
yǎnɡ fù
  • foster father
养父 [yǎng fù]
  • [adoptive father; foster father] 收养他人的子女作为自己子女的男人

  1. 我养父待我如同亲生。

    My foster father treated me as his own son .

  2. 埃尔隆诞生于贝瑞勒上所有的古老的王国毁灭之后,但他的父亲是埃兰迪尔,他的养父是麦格洛尔。

    Elrond was born after all the old kingdoms of Beleriand had been destroyed , but his father was earendil and his foster father was maglor .

  3. 我的养父养母要把奶奶送去疗养院。

    My mom and Dad were moving grandma into a nursing home .

  4. 她养父在她成长过程中虐待她

    is that her foster father abused her growing up .

  5. 在养父的帮助下,她学会了阅读。

    With her adoptive father 's help , she learned to read .

  6. 探访家庭成员和朋友,包括他养父在伯利恒的家人。

    Visiting family and friends including those from his step-fathers side in Bethlehem .

  7. 她的养母自杀了,养父进了监狱。

    Her adoptive mother committed suicide and her adoptive father went to jail .

  8. 提倡让养父养母在讨论寄养方案问题上应有一份发言权的运动。

    A campaign for foster parents to have a share in discussing fostering policy .

  9. 他的寡母把他抚养成人。他们为这些孤儿找到了养父养母。

    His widowed mother brought him up . They placed the orphans with foster-parents .

  10. 他像乔布斯的养父一样,迁就他的强烈意愿

    Like Jobs 's adoptive father , he would indulge Jobs 's strong will ,

  11. 他的养父是一个能适应新环境的人。

    His adoptive father is an adaptable .

  12. 我之前的养父经常虐待我们

    My last foster father abused us .

  13. 而且是他把她送到你养父的诊所分娩

    and he was the one who brought her to your dad 's office for the delivery .

  14. 乔布斯父母定下的领养条件之一就是,养父养母必须是大学生。

    The one requirement his biological parents had was that he be adopted by two college educated people .

  15. 你的养父是个伟大的领主,我却只是个滑稽的小魔猴。

    Your false father is a great lord , and I am just some twisted little monkey man .

  16. 威尔与他的养父养母同住的磨房坐落在一个深谷里。深谷的一边是松林,一边是莽莽群山。

    The mill where will lived with his adopted parents stood in a falling valley between pinewoods and great mountains .

  17. 当他离开大学校园进入西点军校时,他与养父的关系彻底破裂了。

    His relationship with his adopted father dissolved over time , as he flitted from university to West Point Academy ;

  18. 但是我亲生母亲随后发现,我的养母从来没有上过大学,我的养父甚至从没有读过高中。

    My biological mother found out later that my mother had never graduated from college and that my father had never graduated from high school .

  19. 他是一位了不起的父亲,任何时候他得知有孩子遇到麻烦,就会接他们回家,当他们的养父。

    And anytime he heard that some kid was in trouble with the law , my dad would go to court to take him home and be a foster father .

  20. 不是你没有项链的学士,你的养父,勇敢的鸭子或者可爱的莱莫尔,这些好朋友把你当成一个豆子种下去。

    Not your chainless maester , not your false father , not the gallant Duck nor the lovely Lemore nor these other fine friends who grew you from a bean .

  21. 乔布斯在收养家庭里长大,养父母大学肄业,爸爸是机械工兼木匠,从孩童时期起,乔布斯就开始跟着养父一起围着电子器件修修补补。

    Raised by adoptive parents who did not graduate from college , Jobs tinkered with electronics at a young age with his father , who worked as a mechanic and carpenter .

  22. 去年12月,布拉德正式成为这几个孩子的养父,今年5月,安吉莉娜生下她和布拉德的第一个孩子夏洛伊诺维尔。

    In December last year , Brad became the children 's official adopted father , and in May this year Angelina gave birth to the couple 's first biological child Shiloh Nouvel .