
  • 网络Shrimp;Prawn;FRESH PRAWN
  1. 我们的海鲜很新鲜。我推荐大蒜鲜虾。

    Our seafood is fresh . I recommend shrimp with garlic .

  2. 什么是鲜虾沙拉?里面有胡萝卜吗?

    What is the shrimp salad ? Does it contain carrot ?

  3. 我们来看一下这种康师傅鲜虾鱼板面。

    Let 's check out this Master Kong Seafood instant noodle !

  4. 先生,它是用磨碎的鲜虾做成的。

    Waiter : It 's made from ground fresh shrimps , sir .

  5. A啊,是用酒和酱油浸泡的鲜虾。

    A Ah , that 's fresh shrimps in an wine sauce .

  6. 以及给赌鬼的鲜虾沙拉

    and a shrimp salad for the gamblin ' man .

  7. 我点的是咖哩鲜虾,不是咖哩牛肉!

    I ordered a Shrimp Curry , not Beef Curry !

  8. 美味沙拉配鹅肝,鲜虾,火腿,洋蓟和蘑菇。

    Gourmet salad with goose liver and shrimps shaves of Parma ham .

  9. 如果搞不到鲜虾,就用冻虾好了。

    Use if you can not get fresh one .

  10. 工薪族们聚到路边小铺,吃点儿面条、粥和鲜虾。

    Professionals gather at a roadside kitchen for noodles , congee and shrimp .

  11. 这款泡面的乳感并不是真正的乳制品、而是鲜虾熬煮出来的奶油色汤汁。

    The creaminess is not of dairy but a cream-like color from boiling shrimp .

  12. 我很喜欢鲜虾泡芙。

    I really like the shrimp puffs .

  13. 康师傅鲜虾鱼板面

    Master Kong Artificial Seafood Flavor Instant Noodle

  14. 那是一种有鲜虾,并伴以黄瓜片、、铃薯丁的沙拉。

    It is a salad with fresh shrimps , cucumber slices , eggs , and diced potato .

  15. 推荐客家酿豆腐、鲜虾芙蓉蒸蛋、虾饺等。

    Recommended dishes include Hakka style brewed bean curd , steamed egg with shrimp , and shrimp dumpling .

  16. 如果还吃不够,他们还有值得一吃碗装?怡保式鲜虾河粉。

    If that 's not enough , they also serve a slurp-worthy bowl of Ipoh-style prawn hor fun .

  17. 它里面有鲜虾,并拌以黄瓜片、蛋、马铃薯丁。

    W : It is a salad with fresh shrimps , cucumber slices , eggs , and diced potato .

  18. 原料:自发粉或面粉+酵粉,牛奶,黄油,玛苏里拉奶酪,各种蔬菜,肉类,鲜虾及橄榄油。

    Materials : flour , milk , butter , mozzarella , vegetables , meat , shrimp and olive oil .

  19. 拉斯维加斯头脑灵活的酒店老板们能迅速用沙拉鲜虾汤来替代牛里脊肉,也几乎能用同样的速度掏空你的钱包。

    Las Vegas 's nimble hoteliers can replace filet mignon with shrimp cocktail almost as quickly as they can take your money .

  20. 鲜虾去壳去肠,用盐略擦去潺,再冲洗净抹乾,后拌入调味料。

    Shell prawns , devein and rub with salt to remove slime , rinse and pat dry , then mix with the seasoning .

  21. 秋葵汤通常是采用贝类海鲜例如蛤蜊和鲜虾,但是我用的是鸡肉,因为我觉得这样更方便做。

    Gumbo is usually made with shellfish such as clams and shrimp , but I make it with chicken because I find it 's easier to cook .

  22. 冬令佳品,涮羊肉。好的。这里的涮羊肉,涮牛肉,鸡肉火锅,鲜虾火锅及其它海鲜火锅。

    Instant-Boiled mutton slices is a fine food in winter . yes , you can have a choice of lamb , beef , chicken , shrimp or other seafood .

  23. 好的。这里的涮羊肉,涮牛肉,鸡肉火锅,鲜虾火锅及其它海鲜火锅。复合生物保鲜剂对冷却羊肉保鲜效果的研究

    Yes , you can have a choice of lamb , beef , chicken , shrimp or other seafood . Study on Preservation Effect of Composite Natural Preservatives to Chilled Mutton

  24. 一份铁扒鱼片,一份炙鹌鹑,一份洋葱牛排,一份法式调料拌的鲜虾沙拉,一杯啤酒和一杯咖啡。

    A Slice Crilled Fish , a Broiled Quail , a Steak with Onion , a Shrimp Salad with French dressing , a glass of beer and a cup of coffee .

  25. 鲜虾既可烹饪成各种美味佳肴,又可制作成虾米和明虾干等各种海味品。

    Fresh shrimp not only can be cooked into a variety of delicious dishes , but also can be made into ' the sun-dried shelled shrimp ' and ' the dried shrimps ' and so on .

  26. 赫勒福德牛在英格兰养的一种肉用牛,通体淡红,有白色斑纹好的。这里的涮羊肉,涮牛肉,鸡肉火锅,鲜虾火锅及其它海鲜火锅。

    Any of a breed of beef cattle developed in England and having a reddish coat with white markings . yes , you can have a choice of lamb , beef , chicken , shrimp or other seafood .

  27. 而在食品方面,百事公司推出了中国本地口味的桂格燕麦麦片以及专为中国市场设计的清凉黄瓜味和鲜脆虾味乐事薯片。

    On the food side , the company offers Quaker oat cereal in local flavors and Lay 's potato chips in flavors designed specifically for the Chinese market , such as cool cucumber and crispy prawn .