
  • 网络coarse particulate matter;coarse particulate
  1. 冬季,TSP中约76%的气溶胶是细颗粒物;而春季,TSP中50%以上的的气溶胶分布在粗颗粒物中。

    In winter , about 76 % of the aerosol in TSP were fine particules ; while more than 50 % of aerosol in TSP was coarse mode in spring .

  2. 这个读数是对细颗粒物PM2.5、较粗颗粒物PM10,以及臭氧、硫磺、碳和二氧化氮水平的汇编。

    The reading represents a compilation of fine particulate matter or PM 2.5 ; coarser particulate matter , or PM10 ; and ozone , sulphur , carbon and nitrogen dioxide levels .

  3. 河床上覆水体中溶解态磷、颗粒态磷及赋存于粗颗粒物上的磷所占比例皆随悬浮颗粒物浓度发生显著变化。

    The proportions of dissolved phosphorus , particulate phosphorus and phosphorus existing in the coarse particles in overlying water change significantly with content of SS .

  4. 结果表明,大气中颗粒物在积聚态颗粒物(0.32~1.80μm)和粗颗粒物(3.2~10.0μm)处有2个明显的峰;

    There were two obvious peaks in the places in the accumulation mode ( 0.32 ~ 1.80 μ m ) and the coarse mode ( 3.2 ~ 10.0 μ m ) atmospheric particles ;

  5. 目的研究大气中粗、细颗粒物对人双核淋巴细胞微核率的影响,探讨颗粒物的遗传毒性。

    Objective To study the effects of airborne particles exposure on the micronucleus frequency of human binucleate lymphocytes .

  6. 四城市空气粗、细颗粒物元素质量谱及富集特征

    Mass concentration and enrichment character of elements in fine or coarse particles in the air of the four cities