
yě zhù
  • smelt metal and cast utensils
  • smelting and founding
冶铸 [yě zhù]
  • [smelt metal and cast utensils] 金属的冶炼铸造

  1. 贵州古代青铜冶铸工艺技术研究

    Research on the Technology for Smelting and Founding Bronze in Ancient China

  2. 冶铸轧批量计划与调度是钢铁企业MES的核心环节。

    The planning and scheduling system for the batch process of steelmaking , continuous casting and hot rolling ( SM-CC-HR ) is the key issue of MES system in iron and steel industry .

  3. 冶铸轧一体化生产调度方法的探讨

    Research of scheduling method of integrated steelmaking casting rolling production system

  4. 中国是世界上最早发明青铜冶铸技术的文明古国之一。

    China is one of the ancient civilized countries that invented bronze founding .

  5. 中国青铜冶铸技术发展对铜鼓的影响

    The Influence of the Smelting and Casting Technology 's Development of Chinese Bronze on Timbal

  6. 中国古代青铜冶铸技术

    Bronze smelting technique in ancient China

  7. 所以,铁匠、铜匠、银匠与冶铸业均尊老子&太上老君为祖师。

    Therefore , blacksmith , coppersmith , silversmith and metallurgy industry are respected Lao Tzu-Lao for the founder .

  8. 春秋冶铸材料公司愿与新老客户携手合作,共创辉煌!

    Chunqiu metallurgy materials company is willing to work with new and old customers work together to create brilliant !

  9. 论吴文化冶铸(上篇)&吴国青铜器铸造与地方特色

    On Bronze Founding in Wu Culture ( First Part ) & Founding of the Wu Kingdom and its Local Features

  10. 由近年的考古成果证明,在原始社会末期便已使用了铜器,不但历史悠久,而且创造了许多世界闻名的铜冶铸技术成就。

    The archaeological achievements in recent years have proved that in the last stage of the primitive society bronze wares were in use .

  11. 制作青铜容器必须掌握多块合范的工艺,所以青铜容器的出现,标志着青铜冶铸技术步入了成熟阶段。

    Several dies had to be used to produce a bronze vessel with , indicating that the bronze casting technology was quite sophisticated .

  12. 阳城犁镜的生产沿用木炭竖炉炼铁、铁范铸造等古代生铁冶铸技术,是一项实用的优良传统生产工艺。

    The prodution techniques of Yangcheng mouldboard were practical and excellent , and it incarnated the techniques of iron-smelting with blast furnace and pig-iron mould casting in ancient China .

  13. 东晋时期,青瓷、铜铁冶铸工艺,特别是金银饰品工艺,已形成较强的地方特色。

    During the Eastern Jin Dynasty , celadon , iron metallurgy technology , in particular gold and silver jewelry process has been the formation of a strong local flavor .

  14. 已经较好掌握了高温液体还原法的生铁冶铸技术,能锻打出用于剑身的高碳钢。

    Having mastered the casting technique of pig iron , in which high temperature water was used to deoxidize iron , handicraftsmen could forge high-carbonic steel applied to swords .

  15. 基于并行策略的冶铸轧一体化组批模型及算法

    The SV and CO of the treatment group B increased in 5 minutes , which wa Model and Algorithm of Integrative Batch Planning Based on Parallel Strategy for Steelmaking-continuous Casting-hot Rolling

  16. 新石器时代先民们创造的制陶技术,从制陶材料、器物造型、烘烤烧制、陶窑建造、烧陶温度和气氛,都为冶铸技术的起源提供了直接的技术借鉴。

    The original smelting and casting technologies were benefited directly from the pottery-making technique , including raw materials , artifact forming , heating and firing , kiln constructing , temperature and atmosphere inside the kiln .

  17. 而晋城市南村镇南马匠村依靠其传统手工艺技术经验,在冶铸业领域大胆改革,不断发展创新,促使其民营经济发展迅速。

    The South Carpenter Village , Jincheng City Southern towns rely on their technical experience in traditional arts and crafts , bold reform in the smelting area , and continuously developed to promote the development of the private economy .

  18. 通过中国青铜冶炼技术及铸造技术的发展情况来阐述技术的发展对铜鼓铸造的影响,说明了长盛不衰的铜鼓是以先进的冶铸技术为载体,并体现着先进的青铜冶铸技术在南方的延续。

    This paper discusses the influence of the smelting and casting technology 's development of Chinese bronze on timbal , then points out the timbal of south china is based on and embodies the advanced bronze technology in central plains .

  19. 本文总结了近年来我国冶铸工作者研制的生产锤头新型抗磨铸钢材料,综述了低合金钢、中锰铸钢、新型高锰钢、高碳铬镍钼合金钢和高铬合金钢的生产工艺及方法。

    New wear resistant steel casting of hammer developed by foundry recently has been summa rized . The production technologies of low-alloy steel , medium manganese steel , new high manganese steel , high carbon Cr-Ni-Mo steel and high chrome steel have been summarized .

  20. 但同时,过分重视冶铸业,而忽视政治、社会和文化建设,这不仅使得本村整体发展不平衡、不健康,也有背新农村建设的宗旨。

    But , at the same time , that too much emphasis on smelting and the neglect of the political , social and cultural construction , not only makes the overall development of the village unbalanced , unhealthy , but also the back of new rural construction purpose .