- Smelter;metallurgical plant

Study on composite contamination of PM_ ( 2.5 ) in aerosol of metallurgical plant
Conclusion On the existing condition of existing dedust equipment , the compound contamination in aerosol of metallurgical plant were multiple kinds of heavy metals , acidic oxide and tens of kinds of organic contaminations ( hydroxybenzene and PAHs ), and their radius ≤ 1.1 μ m.
Operation of LD electrostatic precipitator in Northern Copper Company Smelter
The Current Investigation , Polluting Fore-warning and Comprehensive Management of the Element Cd in the Soil Condition around a Smelter
On Present Situation and Development of ISP Process in Shaoguan Smelter
An Investigation on Arsenic and Selenium in Paddy Soil-Rice System in the Vicinity of Metal Smelters in Zhejiang Province
Investigation of Cd contents in soils south to the Daye Smeltery revealed that farmland in that region was seriously contaminated with Cd .
Research of copper smelter automation system based on PROFIBUS
The discharge of waste gas from a nearby nonferrous metal smeltery is another cause for the Cd pollution of soil in the area .
Design and application of two level computer control system that consists of PLC and process computer for concentrate measuring and sampling in copper melting plant are described .
The SO2 from sulfuric acid production process using the waste gas of metallurgy plant is harmful to workers health .
This paper studied the Cu and Zn status in soil and rice plant as well as the soil enzyme activities in the sewage irrigation area near a smeltery .
The vegetable garden soil planted with 800m leeward to the smeltery chimney is polluted seriously .
CRU recently investigated the expansion plans of the90 smelters currently located in China .
It also made clear that the air quality would be thoroughly improved by treating lead sintering mist in Zhuzhou Smelter and overall spreading clean coal technology .
Both Rusal and Glencore have beaten a path to Jakarta with blueprints for smelters ;
Development of φ 4 m × 11.7 m Horizontal Converter in Guixi Smelter
In the article , the author introduces the steam dryer system of automatic control in DCS of Guixi Smelter secondary projection , included temperature control and negative pressure of dryer control .
Lead remained firm , with news that Doe Run is to shut its Glover smelter in December supporting the downside , with trade around $ 520 / ton seen .
This paper introduce , The Distributed Control System of the Copper Smelt Process in Yunnan Smelting Factory and discuss how expert control system , multimedia technology , communication Technology , PLC Technology be used in the industrial processes controlling .
The process has been utilized in El Paso USA since 1993 and is verified that it comes to mature .
This paper introduces the ISA electrolyzing process in Thai Copper , analyzes the current problems and compares it to the ISA process of Guixi Smelter of Jiangxi Copper Corporation .
Three trial production of QSL reactor conducted in foe Northwest Lead and Zinc Smelter is described .
The paper presents the improvements related to extension of ISP major overhaul cycle of Shaoguan Smelter by quoting relevant production statistic data and describes the modification measures taken by the smelter .
The rational CO_2 curve in ferro-manganese blast furnace and its relation with the furnace pattern as well as the effect of raw materials and operations on distribution of gas flow is discussed based on experience of twenty years practice at Langfang Smelter .
The technology has been used for desulphurization of FCCU gas , Claus tail gas , metallurgical off-gas and power station flue gas with high efficiency and good benefits .
This paper introduces the Cathode Washing and Stripping Machine by ISA Process in Thai Copper , comparison is made between those operation units in Guixi Smelter and Thai Copper .
This paper describes the Huelva Expansion Project ( HEP ), its technical aspects and development , commissioning , and previous and current operational experience at the Huelva Plant .
Through analysing an implemented communication system , the conclusion that the real-time communication based on the protocal of IPX is completely reliable is reached .
Among the more sizeable recent investments , Netherlands-based VI Holding , through its subsidiary Vimetco , a producer of aluminium products , said in the autumn of 2014 that it planned to invest $ 1bn to establish an alumina refinery in Kalimantan .