
jiāo tōnɡ shì ɡù
  • traffic accident;traffic crash
  1. 昨天发生了一起严重的交通事故。

    A serious traffic accident occurred / happened yesterday .

  2. 今天早上发生了交通事故。

    A traffic accident occurred this morning .

  3. 早些时候的交通事故过后,现在交通通畅些了。

    Traffic is now moving more freely following an earlier accident .

  4. 近年来致命交通事故发生率已经下降。

    Fatal road accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years .

  5. 有关一起恶性交通事故的报道开始陆续传来。

    News of a serious road accident is just coming in .

  6. 警方今天开展了一场减少道路交通事故的运动。

    Today police launched a campaign to reduce road accidents .

  7. 每七次交通事故就有一次是驾车者困倦造成的。

    One in seven accidents is caused by sleepy drivers .

  8. 交通事故的数字与交通量的增长成正比。

    The number of accidents is proportionate to the increased volume of traffic .

  9. 所有交通事故中有10%是酒后驾车造成的。

    Alcohol is a contributory factor in 10 % of all road accidents .

  10. 在发生一系列交通事故之后,警方提请驾驶人要谨慎驾车。

    After a series of road accidents the police pleaded for sanity among drivers .

  11. 她已婚的妹妹在一起交通事故中瘫痪了。

    Her married sister had been paralysed in a road accident .

  12. 50%的道路交通事故都会导致头部损伤。

    Fifty per cent of road accidents result in head injuries

  13. 交通事故仍然是造成美国人过早死亡的头号因素。

    Accidents are still the number one cause of premature death for Americans

  14. 交通事故减少了。

    There has been a decrease in traffic accidents .

  15. 一次可怕的交通事故避免了。

    A frightful traffic disaster was avoided .

  16. 我正在为交通事故的报告汇集统计数字。

    I am compiling statistics for a report on traffic accidents .

  17. 警方正在通缉交通事故的逃逸者。

    The runaway of the traffic accident is wanted by the police .

  18. 近年来交通事故发生的频率已经下降。

    Traffic accidents have decreased in frequency over recent years .

  19. 交通事故多得惊人。

    There is a shocking number of traffic accidents .

  20. 去年交通事故增加了5%。

    Traffic accidents have increased by five per cent in the past year .

  21. 这是一张交通事故的图表。

    This is a graph of road accidents .

  22. 交通事故日益频繁。

    Traffic accidents are happening with increasing frequency .

  23. 如果你看到交通事故,务必记下汽车的牌照号码。

    If you see a traffic accident , mark down the licence of the car .

  24. 像无人驾驶汽车这种公共安全所依托的大型而复杂的系统应该由有能力保证安全以及对交通事故负责的生产商们建立、规划以及销售。

    Big , complicated systems on which much public safety depends , like driverless cars , should be built , programmed and sold by manufacturers who take responsibility for ensuring safety and are liable for accidents .

  25. B:没什么大不了的。只是一个小小的交通事故。

    B : There was nothing serious . Just a little traffic accident .

  26. 它可能导致交通事故,甚至死亡。

    It may cause traffic accidents , even deaths .

  27. 他的儿子昨天死于一场交通事故。

    His son died yesterday in a road accident .

  28. 仅在美国,疲劳驾驶每年至少会引起10万起交通事故。

    In the UnitedStates alone , sleepy drivers cause at least 100,000 traffic accidents a year .

  29. Donorcycle是由organdonor(器官捐献者)和motorcycle(摩托车)两个词组合而成,最初起源于急诊室医生的说法,他们经常看到摩托车交通事故的受害者。

    Donorcycle is a combination of organ donor1 and motorcycle ; the term apparently2 originates from emergency room personnel who often see motorcycle accident victims .

  30. 每年差不多有50000个巴西人死于交通事故。

    Every year almost 50000 Brazilians die in traffic accidents .