
  • 网络Secnidazole;SNZ
  1. HPLC法测定塞克硝唑的含量及有关物质

    Determination of secnidazole and its related substances by HPLC

  2. 目的观察塞克硝唑(secnidazole,SNZ)体内外抗厌氧菌的活性。

    OBJECTIVE To observe the anti anaerobic activities of secnidazole ( SNZ ) in vitro and in vivo .

  3. 结论:单次应用塞克硝唑阴道泡腾片,最大剂量至750mg,多次用药250mg·d~(-1)比较安全、耐受性较好。

    CONCLUSION : Single-dose up to the maximum dosage of 750 mg and multi-dose of 250 mg · d ~ ( - 1 ) secnidazole vagina effervescent tablets are safe and tolerable .

  4. 注射用塞克硝唑小鼠及犬急性毒性试验

    Acute Toxicity of Secnidazole for Injection in Mice and Dogs

  5. 塞克硝唑注射液与几种常用输液配伍的稳定性

    Compatibility of secnidazole injection in four kinds of intravenous transfusion

  6. 目的研究塞克硝唑胶囊在健康志愿者中的生物等效性。

    Objective To study the bioequivalence of secnidazole capsule in healthy volunteers .

  7. 塞克硝唑片治疗细菌性阴道病的临床分析

    Clinical evaluation of secnidazole tablet in treatment of bacterial vaginosis

  8. 目的建立塞克硝唑注射液中细菌内毒素定量分析的方法。

    OBJECTIVE To establish a method for monitoring bacterial endotoxins of secnidazole injection .

  9. 国产塞克硝唑片剂与胶囊剂的生物利用度研究

    Study on bioavailability of domestic secnidazole tablet / capsule

  10. 塞克硝唑苯甲酸酯体外抗阴道毛滴虫作用的研究

    In Vitro Effect of Secnidazole Benzoate on Trichomonas vaginalis

  11. 结论口服塞克硝唑片治疗滴虫阴道炎安全、有效。

    Conclusion Secnidazole tablet is effect and safe in the treatment of trichomonal vaginitis .

  12. 塞克硝唑口腔膜剂的制备与质量控制

    Preparation and Quality Control of Secnidazole Stomatic Membranes

  13. 塞克硝唑片与替硝唑片治疗滴虫阴道炎临床疗效比较

    Clinical Effect of Secnidazole Tablet and Tinidazole Tablet in The Treatment of Trichomonal Vaginitis

  14. 塞克硝唑注射液中细菌内毒素的定量检测研究

    Test & Measurement Measurement of bacterial endotoxin in secnidazole injection by kinetic turbidimetric method

  15. 塞克硝唑局部用药治疗牙周炎的临床研究

    Clinical trial of secnidazole in treatment of peridontitis

  16. 塞克硝唑片治疗滴虫阴道炎随机双盲双模拟临床研究

    Double-blind double-simulate randomized controlled clinical trial on secnidazole tablet in the treatment of trichomonal vaginitis

  17. 塞克硝唑的药理及临床应用

    Pharmacological action and clinical application of secnidazole

  18. 塞克硝唑胶囊健康人体生物等效性研究

    Bioequivalent study of secnidazole in healthy volunteers

  19. 评价口服塞克硝唑片治疗滴虫阴道炎的有效性和安全性。

    Objective To evaluate the efficacy and safety of secnidazole tablet in treatment of trichomonal vaginitis .

  20. 塞克硝唑1/2水合物的研究

    Study of secnidazole hemihydrate

  21. 羟烷基化反应是制备塞克硝唑,奥硝唑等硝基咪唑类药物的关键步骤。

    N hydroxylalkylation of nitro imidazoles is a key procedure in preparing medicines such as secnidazole and ornidazole .

  22. 目的:评价国产塞克硝唑片、塞克硝唑胶囊与进口塞克硝唑片的人体生物等效性。

    OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the bioequivalence of domestic secnidazole tablet , capsule and imported secnidazole tablet in healthy volunteers .

  23. 结论塞克硝唑阴道泡腾片的制备工艺方便、科学,建立的含量测定方法简便、可靠。

    CONCLUSIONS The preparation of Secnidazole effervescent tablets is convenient and feasible . The established UV-vis is convenient and precise .

  24. 塞克硝唑苯甲酸酯是塞克硝唑的前药,本文主要对塞克硝唑苯甲酸酯的药理活性进行研究。

    Secnidazole benzoate is a former drug of secnidazole , this paper mainly study on the pharmacological activity of secnidazole benzoate .

  25. 此外,尚研究了塞克硝唑苯甲酸酯-β-环糊精包合物的制备工艺,并对包合物进行了表征。

    In addition , this paper also research the preparation of secnidazole benzoate - β - cyclodextrin inclusion complexes , which has been characterized .

  26. 结果:塞克硝唑凝胶剂平均回收率99.9%,RSD0.206%。

    Results : The gel prepared was even and stable , with an average rate of recovery of 99.9 % ( RSD 0.206 % ) .

  27. 通过比较对塞克硝唑不同的合成路线,选择了一条适合工业化生产塞克硝唑的路线。

    A route suitable for industrial production of secnidazole was improved , in which boron trifluoride etherate was used in replacing sulfuric acid as the catalyst .

  28. 方法:应用聚羧乙烯941作辅料制备塞克硝唑凝胶剂,用一阶导数分光光度法测定凝胶剂中塞克硝唑的含量;

    Method : Carboxyvinyl polymer 941 as the excipient in the preparation of the gel , and first order derivative spectrophotometry was used in the content determination of the gel .

  29. 塞克硝唑片组实验室检查异常发生率为0.00%,替硝唑片组实验室检查异常发生率为2.08%,两组之间比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。

    The rates of abnormal results of laboratory test were 0.00 % in trial group and 2.08 % in control group . There were no significant differences between two groups in safety ( P > 0.05 ) .

  30. 结果塞克硝唑注射液的2倍稀释液用动态浊度法定量检测时已无干扰,内毒素回收率在50%-200%范围内,样品检查结果与家兔法一致。

    RESULTS When the sample was diluted to 2 times , interference function did not occur , and the endotoxin recovery was 50 % - 200 % . The results of sample test kept in line with that of the rabbit pyrogen test method to secnidazole injection .