
  1. B超检查发现,复发组主要表现为胰腺回声粗强。

    The main manifestations of recurrent group was enhancement of pancreatic echoes B-Ultrasonic .

  2. 干热河谷的土壤特征表现为土层浅薄、土壤结构差、土壤石质/粗骨性强或表土紧实、土壤干旱等。

    The soils in the region were characterized by thin layer , weak structure , gravel / fragmental composition , compacted surface and drought , etc.

  3. 细粒子中有较多的酸性污染物并比粗粒子酸性强,这些细粒子对石窟有侵蚀作用。

    The particulates have more acidic pollutants with strong acidity and have the corrodibility to grottoes .

  4. 高温大变形后的弛豫过程使组织严重粗化,强韧性明显降低。

    Relaxation process makes mechanical properties of the tested plates worse because of grain growth coursing .

  5. 粗酶具有很强的温度稳定性。

    Crude enzyme has high temperature stability .

  6. 鹅是以采食青粗饲料为主的水禽,能够充分消化和利用日粮纤维,从高纤维饲料中获得需要的养分,具有耐粗饲、抗逆性强等特点。

    The goose is the waterfowl , mainly feeding green roughage-based , able to digest dietary fiber , and to obtain needed nutrients from the high-fiber feed with roughage resistance , strong resistance and other characteristics .