- 名order of succession

The new arrival immediately changes the line of succession to the British throne , which has been occupied by the new arrival 's 87-year-old great-grandmother , Queen Elizabeth II , for more than six decades .
That became moot when a baby boy was born about 10 & # 189 ; hours after the royal couple arrived at the hospital .
Traditions of Muslim kingship suggest that the line should pass through brothers of one generation in order of age , before descending to the next .
While men previously outranked women in line to the throne , the new Act meant that birth order superseded gender .
In accordance with the normal order of the legacy heritage , the procedure could be divided into 3 steps , namely , the specification of the legacy coverage , the management of the legacy , and the assignment of the legacy .
In this paper , according to the influence of dynamic modification on process structure , we divide process inheritance into four kinds : sequence inheritance , free-choice inheritance , parallel inheritance , and circulation inheritance . Also we propose respective instance migration method for every land of inheritance .
Many general-purpose XML processing specifications , such as Canonical XML , derive from the InfoSet and thus inherit this rule for sibling order .
The second chapter basically according to chronological order to describe the status of female inheritance from the marriage , family property division , funeral .
When succession opens , the successor ( s ) first in order shall inherit to the exclusion of the successor ( s ) second in order .
China and DPRK , as two socialist countries , share both similarities and differences in the legitimate inheritance system , such as the legitimate scope of inheritance , share in inheritance hierarchy , representation system , abolition of the right of inheritance , etc.
The main characteristics of the Tubo Dynasty marriage and family is the formation of a variety of forms coexist and basic formation of fixed lineas . in succession inheritance system , the range of order and standard has been formed and has distinctive characteristics .
Inheritance law before inheritance division , the inheritance scope , inherits the order , the inheritance pays off the stipulation to be too simple .