
yǎnɡ zhí yè
  • Breeding industry;breading industry
  1. 英国全国农民联盟(NationalFarmers'Union)说,将牛肉从菜单上移除是一种过于简单的做法,而且英国的牛肉养殖业比普通的牛肉养殖业更具可持续性。

    The UK 's National Farmers ' Union says removing beef from menus is an overly simplistic approach and that British beef farming is much more sustainable than average .

  2. 澳大利亚的水产养殖业以鲑鱼、金枪鱼和牡蛎的养殖为主。

    Aquaculture in Australia is dominated by the farming of salmon10 , tuna , and oysters11 .

  3. 这家公司规模不大,却可以帮助减少传统养殖业产生的生态足迹。

    The business is small , but could help to reduce the ecological3 footprint of traditional farming .

  4. 对虾白斑综合征病毒(Whitespotsyndromevirus,WSSV)是对虾养殖业的主要病毒病原。

    White Spot Syndrome Virus ( WSSV ) is the main viral pathogen of Penaeid shrimp .

  5. 兽药(veterinarymedicines)被广泛的应用于养殖业包括畜牧养殖业和水产养殖业,以治疗动物疾病和保障动物健康。

    Veterinary medicines are widely used in breeding industry ( livestock breeding and aquaculture ) .

  6. 对虾白斑综合征病毒(Whitespotsyndromevirus,WSSV)是近十几年里在全球范围内对对虾养殖业危害最严重的病毒病原。

    The white spot syndrome virus ( WSSV ) is the most dangerous virus to shrimp aquaculture worldwide in recent years .

  7. 生物技术(Biotechnology)在海水养殖业中的应用

    Application of Biotechnology in Mariculture

  8. 水产养殖业如何面对SPS协定

    How to Make Aquaculture Enterprises Face the SPS Agreement

  9. 日本鳗鲡(AnguillaJaponica)是我国鳗鲡养殖业的重要种类之一。

    Anguilla japonica is one of important species of eel aquaculture in China .

  10. 但是白斑病毒(Whitespotsyndromevirus,WSSV)等病毒使对虾养殖业遭受了极大的损失。

    However , the aquaculture of shrimp has suffered vast economic losses because of serious viral diseases such as white spot syndrome virus ( WSSV ) .

  11. 目前,在我国水产养殖业中,现有的水质检测仪表多基于RS-232和RS-485的有线数据通信。

    At present , water instrumentation is often based on RS-232 or RS-485 in china aquaculture industry .

  12. 对虾白斑杆状病毒(WhitespotbacilliformvirusWSBV),或称白斑综合症病毒(WhitespotsyndromevirusWSSV),是对虾养殖业最主要的病原。

    Shrimp white spot bacilliform virus ( WSBV ), also called white spot syndrome virus ( WSSV ), is the heaviest pathogen to shrimp culture .

  13. 面对世界经济一体化的到来、中国加入WTO、西部大开发战略的实施,重庆养殖业国际化是必然趋势。

    With the globalization process of the world economy , China 's entry into WTO and the launch of the West Development campaign , the animal husbandry in Chongqing will inevitably be internationalized .

  14. 肉鸡肺动脉高压综合征(Pulmonaryhypertensionsyndrome,PHS).又称肉鸡腹水综合征,是一组以腹水为特征同时伴有心衰等症状的综合征.也是目前威胁肉鸡养殖业的主要疾病之一。

    Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome of broiler ( PHS ) that has a group of character symptom such as ascites and heart failure , is also one of major diseases threatening broiler industry .

  15. 近年来,我国水貂养殖区阿留申病的流行情况在国内时有报道,高水平的AD感染一直是严重影响我国水貂养殖业高效、健康发展的一个非常重要的因素之一。

    For the past few years , the popular information was reported in Chinese mink cultivation . High level AD infection is one of the all-important effect factors for developing Chinese mink cultivation healthy .

  16. 对虾白斑综合症病毒(WSSV)是一种具有囊膜、无包涵体的杆状双链环状DNA病毒,也是严重危害对虾养殖业的最主要病原。

    White spot syndrome virus ( WSSV ) is an non-occluded , rod-shaped , enveloped and double-stranded DNA virus . It is also the main pathogen of shrimp .

