
jì chénɡ shùn xù
  • order of succession
  1. 这名新生儿的到来立刻改变了英国王位的继承顺序。60多年来,男婴的曾祖母,现年87岁的伊莉莎白二世(QueenElizabethII)一直担任英国女王。

    The new arrival immediately changes the line of succession to the British throne , which has been occupied by the new arrival 's 87-year-old great-grandmother , Queen Elizabeth II , for more than six decades .

  2. 在威廉王子与凯特王妃抵达医院10个半小时后,一名男婴出生,有关王位继承顺序的问题变得没有意义。

    That became moot when a baby boy was born about 10 & # 189 ; hours after the royal couple arrived at the hospital .

  3. 按照穆斯林的祖制,王位继承的顺序应该先按照同辈兄弟的长幼来论,然后才会轮到下一代。

    Traditions of Muslim kingship suggest that the line should pass through brothers of one generation in order of age , before descending to the next .

  4. 虽然先前在继承皇位的顺序上,男性排在女性之前,但新法案的实行意味着出生顺序将取代性别。

    While men previously outranked women in line to the throne , the new Act meant that birth order superseded gender .

  5. 按照遗产继承的正常顺序,可在步骤上划分为三大环节:遗产范围的确定,遗产的管理,遗产的分配。

    In accordance with the normal order of the legacy heritage , the procedure could be divided into 3 steps , namely , the specification of the legacy coverage , the management of the legacy , and the assignment of the legacy .

  6. 本文按照动态修改对流程结构的影响将流程继承分为顺序继承、选择继承、并行继承和循环继承,并给出了相应于每种继承的案例迁移方法。

    In this paper , according to the influence of dynamic modification on process structure , we divide process inheritance into four kinds : sequence inheritance , free-choice inheritance , parallel inheritance , and circulation inheritance . Also we propose respective instance migration method for every land of inheritance .

  7. 很多通用的XML处理规范,如CanonicalXML,都从InfoSet衍生而来,因此继承了关于兄弟顺序的规则。

    Many general-purpose XML processing specifications , such as Canonical XML , derive from the InfoSet and thus inherit this rule for sibling order .

  8. 第三章主要按照财产继承的一般时间顺序从婚嫁、分家、丧葬三个方面对LQw村女性财产继承状况进行了调查和分析。

    The second chapter basically according to chronological order to describe the status of female inheritance from the marriage , family property division , funeral .

  9. 继承开始后,由第一顺序继承人继承,第二顺序继承人不继承。

    When succession opens , the successor ( s ) first in order shall inherit to the exclusion of the successor ( s ) second in order .

  10. 中国和朝鲜作为社会主义国家,两国的法定财产继承制度在法定继承的范围、顺序的继承份额,代位继承制度,法定继承权的丧失等方面具有很多共同点,但也存在着一些差异。

    China and DPRK , as two socialist countries , share both similarities and differences in the legitimate inheritance system , such as the legitimate scope of inheritance , share in inheritance hierarchy , representation system , abolition of the right of inheritance , etc.

  11. 吐蕃王朝婚姻家庭的主要特点是多种婚姻形式的并存和转房制度的形成,固定的亲系关系基本形成;在继承制度方面,继承的范围、顺序和标的已经形成并具有鲜明特色。

    The main characteristics of the Tubo Dynasty marriage and family is the formation of a variety of forms coexist and basic formation of fixed lineas . in succession inheritance system , the range of order and standard has been formed and has distinctive characteristics .

  12. 《继承法》对在遗产分割以前,遗产的范围、继承的顺序和遗产的清偿的规定过于简单。

    Inheritance law before inheritance division , the inheritance scope , inherits the order , the inheritance pays off the stipulation to be too simple .