
  • 网络secondary liver cancer;secondary hepatic carcinoma;liver metastases;secondary hepatic cancer
  1. 卵巢癌肝转移后形成的继发性肝癌是临床常见的转移癌类型。

    Secondary liver cancer due to metastasis of ovarian carcinoma is among the most frequent types of metastatic carcinomas .

  2. 高强聚焦超声已被应用于许多癌症的治疗中,包括:胰腺癌,膀胱癌,肾癌,原发和继发性肝癌的根治及姑息性治疗。

    HIFU therapy is applicable for treatment of a range of cancers including pancreatic , bladder , prostate , kidney and primary and secondary liver cancer and for both curative and palliative therapy .

  3. 原发性和继发性肝癌并发胆囊疾患的比较

    Comparison between Primary and Metastatic Cancer of Liver with Gall Disease

  4. 继发性肝癌67例分析

    Analysis of 67 cases with secondary carcinoma of the liver

  5. 继发性肝癌35例。

    35 with secondary liver tumors .

  6. 莪术油肝动脉灌注栓塞治疗继发性肝癌28例疗效观察

    Treatment of Secondary Hepatocarcinoma by Hepatic Artery Perfusion Embolism of Oleum Curcumae : A Clinical Observation of 28 Cases

  7. 结果本组28例,原发性肝细胞癌20例,肝脏恶性纤维组织瘤1例,继发性肝癌7例;

    Results There were 20 cases of HCC , 7 cases of secondary liver cancers and 1 case of hepatic malignant fibroma .

  8. 出血原因包括原发性肝癌破裂、肝血管瘤破裂、肝硬化结节破裂、肝腺瘤破裂、肝脂肪瘤破裂、肝紫斑病破裂和继发性肝癌破裂。

    The causes of LSH included rupture of primary hepatocellular carcinoma , liver cirrhosis , hepatic angioma , adenoma , lipoma , peliosis and secondary carcinoma of liver .

  9. 在40例阳性造影中,诊断原发性肝癌15例,继发性肝癌3例,海绵状血管瘤12例,肝硬化7例,肝脓肿、肝囊肿及胰腺肝细胞瘤各1例。

    Among the 40 positive angiography , the diagnosis were as follows : primary and secondary hepatic carcinoma , 15 and 3 cases , cavernous angioma 12 cases , cirrhosis 7 cases , hepatic abscess 1 case , cyst 1 case , pancreatic beta-cell tumor 1 cases .

  10. 继发性皮肤浆细胞瘤继发性肝癌35例。

    Secondary cutaneous plasmacytoma : a case report and review of literature 35 with secondary liver tumors .

  11. 继发性肝脏恶性肿瘤的处理继发性肝癌35例。

    Treatment of Secondary Metastatic Hepatocarcinoma 35 with secondary liver tumors .