  17. 对虾WSSV病是亚洲对虾养殖业中的一个棘手问题。

    White spot syndrome virus ( WSSV ) disease is a key problem in shrimp culture industry in Asian countries .

  18. 其中高致病性的H5N1亚型AIV可以造成鸡群的大批死亡,对家禽养殖业影响严重,并可引起人的感染和死亡。

    The highly pathogenic H5N1 subtype AIV , which infected human beings and made them dead , can cause the fowl dead largely and influence the fowl industry severely .

  19. 白斑综合症(whitespotsyndrome,WSS)是当前全球对虾养殖业所面临的危害性最大影响范围最广的病害之一,并成为目前制约养虾业发展的主要瓶颈之一。

    WSS ( White Spot Syndrome ) , which the global shrimp farming industry currently face , is the greatest harmful disease affecting the widest range , and become one of the main bottlenecks in the development of shrimp farming .

  20. 近几十年来,农业和海水养殖业所使用的有机磷农药(OPs)造成沿岸海水的严重污染,威胁到海洋动物的生存。

    During recent decades , organophosphorus pesticides ( OPs ) coming from agriculture and mariculture have caused serious pollution in seawater and may result in potential safety hazards to marine animals .

  21. 孔雀石绿(MG)是一种抗寄生虫和抗细菌类药物,广泛应用于水产养殖业,用于预防与治疗各类水产动物的水霉病、鳃霉病等,并获得了极佳的效果。

    Malachite Green ( MG ) is a kind of anti-parasitic and anti-bacterial drug that has been widely used in the aquaculture for the prevention and the treatment of diseases of aquatic animals , such as water mildew , gill phthiriasis , etc , and gets good results .

  22. 玉米赤霉烯酮(Zearalenone,ZEN)具有很强的生殖毒害和致癌性,广泛存在于霉变的谷类作物和奶制品中,给养殖业带来巨大的影响。

    Zearalenone ( ZEN ) is widely found in moldy grain crops and dairy products , which has a strong reproductive toxicity and carcinogenicity . It has a huge impact on livestock breeding .

  23. 迟钝爱德华氏菌(Edwardsiellatarda)是一种对水产养殖业极具危害的致病菌,其致病过程是一系列致病基因时空顺序表达的结果。

    Edwardsiella tarda is a major pathogen threatening aquaculture industry . Its pathogenesis results from a series of pathogenic genes expressed in temporal and spatial order .

  24. 产肠毒素大肠杆菌(EnterotoxigenicEscherichiaColi,ETEC)是引发仔猪、牛犊、羔羊等农场家畜(禽)水样腹泻的最主要致病菌之一,其高发病率和致死率给畜牧养殖业造成很大经济损失。

    Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli ( ETEC ) is one of the most important pathogens in severe watery diarrhea in piglets , calves , lambs and other farm livestock , its high morbidity and mortality caused big economic losses .

  25. 白斑症病毒(WSSV)病是危害对虾养殖业健康发展的主要疾病之一,自1993年暴发以来,国内外学者纷纷对其开展研究。

    White spot syndrome virus ( WSSV ) is the most important viral pathogen that causes considerable economic damage to shrimp culture industry . Since it outbroke in 1993 , it has been studied by scholars at home and abroad .

  26. 其中高致病性禽流感(HPAI)是近几年来在许多国家流行、给养殖业带来巨大经济损失、并且威胁到人类健康的一种烈性传染病。

    In recent years , the highly pathogenic avian influenza ( HPAI ) was very popular in many countries , caused huge economic losses to the poultry industry , and becoming a threat to the human health in world wide .

  27. 池塘主养模式在水产养殖业中的意义及发展前景

    Significance and Development Prospect of Pond Mono-culture Pattern in Fishery Culture

  28. 营口地区水产养殖业发展具有较大的优势和特点。

    Yingkou district development of aquaculture has many advantages and characteristics .

  29. 特种经济动物养殖业的现状与展望

    The Current Status and Outlook on the Special Economic Animals Breeding

  30. 关于我国海水养殖业结构调整的思考

    Pondering on the structure adjustment of mariculture industry in our country