
xiān lǜ
  • Bright green;viridity
鲜绿 [xiān lǜ]
  • [bright green] 鲜明的绿色

  • 鲜绿的秧苗

  1. 一保堂茶铺(IppodoTea)的经理加藤理一郎(KatoRiichiro)面前放着一个搅拌器、一个滤网和一个木勺,以及最重要的一碗鲜绿的茶粉。

    Kato Riichiro , the manager of Ippodo Tea , had before him a whisk , a sieve , a wooden spoon and , most important , a bowl of vivid green powder .

  2. 鲜绿芦笋采收分级标准的研究

    Study on Standard for Harvesting and Grading in Fresh Green Asparagus

  3. 而保险代理人的花卉则更加饱满、更加鲜绿。

    The insurance agent 's plants though , were much fuller and greener .

  4. 那一抹鲜绿的嫩芽,捎来早春的问候。

    Green buds send the greetings of early spring .

  5. 鲜绿九,我们上。

    Viridian Nine , we 're a go .

  6. 那些树叶具有从鲜绿到赤褐等深浅不同的颜色。山茱?的花骨朵儿嫩绿嫩绿的,镶着赤褐色的花边。

    The leaves had all the shades of color from vivid green to reddish brown .

  7. 新绿、嫩绿、鲜绿、翠绿,满眼的绿色呀,温柔着我们的视线。

    The new green , green , green , green eyeful Yes , gentle with our line of sight .

  8. 手忙脚乱中,珠子又跌落了下来,滚得到处都是,在晨光中,鲜绿鲜绿的。

    In the panic of the moment she dropped her beads and , bright green in the morning sunlight , they rolled everywhere .

  9. 叶色不同程度的反常是很容易识别的。那些树叶具有从鲜绿到赤褐等深浅不同的颜色。

    Different foliage colour deviants are readily found . The leaves had all the shades of color from vivid green to reddish brown .

  10. 身着红色上衣坐在那里,被鲜绿的花木簇拥着,虽然是在12月,看上去她像在夏日。

    Although it was December , she looked almost summery , sitting there in her bright red jacket with the fresh green plants around her .

  11. 有谁,在死亡前就为自己做好了充分的准备,它们脱下那身鲜绿的装束,换上的金黄是为了自己生命的延续。

    Who , for his death before the well was fully prepared , they take off with her bright green outfit , put on the golden to the continuation of their lives .

  12. 花和果由于鲜艳的色彩和绿叶形成醒目的对照。那些树叶具有从鲜绿到赤褐等深浅不同的颜色。

    Flowers and fruit have been rendered conspicuous by brilliant colours in contrast with the green foliage . The leaves had all the shades of color from vivid green to reddish brown .

  13. 通过超微粉碎技术获得的绿茶粉,要求原料持嫩性好,同时叶绿素含量高,使茶粉粒度小、口感滑润,且色泽鲜绿。

    The ultramicro green tea powder grinded using superfine grinding technique requests tender raw materials with high level of chlorophylls , by which ultramicro green tea powder with characteristics of small size particles , smooth taste and bright green colour can be prepared .

  14. 女王穿了带有淡紫色印花和装饰的鲜柠绿和柠黄色的斯图尔特·帕文(StewartParvin)套装。

    and the queen , in bright lime green and lemon Stewart Parvin with a lilac print and trim .

  15. 当土壤中有绿磺隆残留时,作保灵5‰拌种能够保护大豆的株高和鲜重免受绿磺隆的影响。

    When chlorsulfuron residue in soil , TNA was applied at the rate of 5g / kg seed it prevents decrease of plant hight and fresh weight of soybean from injury of chlorsulfuron .

  16. 用核桃鲜叶制做的系列产品,茶叶成形好,茶汤鲜绿、透明,味纯正,维生素C含量为475.2mg/100g茶叶;

    Among the series of prod-ucts made from fresh walnut leaves , tea is characterized with good pattern , transparancy and fresh green colour , pure taste and rich vitamin C ( 475 . 2mg / 100g );