
  • 网络Cyprus issue
  1. 希土两国在塞浦路斯问题上的分歧最终导致了双方的武装冲突。

    The differences between Turkey and Greece on the Cyprus issue eventually led to the armed conflict between the two sides .

  2. 两族领导人目前正在从事联合国发起的谈判找到一个全面解决塞浦路斯问题。

    The leaders of the two communities are currently engaged in UN-sponsored talks to find a comprehensive settlement to the Cyprus issue .

  3. 塞浦路斯问题研究

    A Study of the Cyprus Problem , 1878-2000

  4. 塞浦路斯问题秘书长斡旋特派团

    Secretary-General 's mission of good offices for Cyprus

  5. 塞浦路斯问题特别顾问

    Special Adviser on Cyprus

  6. 自20世纪50年代中期以来,塞浦路斯问题逐渐成为影响土耳其对外政策的一个重要因素。

    Since the second half of 1950s , the Cyprus problem became an influential factor in Turkish foreign policy .

  7. 第二,我有机会向他们介绍我的同事的谈判来解决塞浦路斯问题。

    Secondly , I had the chance to brief my colleague on the negotiations to solve the Cyprus problem .

  8. 塞浦路斯问题是二战后出现的最难解决的国际问题之&。

    Cyprus Problem , arose in the post-War years , is one of the most complicated international problems in the world .

  9. 美国国会更是为了迫使土耳其在塞浦路斯问题上做出妥协,1975年通过议案对土耳其实施武器禁运。

    The US Congress passed a bill in 1975 which was aimed at forcing Turkey to make concession in Cyprus problem .

  10. 艾洛格鲁对长久的塞浦路斯问题的解决方法包括独立的希腊和土耳其塞浦路斯国,由松散的联盟纽带联系在一起。

    The Eroglu 's solution to the long-standing Cyprus problem would involve separate Greek and Turkish Cypriot states , linked by loose confederal ties .

  11. 他说:“土耳其已经改变立场,并在实践中执行联合国决议,为解决塞浦路斯问题”。

    He said that " Turkey has to change its position and implement in practice the UN resolutions , in order to solve the Cyprus issue " .

  12. 这次会议将举行的联合国秘书长塞浦路斯问题特别代表居住在尼科西亚机场联合国保护区。

    The meeting will be held at the residence of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in Cyprus , in the UN-protected area of Nicosia Airport .

  13. 对土耳其而言,塞浦路斯问题不仅关乎民族荣誉,而且严重影响着土耳其的国家安全,这就决定了土耳其在该问题上的不妥协性。

    The Cyprus problem was not only a matter of national honor but also related to the national security , so Turkey would not compromise in this problem .

  14. 希土两国的关系因危机受到重大影响,而就塞浦路斯问题的双边和多边会谈则断断续续。

    Although the relation between Greece and Turkey was materially affected by the crisis , the bilateral and multilateral talks on the Cyprus problem is still off and ont .

  15. 他们当然有失风度,由于陆克文游说联合国秘书长潘基文任命唐纳作为他兼职的塞浦路斯问题特别顾问在2008年时,他从政治退休。

    They are certainly ungracious , given that Rudd lobbied UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon to appoint Downer as his part-time Special Adviser on Cyprus when he retired from politics in2008 .

  16. 塞浦路斯问题所引起的土美关系的波动,只是联盟内部因不同利益而出现的矛盾,并未从根本上动摇土美同盟关系的基础。

    The fluctuation between Turkey and America triggered by the Cyprus problem only because of different interest in the Union , which could not shake two countries ' relation basically .

  17. 土耳其和希腊关于爱琴海的争端有其历史渊源,同塞浦路斯问题等纠结在一起,致使两国长期相互对立和敌视。

    The Aegean Sea Dispute , connected with many other issues , such as the Cyprus dispute , has its deep historical origin and brings about long-term hostility between Turkey and Greece .

  18. 问:土耳其外长1月24日提出了将塞浦路斯问题提交联合国的新方案,联合国秘书长安南及美国等各方对此予以积极评价。

    Q : The Turkish Foreign Minister put forth a new action plan on January24th of referring the Cyprus dispute to the UN , to which UN Secretary General Annan and the US responded positively .

  19. 希腊与土耳其两国在历史上有着很深的矛盾。进入现代以来,两国又因为塞浦路斯问题和爱琴海争端而长期不睦,数次走到战争的边缘。

    Greek-turkey relations have been in deep contradiction for such a long time in history that stepping into new century , they were also inflicted by the Cyprus problem and Aegean Sea issues and even went into the edge of war .

  20. 但是据NPR新闻的克雷格·温德姆报道,一些分析家认为,塞浦路斯的问题可能有利于美国。

    But NPR 's Craig Windham reports some analysts believe the problems in Cyprus could be a plus for U.S. Markets .

  21. 这对土耳其来说,也是个困扰。土耳其能否加入欧盟取决于塞浦路斯统一问题的解决。

    It also poses problems for Turkey , whose membership aspirations are tied to the re-unification of Cyprus .

  22. 尽管拆除莱德拉街过境点可能只是一个象征性的行动,联合国副秘书长帕斯科认为,这是解决塞浦路斯分裂问题的一个机会。

    Even though the removal of the Ledra crossing may be just a symbolic move , U.N.Undersecretary-General Lynn Pascoe sees an opportunity to solve the division of this island .

  23. 而好消息是,虽然塞浦路斯的问题并不严重,而如果有些地方发生这种事情会更严重。

    The good news is though , the problems in Cyprus are not that big of a deal , a compared to if something like this happens , some place larger .

  24. 它肯定能够解决塞浦路斯银行的问题。

    It would have solved the problems of the Cypriot banks for sure .

  25. 还有就是土耳其没有强大的犹太人团体来保卫我们在塞浦路斯和种族灭绝问题上的权利。

    Another is Turkiye dont have a strong diaspora to defend our rights about Cyprus and genocide issues .

  26. 这架飞机得到如常的保养,离开塞浦路斯时没有任何问题。

    This plane received maintenance as usual and left Cyprus without any problems .

  27. 一次援助价值数十亿,我们今天的节目从这次援助开始。你好,我是卡尔·阿祖兹,上周,我们报道了岛国塞浦路斯金融危机的问题。

    A bailout worth billions , that the story that leads off today 's show . Hello , I 'm Carl Azuz , last week , we reported on a problem , the financial crisis in the island nation of Cyprus .

  28. 克林顿星期六说,美国想在塞浦路斯明年首度担任欧盟轮值主席国前看到塞浦路斯问题获得解决。

    Clinton said Saturday the United States would like to see a Cyprus settlement before the island state is to assume the E.U. presidency for the first time next year .

  29. 联合国驻塞浦路斯维和部队的发言人迪亚兹说,事情正向正确的方向发展。他希望,两个社区能在塞浦路斯问题上尽快取得进展。

    UNFICYP spokesperson Jose Luis Diaz says the events are a step in the right direction and he is hopeful progress between the two communities on the Cyprus problem can be made soon .