
  • 网络Kite surfing;Kitesurfing;kiteboarding
  1. 近来,他又开始尝试新的极限运动-风筝冲浪,在这项运动中,冲浪者依靠一个大的风筝掌舵来拉着自己横越水面。

    Recently , he has been testing new limits with the sport of kite surfing , in which a surfer holds onto a large kite to steer and pull himself across the water .

  2. 最近发生的几起事件,让我思考到是不是我们哪里没做好还是要如何做,可以让风筝冲浪客以及去海边玩的民众都可以更安全一点。

    Recent events have made me think about what we are doing wrong and what can be done to change the situation making kite surfing safer for the local surfers and the public using the beaches .

  3. 布洛克胡斯的居民还惊喜地发现,沙堡上融入了本地的特色,比如海滨别墅和灯塔,还刻画了当地流行的活动,比如风帆冲浪和风筝冲浪。

    Blokhus residents have been delighted to see local features incorporated into the sandcastle , such as beach houses and lighthouses , as well as depictions of popular activities such as windsurfing and kitesurfing .

  4. 不过,Hanke想象中的信息内容要广泛地多,包括有最好的潜水点和风筝冲浪区。

    Hanke envisions much broader information , though , including consumer-oriented material such as the best dive spots and kite-surfing areas .

  5. 最近的一天,在一次前往摩洛哥南部的风筝冲浪度假之行时,英国巴斯的克里斯·凯利(ChrisKelley)在那里吃了一次午餐,并且表示这个老地方的精心修复给他留下了深刻印象。

    Chris Kelley of Bath , England , stopped there one recent day for lunch on his way to a kite-surfing vacation in southern Morocco , and said he was impressed at how lovingly restored the old place was .

  6. 对于风筝冲浪者或是海边的管理人员,请禁止玩家使用脚绳。

    For kite surfer and local managers on specific beaches , BAN the use of leach line for kite surfers .

  7. 考虑到这一点,我在动身去参加年度“家庭风帆冲浪/风筝冲浪聚会”时,做了比平日更为充分的准备。

    With this in mind , I set off on the annual family windsurfing / Kiteboarding get-together better prepared than usual .

  8. 他是另一位全面健身爱好者,一位风筝冲浪者(另据一家网站介绍,他还是新西兰最令人中意的单身汉)。

    Holdsworth is another CrossFit fan , as well as a kitesurfer ( and , according to one website , New Zealand 's most eligible bachelor ) .