
  1. 过去十年的教训在于,只要合适的技术、资本和法律框架到位,石油和天然气将会源源不断地被生产出来。

    The lesson of the past decade is that so long as the right technology , capital and legal frameworks are in place , oil and gas will flow .

  2. 研究这十年的历史教训,对于我们同样是富有教益的,正如恩格斯所说,伟大的民族正如伟大的阶级那样,从无论什么学习都不如从错误的后果中学习来得快。

    From the ten year 's history , we can learn much , just as Engels says : the great nation as the great class can learn much faster from whatever rather than from the result of mistakes .

  3. 毫无疑问,如果说过去十年带给我们任何教训的话,那就是当心简明易懂的事情。

    Surely if we have learnt anything during the past decade it is to beware of simplicities .