
jì chéng rén
  • heir;successor;inheritor;continuer;distributee
继承人 [jì chéng rén]
  • [heir;inheritor;continuer;leggtee] 指依照法律或死者遗嘱享有权利、承担义务或者继承死者的财产的人

继承人[jì chéng rén]
  1. 她的任务就是生育王位继承人。

    Her duty was to produce an heir to the throne .

  2. 他的继承人把这幅画卖给了伦敦艺术品经销商阿格纽斯。

    His heir sold the painting to the London art dealer Agnews

  3. 三分之二的继承人会把他们继承得到的房产迅速变卖。

    Two-thirds of inheritors promptly sold the houses they were left .

  4. 总统的选定继承人是他的儿子。

    The President 's designated successor is his son .

  5. 公主由于不能诞下继承人,被无情地抛弃了。

    The Princess was cruelly cast aside when she failed to produce an heir

  6. 尼古拉斯·保罗·帕特里克是王位的第七顺位继承人。

    Nicholas Paul Patrick was seventh in the line of succession to the throne

  7. 他没有爵位,也不是巨额财产的继承人。

    He had no title and was not the heir to a great estate .

  8. 他的继承人杜恩勋爵在城里出了一番风头。

    His heir , Lord Doune , cuts a bit of a dash in the city .

  9. 戴安娜看起来是个年轻健壮的女孩,应该能生下继承人。

    Diana seemed a strong young girl who could be counted upon to produce an heir .

  10. 一位可能的王位继承人与平民缔结婚约,这种事还只是第二次。

    It 's only the second time a potential heir to the throne has married a commoner .

  11. 他声称自己是唯一的合法继承人。

    He claimed that he was the only lawful heir .

  12. 他是长子,因此是头衔的继承人。

    He is the eldest son and thus heir to the title .

  13. 他要求做合法的继承人。

    He claims to be the rightful heir .

  14. 出现了谁是合法继承人的有争议的问题。

    A question arose as to who was the legal heir .

  15. 那位女继承人至少有百万家当。

    The heiress is worth at least a million dollars .

  16. 他拥有很多不动产并把它传给他的继承人。

    He held a lot of real estate and transmitted it to his heirs .

  17. 他把自己的财产分给继承人。

    He distributed his possessions among his heirs .

  18. 如果他没有立下遗嘱就去世了,他的至亲将成为其继承人。

    If he dies without making a will , his closest relative will inherit .

  19. 我们不承认他为合法继承人。

    We don 't recognised him to be the lawful heir .

  20. 国王的长子是王位的继承人。

    The King 's eldest son is the heir to the throne .

  21. 他是王位的合法继承人。

    He was the legal heir to the throne .

  22. 第十三条同一顺序继承人继承遗产的份额,一般应当均等。

    Article 13 Successors same in order shall , in general , inherit in equal shares .

  23. 第七条继承人有下列行为之一的,丧失继承权:

    Article 7 A successor shall be disinherited upon his commission of any one of the following acts :

  24. 没有第一顺序继承人继承的,由第二顺序继承人继承。

    The successor ( s ) second in order shall inherit in default of any successor first in order .

  25. 第十一条被继承人的子女先于被继承人死亡的,由被继承人的子女的晚辈直系血亲代位继承。

    Article 11 Where a decedent survived his child , the direct lineal descendants of the predeceased child inherit in subrogation .

  26. 第十九条遗嘱应当对缺乏劳动能力又没有生活来源的继承人保留必要的遗产份额。

    Article 19 Reservation of a necessary portion of an estate shall be made in a will for a successor who neither can work nor has a source of income .

  27. 第二十六条夫妻在婚姻关系存续期间所得的共同所有的财产,除有约定的以外,如果分割遗产,应当先将共同所有的财产的一半分出为配偶所有,其余的为被继承人的遗产。

    Article 26 If a decedent 's estate is partitioned , half of the joint as his or her own property ; the remainder shall constitute the decedent 's estate .

  28. 对被继承人尽了主要扶养义务或者与被继承人共同生活的继承人,分配遗产时,可以多分。

    At the time of distributing the estate , successors who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining the decedent or have lived with the decedent may be given a larger share .

  29. 第十二条丧偶儿媳对公、婆,丧偶女婿对岳父、岳母,尽了主要赡养义务的,作为第一顺序继承人。

    Article 12 Widowed daughters-in-law or sons-in-law who have made the predominant contributions in maintaining their parents-in-law shall , in relationship to their parents-in-law , be regarded as successors first in order .

  30. 在这个由超人形象合伙创作人杰瑞。西格尔继承人提起的诉讼中,华纳兄弟电影公司和DC漫画公司胜诉。

    The studio and DC Comics won a lawsuit filed by the heirs of the character 's co-creator Jerry Siegel .