
  • 网络metallurgical coke;metallurgieal Coke
  1. 提高冶金焦质量和合理利用炼焦煤资源

    The quality of metallurgical coke and the rational utilization of coking coal

  2. 对现行冶金焦质量标准的分析及建议

    Analysis to present quality standard for metallurgical coke and suggestion

  3. 在1800kVA敞口电炉上采用自焙电极和粉矿入炉方式,用冶金焦还原钛精矿获得TiO2为76.76%的酸溶钛渣。

    A kind of acidic titania slag which TiO_2 equals to 76.76 % is obtained in the open furnace ( 1800kVA ) which uses baked electrode .

  4. 结焦时间对冶金焦热态性能的影响

    Effect of Carbonization Time on Hot Properties of Blast Furnace Coke

  5. 冶金焦气化反应前后光学组织的研究

    Study on Metallurgical Coke Optical Textures Before and After Gasification Reaction

  6. 冶金焦在高炉内微观结构的变化

    Change of metallurgical coke microstructure in blast furnace

  7. 冶金焦气孔率和气孔结构与热性能关系的研究

    Study on Relationship of Porosity & Pore Structure of Metallurgical Coke with Thermal Performance

  8. 冶金焦热性能测定评述及影响因素分析

    A review on measured thermal properties of metallurgical coke and Analysis on the influencing factors

  9. 铸造焦与冶金焦对铁水渗碳过程的影响金属镝冶炼过程中杂质行为及其控制方法

    Influence of foundry coke and metallurgical coke on hot metal carburization impurities behavior and control in Dy metallurgy

  10. 冶金焦的生产是把炼焦煤粉(含25~30的挥发物)在与空气隔绝的情况下加热。

    Metallurgical coke is produced by heating mixtures of powdered coking coal ( 25-30wt % volatile content ) in the absence of air .

  11. 焦煤优化配比是冶金焦生产厂在现有生产条件下,进一步提高焦炭质量、降低生产成本的一条有效途径。

    Optimizing blending of coking coals is a useful way of getting higher quality and lower cost of the furnace coke under existing productive conditions .

  12. 针对我国西南地区赋存的高挥发分煤的煤质特点,采用捣固炼焦工艺在实验室内进行了以生产较优质冶金焦为目标产品的配煤炼焦试验研究。

    According to characteristics of high volatile coals in southwest China , a laboratory study on producing superior quality metallurgical coke with stamping process has been completed .

  13. 随着近年来冶金焦大幅涨价,采购也较困难,严重制约锰硅合金的生产。

    In recent years , metallurgy coke restricts the production of manganese silicon alloys severely because of its significantly raising price and the difficulty of its purchase .

  14. 焦炭是炼铁的重要原料。冶金焦为矿石的还原和熔炼提供大部分还原煤气和热。

    Coke is a major material for the production of iron . Metallurgical coke supplies most of the reducing gas and heat for ore reduction and smelting .

  15. 热压焦在我国有长期的试验实践基础,可作为我国下一代低灰冶金焦生产技术的首选工艺;

    Formed coke process has been tested for a long time in China , so it could be selected firstly as the next-generation process for low-ash-content metallurgical coke production .

  16. 研究表明:废塑料与煤共焦化所得焦炭冶金焦率和焦炭质量降低明显,且随着废塑料添加比例增加,所得焦炭质量劣化程度整体加大;

    The results showed that the yield of metallurgical coke decreased obviously and at the same time , the quality of coke also decreased with the increasing of percentages of waste plastics added .

  17. 与配粘结剂前相比,冶金焦冷强度、热性能指标得到大幅改善,取得了提高焦炭质量、大幅度降低成本的效果。

    Compared with the result before binder blended , both metallurgical coke cold strength and thermal index are substantially improved , the effect of improving coke quality and substantial cost reduction are achieved .

  18. 在废轮胎粒度D<0.20mm,配比为3%时共焦化,可得到最大冶金焦率,并使焦油收率有所提高。

    The maximum yield of metallurgical coke , and a little more yield of tar could be produced from co-coking of coal with waste tire at the ratio of 3 % and less than 0.20 mm granule .

  19. 通过对我国煤炭资源、冶金焦质量现状的分析,指出了影响焦炭质量的主要因素,提出了提高焦炭质量具体的途径。

    By the analysis of coal resources and quality present situation of metallurgical coke in China , the influence of main factors on coke quality is pointed out , a specific way of improving coke quality is put forward .

  20. 采用煤预处理工艺和炼焦条件,在保证焦炭质量达到中国国家标准中规定的二级以上冶金焦指标的前提下,配煤方案的经济指标最好。

    When adopted the coal pre-treatment process and suitable coking condition , the economic index of this coal blending scheme is the best and guarantee coke quality reached to 2 grade and above of the nation metallurgical coke standard .

  21. 煤沥青焦化所生产的沥青焦主要用于生产石墨电极、阳极糊或预焙电极,亦可用于高炉降低所用冶金焦的灰分和硫分,也可作为低污染燃料使用,具有较高经济价值。

    Coke made from coal-tar pitch is used in the manufacture of graphite electrodes , anode slurry pre-roasted electrodes and open-hearth furnaces to decrease the ash and sulfur contents of metallurgical coke , and also used as low-pollution fuel . Pitch coke has high economic values .

  22. 半焦粉生产冶金型焦研究

    Study on Making Metallurgical Formed Coke by using Semi - coke Powder

  23. 弱粘结性煤生产冶金型焦的科学基础(连载1)

    Scientific basis for making metallurgical formed coke from weakly caking coal ( part 1 )

  24. GB/T2005-1994冶金焦炭的焦末含量及筛分组成的测定方法

    Coke for metallurgy & Determination of coke breeze content and size consist

  25. 以气代焦天然气与冶金市场双赢铸造焦与冶金焦对铁水渗碳过程的影响

    Replacing coke with GAS-A way beneficial to both natural gas market and metallurgic one ; influence of foundry coke and metallurgical coke on hot metal carburization