人的范围和顺序研究

    Research on the Range and Order of the Legal Heirs

  13. 这或许暗示,这位法定继承人也很矮小。

    This would suggest that the heir apparent is short .

  14. 法定继承制度完善之管见

    On the Perfect of Inheritance System at Law

  15. 他们立他为他们的法定继承人。

    They adopted him as their legal heir .

  16. 我国法定继承制度的立法构想

    Legal Conception of Chinese Legal Inheritance System

  17. 从一般意义来说,关于财产的继承方式大致可以分为法定继承和遗嘱继承。

    Generally , the category of succession of property falls into legal succession and testament succession .

  18. 不管是物品的主人还是法定继承人,他们认领这些物品的时间没有期限。

    The right of the owner-or that person 's lawful heir-to claim this property or money never expires .

  19. 我国现行继承法规定的法定继承人的范围基本上符合民间对继承人的选择,除法定继承人外,人们更注重是否是自己的直系血亲或者是否对自己给予了较多照顾。

    The limits of heirs in statutory succession of China 's Law of Succession accord with the civilian choice .

  20. 中国和韩国的法定继承制度有很多共同点,但也存在着不少差异。

    There are many similarities as well as differences between China and the ROK in their legal heritage systems .

  21. 而法定继承人的范围和顺序问题,又是法定继承制度的重要内容。

    The range and order of the legal heirs is the importance matter of the inheritance by operation of law .

  22. 中外法定继承之继承人范围及其份额的比较法研究

    On the Scope of Successors and Their Shares in Intestate Succession in China and Abroad : a Comparative Law Approach

  23. 就特定物指定继承人第五条继承开始后,按照法定继承办理;

    Article 5 Succession shall , after its opening , be handled in accordance with the provisions of statutory succession ;

  24. 如一个人无遗嘱死亡,其财产将按州的法定继承法规予以处置。

    Your possessions will be distributed by the state under its statute of descent if you die without a will .

  25. 无继承人的:土地规领主缺少法定继承人或继承申请者的封地的所有权的转归领主。

    Escheat : Reversion of land held under feudal tenure to the manOR in the absence of legal heirs OR claimants .

  26. 继承人:在通常法律中,依据遗嘱法定继承遗产的人;

    Heirs : At common law , the person appointed by law to succeed to the estate in case of intestacy .

  27. 涉外法定继承的法律选择是中外诸多法学专家、学者研究的重要课题之一。

    The choice of laws methodology for Foreign Legal Heritance is one of the important subjects that foreign and Chinese legal .

  28. 公民可以立遗嘱将个人财产指定由法定继承人的一人或者数人继承。

    A citizen may , by making a will , designate one or more of the statutory successors to inherit his personal property .

  29. 特留份是法定继承人所享有的固有的权利,以保障继承人能够得到被继承人遗产的一定份额。

    Legitimate portion is the inherent rights enjoyed by the legal heir , a successor who to ensure production can be a share of the estate .

  30. 特留份是指法律上明确规定的,在处分遗产时必须为特定的法定继承人保留的财产份额。

    The Legitim system is defined by law as the proportion of assets that will be assigned to the legal heir when disposal of the estate occurs .