
shí èr zhǐ chánɡ yán
  • duodenitis
  1. 反流性食管炎及十二指肠炎检出率男性高于女性(P0.05)。

    Reflux esophagitis and duodenitis detection rate in males than in females ( P0.05 ) .

  2. 提示慢性十二指肠炎多伴有Hp感染,且Hp阳性率与炎症程度密切相关。

    We concluded that chronic duodenitis has correlation with Hp infection and the positive rate of Hp is proportional to the degree of inflammation .

  3. 61例慢性活动性十二指肠炎中伴有浅表糜烂45例。均明显高于同期球部正常及慢性十二指肠炎标本(P均0001)。

    All these detection rates were much higher than those of the specimens collected during the same period with normal duodenal bulb and chronic duodenitis ( P0.001 ) .

  4. 表明CP与消化性溃疡、慢性胃炎及十二指肠炎关系密切。

    Our study suggests a close relation between peptic ulcer , chronic gastritis , duodenitis and CP.

  5. 结果148例慢性十二指肠炎中98例,Hp阳性(66.21%),显著高于正常对照组(4%)。

    The results showed that the incidence of Hp infection in patients with chronic duodenitis was 66.21 % , which was significantly higher than that in controls ( 4 % ) .

  6. 目的:探讨非特异性十二指肠炎(NSD)的病变程度、分级方法及其与十二指肠溃疡病间的关系。

    Objective : To investigate extent of lesion , grading criteria of nonspecific duodenitis ( NSD ) and their association with duodenal ulceration .

  7. 25例患有各种胃炎或十二指肠炎者(男11,女14;年龄33±SD8yr),应用硝苯啶10mg,舌下含用,比较其餐后与含药5min后之胃电图变化。

    Nifedipine 10 mg was given sublingually to 25 patients ( 11 M , 14 F ; age 33 + SD8yr ) of chiefly gastritis .

  8. 活动性十二指肠炎54例,除慢性炎性细胞外,黏膜层及固有层内还有不同程度的中性粒细胞浸润,伴Brunner腺增生51例,胃型上皮化生59例。

    While in active duodenitis , there was neutrophilic granulocytes infiltration . There were 51 cases of Brunner 's gland hyperplasia and 59 cases of gastric epithelial metaplasia .

  9. 目的和方法:为探讨幽门螺杆菌(Hp)感染与原发性十二指肠炎(PDI)的关系,对148例PDI、100例正常对照者十二指肠粘膜活检标本用Warthin-Starry银染色检测Hp感染情况。

    Aim and method : In order to assess relationship between Hp infection and primary duodenitis ( PDI ) , the Hp infection in duodenal biopsy specimens were detected by Warthin-Starry staining in 148 cases with PDI and 100 normal controls .

  10. 胃十二指肠炎、消化性溃疡则以脾胃虚弱(寒)证为高,消化性溃疡中胃络瘀阻证的检出率亦较高。

    Digestibility ulcer has high incidence with blood stasis syndrome too .

  11. 原发性十二指肠炎的临床和病理研究&附156例资料分析

    Clinicopathologic Study on Primary Duodenitis , Analysis of 156 Cases

  12. 慢性十二指肠炎固有膜炎细胞计数、免疫荧光研究

    Study of Chronic Duodenitis with Inflammatory Cells Counts of Lamina Propria and Immunofluorescence Identification

  13. 单纯性十二指肠炎51例分析

    Analysis of 51 cases of simple duodenitis

  14. 分析还表明,慢性胃炎与十二指肠炎和消化性溃疡关系密切。

    The analysis also shows that chronic gastritis closely relates to duodenitis and digestive gastric ulcer .

  15. 他渐渐了解到我曾经住在贫民窟,而且还在受着十二指肠炎的痛苦。

    He came to know that I was living in a slum , suffering from duodenal ulcers .

  16. 结果疾病检出率为93.3%,其中以十二指肠炎、浅表性胃炎、消化性溃疡检出率最高;

    Results The incidence of upper digestive tract disease was 93.3 % . The occurrence of duodenitis and superficial gastritis , upper digestive ulcer were more common among them .

  17. 为探讨内镜检查小儿胃十二指肠炎的准确性,将242例有上消化道症状的患儿内镜下诊断和粘膜组织病理学检查做对照比较。

    To study the accuracy of endoscopy in diagnosis of gastroduodenitis in children , the author compared the endoscopic and pathological findings in 242 children with upper digestive tract symptoms .

  18. 例胃脘痛患儿中,以慢性浅表性胃炎(46.0%)、十二指肠炎(31.9%)为主,溃疡患儿所占比例最小(9.7%)。

    Most of the113 children suffered from chronic superficial gastritis ( CSG , 46.0 % ) and duodenitis ( DI , 31.9 % ), and the rate of the children who suffered from stomach ulcer ( 9.7 % ) was the least .

  19. 病理诊断为慢性活动性十二指肠炎61例,慢性十二指肠炎50例,嗜酸性十二指肠炎6例。

    Sixty-one cases were pathologically diagnosed as chronic active duodenitis , superficial erosion in 45 ; chronic duodenitis in 50 ; eosinophilic duodenitis in 6 . Detection rate of Hp in gastric antrum was 58 % ( 68 / 117 ) of all cases .

  20. 结果:霉菌性上消化道炎41例中,食管炎28例,胃炎4例,十二指肠炎9例,内镜主要表现是散在糜烂及白斑,目前常用的抗霉菌类药疗效较好。

    Results : There were many symptoms of upper gastrointestinal tract that were not instinctive in the 41 patients ( 28 esophagitis , 4 gastritis , 9 duodenitis ) . The common endoscopic signs were diffuse leukoplakia or erosion and currently used anti fungus drugs were effective .

  21. 十二指肠球炎与胃泌酸量及血清胃泌素、血清胰泌素关系的探讨

    Discussion of the relation between duodenitis and serum gastrin , serum secretin and gastric acid level

  22. 200例十二指肠球炎钡餐与胃镜检查对照分析

    Comparison of the results between routine barium meal and gastrofiberscopy in 200 cases of bulb duodenitis

  23. 超声未发现结石的患者中,十二指肠乳头炎发生率为37.9%(11/29)。

    The rate of duodenal papillitis in non-biliary patients was 37.9 % ( 11 / 29 ) .

  24. 检测了11例十二指肠球炎患者的胃泌酸量及血清胃泌素、血清胰泌素的含量。并以健康人及十二指肠球部溃疡患者对照。

    The level of serum gastrin , serum secretin and gastric acid were measured in 11 patients with duodenitis and in the control groups , the control groups included healthy control and duodenal ulcer control .

  25. 结果:本组肝内胆管结石8例,肝外胆管结石9例,胆管狭窄4例,十二指肠乳头炎3例,胆囊管残留过长2例,残株胆囊炎2例,分别采用外科手术治疗;

    Results : In this group there were respectively 8 calculi of intrahepatic duct , 9 calculi of extrahepatic duct , 4 stenosis of bile duct , 3 duodenal papillitis , 2 excess residual cystic duct and 2 stubble cholecystitis , which were managed surgically .

  26. 青年组以胃炎占首位,依次为十二指肠溃疡、十二指肠炎。

    Gastritis , duodenal ulcer and duodenitis were in the turn in younger-aged group .

  27. 目的比较研究学龄儿童胃十二指肠溃疡、胃十二指肠炎和浅表性胃炎的个性特征。

    Objective A comparative study was designed to explore personality of gastroduodenal ulcer , inflammation and shallow gastritis in school children .