
  • 网络Smelting time;duration of heat
  1. 应用结果表明,每只氧枪炼钢的炉数达到486炉,电弧炉炉壳寿命提高28炉,每炉钢冶炼时间缩短8min。

    The application results showed that the heat number of steelmaking by each lance was up to 486 heats , the life of arc furnace wall increased by 28 heats , tap to tap time decreased by 8 min.

  2. 不需要化渣过程,可大缩短冶炼时间。

    No need slagging time can shorten melting time greatly .

  3. 这大大缩短了一炉钢的冶炼时间。

    This resulted in greatly reducing the time of a single heat .

  4. 能够保证质量并将冶炼时间大大缩短。

    All this can guarantee the quality and sharply shorten the duration of heating .

  5. 试验结果证明,电耗大幅度降低,冶炼时间显著缩短。

    The results of industrial test show that both electricity consumption and the time of melting are reduced remarkably .

  6. 碱性炉衬的粘渣,使中频炉冶炼时间延长,吨钢电耗增加,炉衬寿命缩短。

    The slag sticking of basic lining of medium frequency furnace makes melting time and specific electric consumption be increased , lining life shortened .

  7. 2002年10月,电炉采用铁水热装,冶炼时间进一步缩短,冶炼电耗大幅降低,电炉实现了高效生产,并有利于重点品种质量不断提高的需要。

    In September 2002 , hot metal charging in EAF reduce electric energy consumption maximum , cut tap to tap time more and achieve high steel quality .

  8. 结果表明,若找到合适的配料比、用电制度及冶炼时间,则可进一步降低原料消耗和生产成本。

    The result shows , if proper charge ratio , power condition and smelting time can be fined , material consumption and productive cost can be further decreased .

  9. 由于泡沫渣埋弧,使电耗下降、炉衬寿命提高、冶炼时间减少、还原期炉渣脱氧剂消耗下降。

    Because of arcs submerged by foamslag , less electric energy , lower slag deoxidizer consumption , longer life of lining and shorter heat time have been achieved .

  10. 计算得到的冷却水进出口温差随冶炼时间的变化与现场实测结果吻合,进一步验证了所建模型和参数选择的合理性。

    Temperature difference of cooling water between inlet and outlet from calculation is in good agreement with measured data and this validates the rationality of model and parameter .

  11. 自投产以来,钢质量逐步提高,电耗、电极耗却逐年下降,冶炼时间逐年缩短。

    The product quality is improved , and power consumption , electrode consumption and tapping to tapping time are reduced yearly since the production line put in operation .

  12. 具体的研究内容包括:一、研究了碳热还原赤泥提取硅铁合金和合成铝酸钙的工艺因素,主要探讨焦炭粒度、原料二元碱度、焦炭配量和冶炼时间四个因素。

    Four technological factors such as coke size , basicity , addition of coke and smelting time were discussed in the carbothermic reduction of red mud obtaining ferro-silicon alloy and calcium aluminate .

  13. 研究了铝热(铝灰)还原赤泥提取硅铁合金和合成铝酸钙的工艺因素,主要探讨了铝灰配量、原料碱度和冶炼时间三个因素。

    Three technological factors such as addition of aluminum ash , basicity and smelting time were discussed in the aluminothermic reduction ( using aluminum ash ) of red mud obtaining ferro-silicon alloy and calcium aluminate .

  14. 改后可实现无渣出钢,留钢、留渣操作,达到优化工艺,缩短冶炼时间、降低成本和提高产品质量的目的。

    Slag free , slag and steel retaining operation has been achieved since the modification , thus achieving the goal of optimizing process , reducing refining time , cutting down production cost and improving products quality .

  15. 该工艺实现了连续生产,缩短了冶炼时间,采用能源利用率更高的竖炉对原料进行加热,高温废气直接用于原料预热,都极大地提高了能源利用率。

    The process shortened the refining time , using efficient methods of energy for raw materials in the shaft furnace heating and the high-temperature flue gas preheating of raw materials , which are greatly improved energy efficiency .

  16. 结果表明,每加入10%的铁水可使冶炼时间缩短约6.7%,电耗降低5.5%。

    The results show that the power-on time can be shortened by 6 . 7 % , and power consumption can be reduced by 5 . 5 % when 10 % hot metal is charged into the EAF .

  17. 其结果氧化期脱碳速度提高71.67%,氩气消耗降低8.29m~3/t,冶炼时间缩短11.3min。

    The results show that the decarbonization rate in oxidation period is increased by 71 . 67 % . consumption of argon gas is reduced by 8.29 m3 / t , and smelting time is shortened by 11 . 3 min.

  18. 在不影响冶炼时间和电耗量的前提下,白钨精矿最佳加入量为5%w,钨的回收率约为98%,经济效益和社会效益显著。

    Results show that the optimum addition weight of scheelite is 5 % W , the yield of tungsten is about 98 % and the economic and social benefit are obvious on the premise of having no influence on heat time and power consumption .

  19. 电弧炉电极调节系统对提高电弧炉输入功率、降低能耗、缩短冶炼时间具有重要的作用,因此电极的升降控制方法成为电弧炉控制系统中的主要研究对象。

    The electrode regulating system plays an important role in improving electric power inputted to the furnace ; reducing the cost of power consumption and shorting the duration of heating . So the control methods of electrode position become the primary research object of EAF control system .

  20. 本实用新型与老式坩埚相比,容量大,冶炼加温时间短,操作简单。

    Compared with the existing crucible , the utility model has the advantages of large capacity , short time for smelting and heating and simple operation .

  21. 通过喷煤设备技术改造,优化高炉操作,强化冶炼,短时间内实现了高炉利用系数2.8t/m3.d以上和最低入炉焦比315kg/t。

    Through the technological transformations of the coal injection facilities , optimizing the blast furnace operation and strengthening smelting , the productivity reaches 2.8t / m3 . d above and the lowest charge coke ratio is 315kg / t.

  22. 实验证明,采用提高冶炼温度和延长冶炼时间,在电弧炉中冶炼高B6.5C相碳化硼粉是可行的。

    The tests show that it is practical for producing rich B_ ( 6.5 ) C boron carbide powder by means of raising smelting temperature and prolonging smelting time in an electric arc furnace .

  23. 生产实践表明:铁水装入量在31.8%时,效果最好,冶炼电耗达到325.4kW·h/t,冶炼时间达到4.9min/t。

    Production results show , when the amount of hot metal charged is 31 . 8 % , the electric energy consumption is 325 . 4 kW · h / t , smelting time is 4 . 9 min / t.

  24. 与传统的冶炼工艺相比,该技术具有冶炼时间短、炉衬使用寿命长及电耗低等优点,极具推广价值。

    Compare with the traditional smelt technology , it has some advantages , such as : smelt take less times the lining can be used longer ; take less electricity and so on , so it has value of spread .

  25. 介绍了30t普通功率电弧炉热装60%铁水冶炼技术,分析了铁水热装比对冶炼时间和电耗及氧耗的影响、供氧强度与脱碳速度和冶炼时间的关系。

    The steelmaking technology with charging 60 % hot metal into 30 t EAF of regular power is introduced . Effect of hot metal charging rate on EAF refining time and power consumption as well as oxygen consumption is described .